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6 answers

Every human soul has a guardian angel assigned to it

2007-05-11 05:42:38 · answer #1 · answered by Gods child 6 · 3 0

Yes, twice and both recently.

In January it visited the first time. I saw him after hearing something in the other room. He was wearing the clothing and body mannerisms of a very dear close friend of mine.
The angel soon vanished when I walked over; and said, "if you are not from God, please leave, in Jesus' name" but it's presence stayed.

A few weeks later, after setting a guard over the doors this angel came into a worship meeting, greeted me, and sat down. This again had the look and mannerism of my friend. I had already concluded it was his guardian angel.
The very next day; I saw this friend as I passed by and he greeted me in the exact same way, even wearing the same clothing.

Actually since then I have not seen the angel but have indeed felt it's presence.
It is a reassuring spirit.

I ahve asked this friend, btw, who doesn't have my same beliefs (I am a Christian, he is a Buddhist) and he believes it comes from feelings, "I want to come and see you but cannot. Perhaps,this spirit comes in my place" He, btw is not actually doing anything like astro projecting. And I do not believe this is an evil spirit but rather an Angel who worships the true and living God in Christ's name.

2007-05-11 05:49:30 · answer #2 · answered by karen i 5 · 0 0

Yes. Without going into detail, I have felt/seen the presence of angels. It gave me a feeling of great peace and filled me with God's love.

2007-05-11 05:50:02 · answer #3 · answered by sparty035 3 · 0 0

Many years ago before my me and my wife were married I was working in our soon to be home and I felt a very powerful evil presence.

It scared me so bad I wasn't saved at the time but I felt it come in the room. I took off out of the house and down the mountain to where my soon to be inlaws lived.

The fear and dread followed me. Half way down I ran into a very warm presence. It was a cool night in October, but that area was so warm. I could smell a fragrience I had never smelled before. Very sweet and peaceful I could not smell it enough. I am very sensitive to smells and perfumes give me a head ache. This smell did not, like the sweetest perfume ever.

The evil stopped at that point and never follow me further.
I told my mother in law she immediately thought it was an angel. Even I did not tell her about the evil I felt.

Another time after we were married I was sleeping in bed and I heard a voice at the foot of my bed tell me my sister and brother in law were going to die.

I was a sleep and this woke me up. But not wide awake but I could tell somebody was in my room standing at the foot of the bed. I asked "what" not realizeing who or what was going on. It told me that again, it called them by name and said they were going to die.

I immediately rose up afraid not because of somebody in the house but I knew in my spirit it was true. I started praying for them.

The next day while I was at work their mobile home burned down. Eye witnesses said it was completely gone in 5- 10 minutes. My sister survived she said they were just fixing to lay down and go to sleep and some reason they decicded to go to town. It burned while they were gone.

People can not make me believe there is no God.

2007-05-11 06:24:40 · answer #4 · answered by Old Hickory 6 · 1 0

yep... when i was six years old.... i was at the beach with my older brother and my mom was coming to pick us up... when i got to the parking lot i saw my mom in the car across the street. I ran for her car and as i was running i felt a huge force pushing me backwards. I was pushed back so hard that i landed on my butt about 4 feet back... just as i landed a car came speeding down the street. it would have killed me and i always knew that this was my guardian angel. my mom and brother saw the whole thing... pretty cool huh???

2007-05-11 05:46:25 · answer #5 · answered by mommy of 3 2 · 1 0

I have seen the effects of their presence. But one time I believe I met one. I was taking a certification test. He looked like any other human, but there was something about his presence. I went to talk to him later and he was gone...like vanished.
A friend said one time a biker stopped and said Jesus was returning soon, and rode off. He disappeared down the road, not to be seen again.

2007-05-11 05:44:10 · answer #6 · answered by RB 7 · 1 0

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