You're so right ... and God's plan is soooo far beyonnd our little minds... we couldn't fully phathom his plan, even if we tried.
2007-05-11 05:47:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I don't think you're thinking far enough back...Science agrees that the Universe as we know it was begun by a "Big Bang" type of occurrence. When this occurred, all types of particles were exploded into space...even if they all started out as subatomic particles, eventually they found ways to join together and form atoms of different sizes, hence forming the ELEMENTS. Then later, in an evolutionary process (as we see things progress from simple to more complex), these elements could come together and form molecules, forming all types of Matter that you can imagine.
The general requirements for life, from a molecular standpoint, are the elements of Carbon, Oxygen, and Hydrogen (b/c 2 H's and 1 O = water). Do you really think that in the ENTIRE Universe there are NO other collections of these elements, along with the right atmospheric conditions and such to give rise to Life?? Considering that our exploration of the Known Universe is VERY slight, there is a VERY good chance that Life DOES exist elsewhere...but I don't think Science would have a hard time explaining that AT ALL...just the right molecules and conditions coming together, that's all that's really necessary.
HOWEVER...why can people not accept the possibility that maybe, just maybe, it was GOD who initiated the Big Bang?? Science doesn't rule out that possibility, it just doesn't have proof to make that claim, while religious folks can simply use Faith to make that claim. And why can't people accept the possibility that God, after allowing the Big Bang to result in proper conditions and such, would allow the evolutionary process to continue, and result in a vast diversity of lifeforms?? Again, Science CANNOT rule out the possibility that God initiated all of this, that he was "behind the entire process", most scientists won't even go near that statement, b/c again, they can't PROVE it. But that doesn't mean that ALL scientists, even evolutionary biologists, would reject the idea that God had something to do with the process.
Sometimes things are not always black-and-white!! ;)
2007-05-11 12:59:09
answer #2
answered by rose-dancer 3
First,as far as life outside our planet?We can speculate,but not know. Could life form elsewhere?Most think certainly?Will it naturally evolve intelligence?That is another question entirely. It is too soon to even see on our earth if intelligence may become an evolutionary dead end. With man having the means to exterminate himself after only a few million years,the question is open right now if in the long run intelligence will be such a great factor in survival. Then,you have the problem of the EXTREME distances involved. Even if there was life,and it was intelligent,could they get here?There are so many variables one could only speculate.Lastly,if we were to find life on another planet,A big first question would be to examine if they have DNA,like us.It is possible they reproduce with another mechanism. The only thing all these conjectures might suggest is a god of the DEISM variety. It would absolutely,utterly shatter the beliefs of Christianity
2007-05-11 12:58:08
answer #3
answered by nobodinoze 5
The scientific community isn't hiding anything about aliens... every member of my family (except like 2) are scientists, and opinion varies. Most acknowledge that by sheer numerical probability there must be life on other planets.
And you don't have a solid grasp on the concept of natural selection if you think it requires a god or some intelligence behind the process. No god is needed (in fact if there were a god it would follow that animals and humans would be well-designed and not as sloppily or inefficiently arranged as we are).
As for evolution of life on other planets. It depends on what that life is like. There are a couple requirements... first and foremost there must be genetic variety in offspring. When we earthlings have kids, their height, size, appearance, hair color, etc. all varies and is random. This is the keystone for natural selection.
If life on other planets doesn't have self-replicating DNA and other protein building blocks, or if their reproduction was simply a sort of meiosis where they split in 2 and the parent and offspring are completely identical... Or if there isn't a competition for resources and life, and so on - then evolution would not occur. But if these things are present, then the principles of natural selection would affect them just as gravity affects them.
2007-05-11 12:52:23
answer #4
answered by Mike K 5
Life evolves through evolution. It might be different on another planet, but the chances are the creatures there evolved too.
The idea that something had to start everything is the Big Bang theory, which is entirely different from evolution.
What have we told you about your science book? Get back to your homework, child.
2007-05-11 12:53:31
answer #5
answered by Kharm 6
If there is life on other planets, and that life has taken forms which are altered from generation to to generation by environmental change, then there is evolution on other planets.
If life is discovered to exist on other planets that discovery does not necessarily support the idea of the existence of a deity, particularly not the deity espoused by the monotheistic religions which claim that the creation happened here on earth and that "God" stopped there.
2007-05-11 12:53:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
We will need to find life on other planets and evaluate it, but the principles of evolution should apply to anything that qualifies as life if it reproduces with a less than perfect copy of its template.
The principle that God must be behind it is just an undemonstratable supposition, of processes that could be completely naturalistic.
2007-05-11 12:59:00
answer #7
answered by novangelis 7
If God was necessary to create the universe, then what was necessary to create God?
The real question is, Do you think God invented science to fool everyone? Science proves itself, over and over again. In the material world, there's no denying science. (You are, after all, asking your questions on a computer, which exists thanks to science.) The world will be a better place when Christians (and all religious people) embrace science and turn instead toward improving and expanding the human condition.
2007-05-11 13:20:44
answer #8
answered by Solaris 1
Ever hear of the fields of astrobiology or xenobiology?
How about the Drake Equation?
The equation is usually written: N = R* à fp à ne à fl à fi à fc à L
N = The number of civilizations in The Milky Way Galaxy whose electromagnetic emissions are detectable.
R* =The rate of formation of stars suitable for the development of intelligent life.
fp = The fraction of those stars with planetary systems.
ne = The number of planets, per solar system, with an environment suitable for life.
fl = The fraction of suitable planets on which life actually appears.
fi = The fraction of life bearing planets on which intelligent life emerges.
fc = The fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space.
L = The length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space.
Chances are, there is life out there. In fact, I am certain of it. Will we ever find intelligent life? Who knows.
2007-05-11 13:07:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Makes sense to me. I think He was the big bang and then evolution took over. Yes, on other planets as well.
2007-05-11 12:47:43
answer #10
answered by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7
just because science ,as yet,doesn't have an answer,it does not mean that we have to resort to "God created it"....subjects expand with time........if you find it so hard to accept evolution,even with the mountainous evidence backing it,how in the world can you accept the notion of a divine being who "poofed" everything to existence? what evidence do you have of that? the bible? what evidence is there to say the bible is true?nothing.
2007-05-11 12:50:49
answer #11
answered by nicky 3