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I feel great sadness that my religion is bashed and constanly under attempts of being de-bunked. What power does it give you to prove that Christians are wrong? Even if some Atheiest found significant proof, I would still stick to my faith. I do not care what others say about my religion. I would rather die than convert to a different religion. Why do so many hate Christians? Most of us are good people, the ones that seem evil or ruthless are confused and have misunderstood the bible. Why must the world hate Chirstianity? I know the bible says the world will turn on Christianity in the end, but I want to hear it from the haters. Why do you hate us?

2007-05-11 04:17:49 · 36 answers · asked by Desert Rose 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality


I am 14 years old and have been Christian ever since I could think independently.

2007-05-11 13:45:24 · update #1

36 answers

Brother I would strongly encourage you to rejoice and be exceedingly glad for our Lord said this would come to pass. They only prove that He was truth, for had they not done these things they might have made Him a liar but we know that in Him we can find the truth and the life.Please read Matthew 10:16-42.May our Wonderful Lord pour you out the oil of gladness to day and may you stand firm in the faith.

2007-05-11 04:31:29 · answer #1 · answered by don_steele54 6 · 1 0

I am not a hater of Christianity, however, I have been offended by many Christians who respect no faith but their own. I am a buddhist. I respect and appreciate every religion there is. I find that the problem most people have with Christians is that their faith is "preached" rather than taught. Unfortunately there are a lot of people out there that give your faith a bad name. It is sad, faith in general is important. The way I, personally, have been offended, is that most Christians I have met have quickly assumed that I am not a good person because of my beliefs. It is unfortunate for good people to be judged for any reason. I hope that you do not think that people truly hate your religion. We just feel uneasy with such cut-and-dry belief system. Good luck to you, and do what you truly believe in. Not to worry about what others think.

2007-05-11 04:32:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Much like any other religion, christianity is all based on man's imagination and, thus, fake. Therefore, since all gods are man-made inventions, it is clear that those of us who are fully aware of this fact will mock those who are stupid enough to believe in an imaginary being - to the point where they would STILL believe if their god was PROVEN to be fake. Now, how stupid is that?
To clarify, though, I am not bashing chrsitianity any more than I ridicule any other religion. All religions are dangerous and islam is, currently, the most dangerous of all, and they are dangerous because they are based on two lies - there is an afterlife (Rubbish!) there is a god (Nonsense!)
Once these two lies are taken out of the equation, everything else associated with religion falls apart at the seams and the human race is freed from the shackles of a mythical concept which stifles the advancement of the human race.
There are many MORE lies but another one to remove is the one that states that the bible is the word of the invisible (why?) and totally silent (why?) god ... no it isn't!!! That's just plainly rather silly.
So, the best advice for YOU is to keep quiet. Open your mouth as you have done and you simply set yourself up for ridicule and scorn, as you show yourself to have limited intelligence. Anyone aged 12 years or over finds it really simple to dump religion as being utter nonsense. 12 is the average age that atheists emerge from their 'cocoons' and step up to the plate.
And your age is ... ?

2007-05-11 04:43:51 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I don't think "everyone" is bashing Christianity. Certainly other Christians aren't. Unfortunately, the "holier than thou" attitude of some people who call themselves Christians puts others off and gives a bad impression of all Christians. If people who profess Christianity would live the Great Commandment, and not identify with over the top, dishonest, money grubbing televangelists and those who call the wrath of God down on others, the Christian image would improve greatly.
Jesus said that Christians should pray in private. He severly criticized those who made a great show of their religion. He said that we should love our neighbors, and He said nothing about whether those neighbors were white, black, Christian or not, gay or straight. Speaking of which, He never mentioned homosexuality at all. Maybe if Christians would make more efforts at loving all of us, some of the Christian bashing would disappear.

2007-05-11 04:31:53 · answer #4 · answered by jack of all trades 7 · 2 0

i'd be hestitant to assert that anybody on the following loves bashing Christians. some individuals basically do no longer be counted on Christianity. my own comments related to Christianity are not to any extent further tries to bash the religion yet rather percentage some actuality. (convinced, I have walked as a Christian - and performance considering the fact that chanced on who and what G-d fairly is). There are sturdy issues that the Christians do. really the Catholic Church is the biggest organization which will supply you preserve, nutrition, coaching and missionary facilities the international over. various the non-state shelters are Catholic run, alongside with hospitals and orphanages. a lot of people liek to bash the Catholic faith as a cult, non-Christian and so on. different denominations run a much off 2d to the Catholic Church. I hate to assert it - yet many of the church homes in my section, and there are plenty, do little or no to assist the community. some are so seperated from the community that they are going to purely allow a particular 'style' of individual in by their doorways. It has more beneficial to do consisting of your gown then consisting of your life-style. in case you do not look like the better crust of society and rather are wearing steet clothing, or are undesirable, then you do not have a danger to sit down down in there. those church homes in my section look more beneficial worried with elevating funds for his or her own initiatives, then for the welfare of others, even their own memebers. and that is something which will be fastened.

2016-10-18 07:03:56 · answer #5 · answered by svendsen 4 · 0 0

Standing on my side of the issue, Christianity has been debunked. For the simplest reason why we only need to look at the age of the world which has multiple proofs and evidence to make it a fact that the world is much older than suggested, we then look at various stages of evolution and can come to the conclusion that Adam was not made from dirt nor did he ever exist. Without Adam Christ is never necessary.

