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Instead of protesting outside clinics shouldn't they be volunteering at homeless shelters or trying to do something for homeless children. Aren't they considered 'LIFE' too?

2007-05-11 04:56:32 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

Not necessarily. I knew one pro-life (i.e., anti-abortion) lady who spent much of her spare time counselling pregnant girls about their options, and helping them to decide on something which she can acknowledge as the best choice under the circumstances. She also supported adoption and foster-care options, and what was once called "unwed mother" shelters where a girl can hide from the world until her baby is born, learning to care for it or working with the adoption attorney to find a suitable placement.

I am quite in the middle on the abortion issue. I believe many people who have abortions do so because they are not given a clear view of the alternatives, and not provided with adequate support for the time it will take to carry the child to term.

But adoptive parents will often underwrite the mother's living expenses, including quality medical care, in exchange for an agreement to surrender the child to them when it is born. This is legal, and a valid solution to both the natural mother's problem and the adoptive parents' problem.

I had an abortion when I was young and single and about to enter college. The ONLY alternative that was promoted to me was abortion. The boy's mother sat through the two-hour discussion with the chaplain, never saying anything and never once stopping her crying. The boy's father agreed to pay for an abortion, but not for any other options. No one offered any other solution except the chaplain, who of course would want to refer me to the church's adoption agency, which did not permit a mother to know who the adoptive parents were. No one ever told me there was such a thing as private adoption, and no one mentioned any possibility that I could raise a child myself while going to college.

Since I never got pregnant again, I am not now a happy grandmother. Yes, I regret it. But I would not say it is an issue for the law: ultimately, it is strictly a decision the pregnant girl has to make. To play fair, we should be freely discussing all the options, and giving her the respect she needs to decide for herself.

2007-05-11 05:10:10 · answer #1 · answered by auntb93 7 · 1 0

Many humanitarian Christians do that. Think of all Christians have done in Africa for instance. One person I know even became a minister there and he also has become a sort of African missionary to the United States when he visits. Awesome man at praying to, I am not one who prays very much but every prayer of his just makes me quake they are so passionate.

But okay.... If you really cared for equal rights, why are you on the streets protesting the Iraq war when you should be campaigning for the religious freedom of all the Iraqis, and condemning all the suicide bombings particularly against public mosques and children's soccer games as well as ice cream trucks and such, and using chlorine in bombs as an improvised chemical weapon. How could you possibly want to leave the country and ignore all that? Simply leaving the area will not improve it at all.

2007-05-11 05:16:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Anyway, of all the pro-lifers I know, none of them have ever protested outside any clinics, while many of them have volunteered at homeless shelters.

Yes, I know there are some that do protest at clinics, but what basis do you have for assuming they aren't volunteering at homeless shelters too?

2007-05-11 05:14:47 · answer #3 · answered by rkd6 6 · 0 0

No, not all pro-life people are short sighted and one dimensional, we are standing for what we believe in. As far as the homeless go, yes they are considered life, but they were also given the chance to be born

2007-05-11 05:04:24 · answer #4 · answered by exodus64_1996 3 · 1 0

And why would you think we don't? Do you have statistics on that?

We have the Gabriel Project, this helps needy pregnant women by getting them cribs, car seats, clothing, diapers, rides to the doctor, maternity clothes, toys, help with parenting, help with day care or getting to school, providing assistance wherever needed to not only have the baby but help her be a good mom and raise her baby.

There is Project Rachel which helps women who have had an abortion. It gives them people to talk to and guidance in dealing with their pain.

We have collections for the poor. The St. Vincent De Paul society exists to help the poor. People donate clothing and money to help poor and homeless.

I could go on and on...so your information is way off. We protest the killing of the pre-born but also help and assist the born.

2007-05-11 05:06:01 · answer #5 · answered by Misty 7 · 1 0

So how one dimensional are you my Friend? Do you really care how much charity work I do? Are you so pro-abortion that you offer funding from your own pocket to save a hapless girl/woman from the tragedy of an unwanted pregnancy? Or are you the type to take sides with an issue because it seems like the popular side? What have you done to help others?

2007-05-11 05:05:26 · answer #6 · answered by make room for daddy 5 · 0 0

We pro-lifer's are so far from short sighted, you look foolish asking this question.

It's short sighted and selfish to say "I'm not ready for a child, so let me kill it" or "I've got to think about me right now" where as pro-lifer's are thinking about that child and it's future. It may be a fetus, but that fetus could grow into a great leader for this country, or even this world. They could grow to become scientists, musicians, shoot janitors (stuff gotta stay clean in the future too right?)

How would you feel, making it to the judgement seat of Christ, after you die, and finding out that cancer could've been cured, but you either killed or supported the killing of the one that was gifted to cure it?

2007-05-11 05:07:07 · answer #7 · answered by LENZ 3 · 0 0

Pro-lifers are dedicated to a specific aspect of Christian ministry. One person cannot do it all. We specialize in order to achieve the greatest impact on society. It is the way corporate business is run. Would you expect the CEO of a major corporation to take time out of his day to park cars?

2007-05-11 05:02:26 · answer #8 · answered by Preacher 6 · 0 0

Call it what it is: They're not pro-life they're anti-sex
If they were pro -life they would be against war , capital punishment and would probably be vegetarians. Pro-lifer's for the most part support none of the above , so how can they claim to be pro-life ?

2007-05-11 05:08:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Not to mention all that could be done for the millions upon millions of people in the world who go day after day without food, or shelter. These are lives too, but I guess once your born no one really gives a ****.

2007-05-11 05:00:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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