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2007-05-11 05:02:45 · 33 answers · asked by decerie121588 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

coz i think it stands for her dignity and womanhood.

2007-05-11 05:06:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 5

The whole concept of virginity is archaic. Most people don't realize that originally it was a word used strictly in reference to women (and therefore the hymen).

It is unusual that bleeding might occur during a woman's first experience with intercourse, but what makes that sacred? The idea goes back to a woman being a commodity or something that is owned*. The hymen is an ancient and human equivalent of a seal or plastic packaging. A man wants to buy a woman that hasn't been used, so an intact hymen suggests that she's right off the shelf.

The whole "spiritual purity" thing is bunk. It was simply a matter of a man wanting his wife to (sexually) be his and his alone. This was put through the filter of religion to establish (yet) another control on behavior. Now there's nothing wrong with wanting to limit the number of children that are born out of marriage, but to place a spiritual value on a physical condition is a bit suspect.

The cultural significance of the hymen is kind of creepy. Like in areas where it's a tradition to show the bloody sheet after the consummation of the wedding.

Here are some good links covering the cultural significance of virginity and the hymen:

*Think of a wedding where a father "gives away" his daughter to her new husband.

2007-05-11 05:18:33 · answer #2 · answered by Peter D 7 · 1 0

She shouldn't. It's the MEN that do and they've made it into somethign that they think women should value to too. It's all about the male ego, and male insecurity. They want to be the first (and only) so the woman can't unfavourably compare them to anyone else! It's all a stupid human male invention. You don't see female animals crossing their legs when their hormones are up, do you? What is wrong with women exploring their sexuality as well as men? And the the person who answered "do you want all women to become prostitutes".....are you friggin' kidding? Just because a woman doesn't value her virginity doesn't automatically mean she's going to sleep with everyone she meets. What total ignorance.

2007-05-11 05:09:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Why just women?

1) Sex is more pleasurable with someone you love (corny but true).

2) STD's

3) To avoid becoming emotionally attached to the 'wrong' person and getting hurt.

4) To avoid hurting someone else by having them become emotionally attached.

5) To avoid an unplanned pregnancy.

6) As a way of building self-respect through self-discipline. I am in NO WAY suggesting that people who don't 'value' their virginity have less self-respect but I am saying that self-discipline (in any form) helps to increase it.

Those are all the reasons I can think of off the top of my head.

EDIT: I agree with some of the other posters about the idea of spiritual purity through virginity being bunk. To me that doesn't change the fact that there are practical reasons for choosing to not engage in sex every time you get an urge (for both men and women). The biggest one for me is to do no harm, I can't really control how someone else feels but I can control my actions to ensure that I didn't mislead someone about my feelings (this can also be accomplished by being honest but I have a tendency to become attached after sex as well so I choose abstinence until I am committed to that person).

2007-05-11 05:16:08 · answer #4 · answered by thewolfskoll 5 · 0 2

My answer comes from a Christian perspective. Virginity simply means that a person has not yet had sexual relations. It applies to both men and women.

As sexual relations is the ultimate expression of love and committment that one person can have with another, it stands to reason that the experience is intended to be special. Therefore, having sex with someone that you have not committed your life to is inappropriate. Virginity for both men and women is the ideal gift that a man and a woman can give to one another when they join together with a full lifetime commitment. In the U.S., this means marriage. In some other cultures, it may mean jumping over a stick together. Either way, it is the permanent and lifelong committment that matters.

2007-05-11 05:16:06 · answer #5 · answered by Poohcat1 7 · 0 2

Here is my attempt to answer this riddle without sounding like I am pounding my religious beliefs over anyone's head.

It is not for a woman to value virginity, but also for a man to as well. Modern society has overemhasized love as being something purely sexual, when in reality it MUCH more than that. Love is patient/kind/unresentful, according to many. A true test of someone's love could be how patient /kind/unresentful one partner can be if the other partner chose to save sex for marriage.

Maintaining your virginity is a practical way to see how much someone really loves you. If a partner was truly a "soul mate" there would be no need for sex.

2007-05-11 05:14:02 · answer #6 · answered by ? 2 · 1 2

The issue of how important a woman's virginity is, is seen from culture to culture,while some people place emphasis on it some don't and while some men place emphasis on it some dont.There are people making alot of noise on a woman's virginity just to curb the manice of sexually transmitted diseases which are spread wildly by women than men. And since women are basically the ones vunerable,its beleived that emphazizing its worth and seeing it as something would give the women something to refuse men whom we all know sure do know how to play with women's emotions.Forgive me men but you know its true. I sometimes ask how about those unfortunate girls who are raped?does it mean they are not marriable or have lot something valuable?.

To me,if its possible a woman should save her virginity till she is married for at least you are giving your treasure to a man that has given you the honour to be called his queen by making you the queen of his kingdom where he is the king. At least if he gives you that honour,why not do like wise. I know those who have a different view about marriage would not like that but for those who beleive in marriage like I do,its best to keep it till then. Like I said it differs from culture to culture and with the west westinizing the world,its hard to find a virgin these days. But if you are out there and you are one,keep it. But if you have lot it,move on with your life. To me a lady's virginity should not be something we should make a noise about. You as a man,you find one,thank your stars or God,if you dont still do.

2007-05-11 07:58:34 · answer #7 · answered by sweet sensation 3 · 0 1

I agree with all the answers about saving yourself for your husband and the first time being special, but the main reason why a woman should value her virginity is so she won't get pregnant out of wedlock. Yes, there are pills and other ways to prevent pregnancy, but everyone knows they are not 100% reliable. That's why you really shouldn't have sex with someone unless you are prepared to spend the rest of your life with him.

2007-05-11 05:17:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

why should we value money, gold, or platinum? If you consider what GOD gave to Adam and Eve on their first night together, well it was how to consumate their relationship, or marriage. it was sex together for the first time. I know that most reading this cannot relate to waiting till you are married, but if a couple does wait, they will receive the same wedding gift from GOD, the holy union, that will join the two together like nothingelse. they won't have wandering eyes, or curious thoughts of others. because they saved themselves and cherished the moment. I only wish I had known the value of this, and I would not be struggling with the lusts of the flesh like I do. I hope someone embraces this and receives the blessing that is waiting for them.

2007-05-11 05:13:58 · answer #9 · answered by spotlite 5 · 1 2

I don't so much think virginity is all that important, but rather focus on having self-respect. This body belongs to us alone and no one else should be able to use it or take advantage of it. A women should value choosing carefully who she decides to share her body with and always remember that that choice is hers.

Every time you have sex should be a valued choice, not just the first time.

2007-05-11 05:09:44 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Why not? I think everyone should value their virginity. Not just women. It is a gift that a married couple can give to each other...it also ensures that a lot of the jealousy that comes from thinking about your husband/wife with other lovers is eliminated. It is also in a woman's best interest...what is that saying...a guy gets all the glory, the more he can score...while a girl can do the same and yet you call her a whore. Guys get away with it, girls get a name attached to her.

2007-05-11 05:09:41 · answer #11 · answered by stakekawa 3 · 1 3

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