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14 answers

You know the sad thing here is that there are so many people that actually believe that the end is near because of us humans and how we are causing Global Warming. Mother nature her self emits more deadly toxins into the air we breathe in one volcanic explotion then we can ever put up there in many life times.
Global warming is another brainwashing method of the government. Fear is the perfect tool for control.
What better way for them to control what we do, where we work, and what we eat. Did you know that the tree huggers are trying to say that the ranchers need to feed their livestock baking soda! Do you know why? Because they burp and toot. Yup and i guess all those natural body funtions are adding to the global warming...lmfao!!! If they were to get their way, the worlds supply of soda would be gone in 6 months. Yes GONE, never to come back. So then what happens, they decide that they need to eliminate the amount of flatulance and kill of some cattle. Then, yes you guessed it, ozone layer is depleating because the amounts of farting and burbing is causing global warming and the worlds livestock is whiped out. Well then they decide that the global warming it getting worse...lmfao....and so for the ones of us who fart and burp, we are gone. All this global warming this is about is for the government to somehow make a perfect world. So yes when the tree huggers say that it is the humans that will end this world, they are right. But not because of "GLOBAL WARMING" but because of them trying to make everything perfect, and their quest, they will slowly weed out the imperfect, and they will be the ones to end life, not global warming.

2007-05-11 03:41:33 · answer #1 · answered by Squeakers 4 · 1 0

If you took a POLL of climatologists:
Asking: Do they think that Pollution is "majority" contributor to Global warming. You would find that they would be SPLIT.
Because, the science of the green house effect is true. However, since there are so many NATURAL sources of green house gases that could effect the climate before pollution.
(ie/ methane production from animals,
volcanos emmitting sulfur & fine particulate and most important of all; the SUN!)
In the 1970's, climatologists impregnated a similar "fear" into society as they are doing now. Except, they were predicting the exact Opposite! In the 1970s a Mini ICE AGE was forcast. Right in the middle of a mini industrial revolution! When gas gozzling cars were emmitting peak amounts of toxic emmissions (green house gases) Industry was careless dumping millions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere. The green house effect was certainly available for debate then too, but the temperature was certainly not going up at that time. Records show that the global temp was going down. Why? Well for about 5-7 years, the sun was producing fewer SOLAR STORMs.
(analogy: if you turn the BBQ knob down, there will be less heat? (1970's). If you leave the BBQ on for an hour (today) the grill is extremely hot?)
So in comparison, those who theorize that the Global warming due to Carbon emmissions argue that THE SUN is the dictator of our EARTH's climate and not just pollution.

Since the Earth has been bombarded by a continous array of Solar Storms for the last 15 to 17 years,(longest in history?) it would be safe to say that the SUN has major influence on the increase in today's global average temperatures.

Sad, for todays' fundamental pro Global warming scientist but more likely than true. We have really no control of the climate.

So why not focus on something that is definitely a concern; CONTROLLING POLLUTION levels.
In the end it will probably will curb green house gases anyways???

2007-05-11 03:17:19 · answer #2 · answered by movngfwd 6 · 0 0

Thats a ridiculous way of thinking. What kind of planet are we going to leave to our children, their children, etc., if we continue to destroy it. Sure, we all die in time, but we can at least leave this earth to those who come after us. Obviously, the ones that came before us think like you do, and thats the reason global warming is now a problem.

2007-05-11 04:00:24 · answer #3 · answered by beebs 6 · 0 2

Well, SOME people care about future generations. "We do not inherit the Earth from our parents, but borrow it form our children" as the bumper sticker says.

Of course there will always be self centered little bastards who don't care about anything beyond themselves. They tend to cause most the problems the rest of us get to clean up.

If only it were legal to hunt Narcissists for sport.

2007-05-11 02:38:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Concern about global warming is meant to help us understand our impact on the planet because we have only thought of ourselves. It isn't about whether or not we are going to die anyway.

The point is...it's not all about us.

2007-05-11 02:42:18 · answer #5 · answered by amandarosev 2 · 1 0

Why do you care what everyone cares about? You are going to die anyway.

2007-05-11 02:44:06 · answer #6 · answered by campbelp2002 7 · 1 1

Yes, we are going to die, but your kids (if you have some already) and your grandkids and so on...they will outlive you...so, why do we care? Just so that they have a good life too in a good environment and climate.

2007-05-11 02:36:15 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I do, we are indeed finite beings. We are all the same age, at different times. Since you are going t die anyway why not leave me your valuables anyway?

2007-05-14 09:48:16 · answer #8 · answered by pooterilgatto 7 · 0 0

If that's your attitude, why care about anything at all? Stay in bed until you starve. Meanwhile, some of us would like to leave something for our kids.

Melissa: get over yourself.

2007-05-11 03:49:08 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

yup,we all gonna die someday but i aint going to die in suffer

2007-05-14 20:24:59 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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