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12 answers

Here's the set up and rules for the drinking game I like to call, "It's time to pick the Pope!"

God and the Devil sit across form each other at a table...
On the table there's a shot glass in front of them both and a bottle of "Ol' Janx spirits" representing each of the bishops...
each of them picks the cardinal who is most receptive to their psychic manipulations and then the play begins...

Each bottle is placed, one after the other, in the middle of the table, and Jehovah and Lucifer use their prodigious psychokinetic powers to attempt to tip the bottle towards the glass of the other, the loser drinks, and the winner possesses the mind of the bishop who is represented by that particular bottle, forcing a vote for the cardinal he wishes to become Pope...

This game can take a while to complete, and there are many other versions of this game played by angels and demons for smaller stakes, but once an entity starts losing, they usually continue to do so, as "O'l Janx spirits" tends to suppress psychokinetic ability...

Jehovah usually plays to lose...

2007-05-11 07:57:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

God doesn’t pick the Pope’s. In fact, not even the Cardinals have much of an effective say. If they did then the voting block of South American and African Catholic Cardinals which constitute over 70% of the total population of Catholic should have a proper voice.

One would naturally assume that at least one Latin American Pope, or African (Black) Pope would have been elected by now. However, the chance of that ever happening is close to zero. So much for democratic elections.

In 1871 That Pope Pius IX through the Papal Bull “Pastor aeternus” published the heretical false statement claiming the Pope is infallible and therefore is both above all laws of humanity above all human beings and cannot be questioned by faithful Catholics.

Now, the purpose of this Papal bull which is still defended by the Vatican today was to prevent the Pope from being charged with being a criminal because of his complete involvement in the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln and the Vatican’s ongoing open support for international slavery. See The Almanac of Evil for more information.

However, an unintended consequence of this heretical document placing the Pope above all human laws and all human beings was that the Vatican effectively made the Pope a God- a direct contradiction of its own doctrines for 1600 years and automatically grounds for excommunication of all people who follow such heresy.

So today, when a person is a Catholic and say they support the Pope not only are they heretics in worshipping a man claiming to be a God, they are certainly not worshipping Jesus as head of the church.

Jesus was a human being. While alive, he never claimed to be infallible like the Popes have claimed for 100+ years.

The Papal Bull of “Pastor aeternus”is one of the greatest heresies and openly contemptuous documents against the entire alleged spiritual scriptures of Christianity as well as the human race.

2007-05-13 14:19:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You do not know what the term means. Apparently it is necessary to explain exactly what infallibility is not. Infallibility is not the absence of sin. Nor is it a charism that belongs only to the pope. Indeed, infallibility also belongs to the body of bishops as a whole, when, in doctrinal unity with the pope, they solemnly teach a doctrine as true. We have this from Jesus himself, who promised the apostles and their successors the bishops, the magisterium of the Church: "He who hears you hears me" (Luke 10:16), and "Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven" (Matt. 18:18).

An infallible pronouncement—whether made by the pope alone or by an ecumenical council—usually is made only when some doctrine has been called into question. Most doctrines have never been doubted by the large majority of Catholics.

There have been only TWO infallible statements ever made - two.

2007-05-11 05:04:41 · answer #3 · answered by SpiritRoaming 7 · 2 1

The Cardinals ask God for inspiration and guidance before and during the papal conclave.

+ Choosing a Pope +

A Papal Conclave works like this:

+ A pope dies and is buried

+ The cardinals come to Rome for the conclave that will elect the new pope. The word conclave (Latin, *** + clavis, literally, "locked with the key") designates:
. • The place in a locked section of the Vatican where the cardinals elect a new pope.
. • The actual gathering of the cardinals.

+ The conclave begins 15 to 20 days after the pope's death.

+ The cardinals pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit during a Mass

+ The cardinals, sealed in the Sistine Chapel, vote every morning and afternoon.

+ A two-thirds majority plus one is required for election for the first 30 ballots. After that, a simple majority is required.

+ After each vote, they burn the ballots and add special chemicals to make the smoke white or black.
. • Black smoke means no new pope yet.
. • White smoke announces the election of a new pope.

+ The cardinals may elect any baptized male they wish. There have been occasions in the past where they have elected a layman. After their election, the layman has to be ordained priest and bishop.

+ They ask the one elected if he accepts. The moment he accepts, he is pope.