I love the truth, I feel that truth is a way for humans to properly communicate ideas and also how to respond to situations. When truth has been in some way blocked it then has in many manners blocked our ability to communicate and respond to various situations. This is by far one of the worst impacts that religion has on society.

I defend our society from misconceptions caused by religion, I feel it is my duty to promote truth and as the result Christianity is within my target. It is not personal, but rather a necessity for our species to thrive in a much healthier environment.

2007-05-11 04:33:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It doesn't give us any power--but it takes power away from Christians who would force their beliefs on everyone else, and idiotically pretend that their FAITH is FACT when it isn't. So the second they make that push--people like me push back. That's all there is to it.

We don't hate you, but we hate what you're doing. You claim that the 'bad guys' have "misunderstood the Bible," but they do nothing any different than you--they just cherry-pick the more violent stuff in the Bible, and it's sure as hell not as if there isn't plenty of THAT in there (God himself kills, whether on his own or by direct order, over two and a quarter MILLION people, and that's just counting the times when a specific number is given!).

The fact that you said that evidence wouldn't convince you and that you'd rather die than abandon your faith, shows, SADLY, just how deeply you are brainwashed by these irrational superstitions. They've got you dumb and dependent, ready to stake your life on a bunch of baseless assertions coming from a book that asserts the authority of its own claims. It's very sad to see someone manipulated that way...doesn't look any different than when I met a teenager whose family (father mostly, who dragged the rest of them into it) was involved in Sun Myung Moon's cult.

Just look at the things you are saying. We hate what the jerk Christians who try to impose their beliefs on us do, but when we see someone like you...it's hard not to feel pity. You don't sound like a bad person, but it doesn't seem like you even realize the implications of what you are saying in those first few sentences...

2007-05-11 04:30:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You have a persecution complex.

Personally, I think you kind of like the idea of being the persecuted. It makes you the good guy and everyone else (whoever your pointing your holy little finger at) the bad guy.

C'mon, I don't hate you. Just because you're wrong about your god and everything else in your silly, delusional religion, doesn't mean I hate you. In fact, there are many Christians that I love on a deep personal level. For example, my husband and my best friend.

2007-05-11 04:23:59 · answer #8 · answered by Lilliana 5 · 3 1

They're not trying to bash, they're doing it.

Simple answer: the Great Commission. Why do we bash you? That's why. You won't stop proselytzing. Watch some of your fellow Christians here and they'll give you glaring examples of why people run the other way when a smiling Christian opens their mouth.

The longer answer: this is the most offensive thing Christians do. In fact, it's endemic to the religion, so there's nothing you can do about it. "If you don't believe like I do, you're going to burn in hell." (This is the usual line real bad Christ-salespeople use to win converts.) Hell is for sinners, for bad people. The Bible says that pretty much every time it brings up the topic. And you, yes very specifically you, and every other Christian out there believe that because we don't believe you, we're going to a place for bad people where we'll be tortured for eternity. Mahatmas Ghandi is burning in hell, a place of pure suffering and evil, according to you. Can you see how people would hate your religion? How they would feel defensive and angry about what you believe to be true about them? Do you like it when people think you're a bad person just because you're Christian? Why do think people would like to hear that they're evil just because they're not?

Personally, I don't know you and I don't hate you. I hate your beliefs about me, though hate is too strong a word Christians tend to apply it anyway. Along with other pithy sayings, such as, she denies the truth of the bible because she doesn't want to face her sinfulness. I hate how Christians deny me the right to be a thinking person, to deny the religion because I think it's wrong, not because of some ridiculous fear that makes them feel better about being ignored. I hate how you believe you're better than me, simply because I choose a different belief system. You may not think you do, personally, but that belief is explicit in your religion.

You may not like to hear it, particularly since your god is supposed to be all about love, kindness, and forgiveness, but Christianity is one of the more offensive things human beings ever manufactured. Why? It preaches intolerance. No, it doesn't say "kill the heathens." It does say, "go forth and convert." It does say, "for whosoever believeth in me shall not perish, but have everlasting life." Yes, the original verse is very prettily written. The corollary, which is absolutely true to logic, is extremely ugly. "For whosoever does not believeth in me shall not have everlasting life, but shall perish." Considering that the Christian view perish = hell, you tell me why we don't like your religion. A hint, it's not because we don't want to face our sinful nature, either. Please do us the favor of assuming we're at the very least moderately intelligent, unlike some of your cohorts.

2007-05-11 04:37:30 · answer #9 · answered by Muffie 5 · 2 1

I don't hate Christian but they do anger me a great deal.
I have no desire to follow your faith. I think your God is petty and jealous who demeans women by demoting them from sacred mothers to servants for man. I can't stand when they show up on my doorstep preaching fire and brimestone just because I don't agree with them. I don't like how they have edited thier Holy Book by translations and removing things like Song of Songs and then preach how its the Only Word of God. There is more blood on the Christian religion then any other. I don't like how they ostrasize human beings such as ANYONE who doesn't believe what they do and wish death upon homosexuals and witches. I can't stand how the seek to rule the US by changing the history books and then say they are all so bashed and ostrasized, but have no problem telling me Thou Shall not suffer a witch to live. Get over yourself.
Now that being said, this isn't everyone. I know CHRISTIANS who agree with me. There are a lot of REALLY nice ones out there. Unfortunatly its all the other ones giving you a bad name and they are the ones yelling from the roof tops.

2007-05-11 04:22:54 · answer #10 · answered by ~Heathen Princess~ 7 · 3 2

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