+ The pope chooses his “Papal” name.

+ Then the new pope is announced to the world.

For more information, see:

+ Papal Infalliblity +

The Catholic Church teaches that the Pope is infallible at closely defined times.

The Pope is only infallible when he, in union with the body of bishops, solemnly teaches that a doctrine as true.

This comes from the words of Jesus to Peter (the first Pope) and the Apostles (the first bishops), "Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven" (Matthew 18:18) and "He who hears you hears me" (Luke 10:16).

At all other times the Pope can be just as wrong or sinful as you and me and be in need of forgiveness.

For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, section 891: http://www.usccb.org/catechism/text/pt1sect2chpt3art9p4.htm#891 and http://www.catholic.com/library/Papal_Infallibility.asp

+ With love in Christ.

2007-05-12 20:22:56 · answer #4 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 0 1

Christ grafted Himself to Peter making a marriage between Himself and His bride the Church.
By giving Peter the keys of authority (Matt. 16:19), Jesus appointed Peter as the chief steward over His earthly kingdom (cf. Isaiah. 22:19-22). Jesus also charged Peter to be the source of strength for the rest of the apostles (Luke 22:32) and the earthly shepherd of Jesus' flock (John 21:15-17). Jesus further gave Peter, and the apostles and elders in union with him, the power to bind and loose in heaven what they bound and loosed on earth. (Matt. 16:19; 18:18). This teaching authority did not die with Peter and the apostles, but was transferred to future bishops through the laying on of hands (e.g., Acts 1:20; 6:6; 13:3; 8:18; 9:17; 1 Tim. 4:14; 5:22; 2 Tim. 1:6).
There is a guarantee by the Holy Spirit of infallibility when teaching faith and morals because authentically and authoritatively it is Christ speaking

If the pope is writing encyclicals than he may be fallible

2007-05-11 05:22:27 · answer #5 · answered by Gods child 6 · 0 1


The conclave is steeped in prayer when selecting a new pope. They are, as such, led by the Holy Spirit in selecting a new pope. They each have a cell (a small room) where they go to pray and discern.

Papal infallibility does not mean the pope is never wrong. It comes from the bible.

Matthew 16:19 (NIV) Jesus is speaking to Peter.

"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

This pertains only to matters of dogma. Official teachings of the church. As I said, it doesn't mean the pope is never wrong.

2007-05-11 05:08:27 · answer #6 · answered by Max Marie, OFS 7 · 0 0

Some people are chosen by God and others are chosen by the pastors. Whether chosen by God or by a pastor NO MAN can claim infallibility. Non of the people that God chose in the bible to speak in his name or to become leaders were infallible. King David committed murder and adultery. Abraham (the "father of faith") doubted God when told him that he would have a son from his own body and with his old wife Sarah. Jacob got his brother's birthright through extortion. John the Baptist, when he was put into prison doubted if Jesus was actually the one who he had before hand preached about and baptized and told the people "This is the one I was telling you that was to come". Moses got drunk from wine that he made (after the flood). There are so many men that God chose to do his work and his will and non of them were infallible. God does not expect us to be infallible because we are ONLY humans and born with a "sin nature" If we were perfect then Jesus would not be needed that our sins can be forgiven.

2007-05-11 05:04:58 · answer #7 · answered by kristin747 3 · 1 1

The doctrine of papal infallibility applies only to matters of faith and morals when the Pope declares that he is speaking ex-cathedra. This has happened....TWO times.

The belief of the Infallibility of Roman Catholic Church teaching is far more complex than simply listening to the Pope.

As for the rest of your question. The pope is elected by College of Cardinals. We believe that the Holy Spirit guides their decision and if they are driven by politics and power rather than the Holy Spirit, that the Church will be protected against false doctrine because of the promise that Jesus made that the gates of hell would not prevail against the Church He would build on Peter the Rock.

2007-05-11 05:08:24 · answer #8 · answered by Sister Spitfire 6 · 1 1

The Bishops elect the Pope. Never understood how he was considered infallible though...

2007-05-11 04:58:07 · answer #9 · answered by Maverick 6 · 1 1

The Jews are God's chosen human beings. it quite is why His Son Jesus became born of Jewish dad and mom. interior the final days, they are going to be in one accord with Christians and it would be a captivating time.

2017-01-09 15:47:54 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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