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For example:
The Inquisition?
Are people not able to seperate the true path from religious misguidance?

2007-05-11 02:17:34 · 14 answers · asked by The Eight Ball 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Oh, but "Spotlite" Even though you say they weren't doing the work of God, they thought deep in their hearts and in their minds that they were. Just as people today who do things in God's name really believe they are.

2007-05-11 03:07:48 · update #1


But according to
2 Timothy 3:1-5

We reached the end times over a century ago because all these things mentioned were true then also.

2007-05-11 03:56:12 · update #2

Actually according to that we reached the end times hundreds of years ago.

2007-05-11 03:57:28 · update #3

HARD DRIVE, I like what you say, but I see one fallacy in your answer.

Love. Love is a personal emotion which is felt for our own benifit. It is good to feel love for your fellow man it helps protect them from your mistakes, but the love you feel is yours alone. No one else can feel it. In this way the teaching of morality and love are the answer. When the values of Love, Empathy and Compassion are instilled in every child and tempered with morality we will see lasting peace.

2007-05-11 04:10:24 · update #4

14 answers

Hate and violence are human nature and without healthy release explode spectacularly. Religions that want to bottle up our true essence just light the fuse for a bigger explosion.

2007-05-11 02:33:47 · answer #1 · answered by Morg 4 · 0 0

Hello, Pokey:

First of all, most deaths were caused by greed--the root of all evil. You will recall Coloniallism? They killed an estimated 50 million in the Americas alone. Then there was the Marx athiestic experiment that killed an innumerable number in France's Reign of Terror; as well as Lennin's forced atheism that failed so misserably that entire cities and farms were peopleless, with no one to bury the corpes.

But you do make your point, and that people fight over religion, too. The Catholic Inquisition, crusades, and religious-cleansing, killed an estimated 50,000,000 in eur/asia alone. And along comes Islam, and forced coversion to Allah. They took most of the area around the Medeterranean Sea so firmly the Crusades were unable to unsettle them.

Now, in the past you will understand that religion controlled states, and that is the plan under Globallism, a one-world religion that forces the conscience. The Bible predicts the formation of an "image" or reproduction of the past--yes it is coming, and it will seem the right thing to do.

Let me quote Revelation 13:15 "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."

Yes, it will seem the only thing to do, kill those who oppose the New Deal--they will be considered traitors and counter-revolutionaries--Yes, many died in China's Cultural Revolution, too.

There is a hidden Bible code that identifies the major player in this drauma, hidden in the only part of the Bible that says you can not understand it until "the end of the days." www.revelado.org/revealed.

Also, Islam and its assaults upon Christian nations was predicted, and is explained, in the Bible, too: at www.revelado.org/islam.htm

Blessings and peace in Christ, One-Way

2007-05-11 02:29:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There seems to be several reasons therefore I will mention only the few which seem relavant to your question.
1st- Most religions are based on some version of Heaven & Hell ar WAR with each other. It is therefore easy to use this war to hate others who's ideas don't agree with your own.
2nd- Men of good concsenice, mind, and soul have become to lazy or afraid to stand and speak the truth.

Most all religous writing I have knowledge of have ONE COMMON THEME. LOVE LOVE LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The underlying root of all problems in the world are traceable back to the same worthless soul ME.

I knew to do better, LOVE my brother, neighbor, enemy, GOD, and myself. I failed in all catigories and did so without fail. For 30 years I never once tried to help, therefore I must shoulder all blame for all those who have and are suffering from any problem. I have no reason or excuse to offer as to my calouis disregard. I just felt sorry for myself and did not care about anyone else.

I have found one truth in life and it will answer almost all questions, as well as solve almost all problems.


Put the word share in front of love wherever it is found and you will have a concept that is usefull and understandable.
If someone preaches HATE then do not listen to him as he is not preaching GODs word but his own agenda, whatever that may be. We would be wise to remember while all men are "made" in GODs image the end result is of our own accord. We were givien free hand to chose our own fate and many have strayed from treir own true path. I know I lost mine for much too long. All men are failible even a pastor, priest, cleiric, or any MAN of GOD. It should be, we could give thought to the fact the all men are created equal yet not exactly alike. We are not clones of GOD but all with some PART of GOD and therefore might have need of a religion not exactly the same as ours. To think otherwise might be vain, smallminded,and wrong. To believe our way is the only way is the same as saying we know GODs mind or have his wisdom. Anyone saying such has no idea of what he is expounding. I do not raise any one denomination above another or HATE any man. If I can SHARE my love with all I meet then I am satisfied. This goal seems hard enough to attain without takeing time for throwing stones at those I don't understand. BWB

2007-05-11 03:56:17 · answer #3 · answered by HARD DRIVE 1 · 0 0

I can't speak for Jihad, as I am not Muslim. But as far as the Inquisition, I'm not convinced the perpetrators were ever true believers. I believe they were more concerned with worldly power and domination, and used their religion (note: religion, NOT faith) as an excuse to perpetrate violence and get rid of the opposition. As a Christian, I cannot justify such acts, and I don't believe any true Christian can.

2007-05-11 02:25:06 · answer #4 · answered by hoff_mom 4 · 0 0

Religion is about control. Politics is about control. There's a connexion! Only non-religious religions offer any true support and solace for humanity, such as Buddhism and even that New Age hoakum.

2007-05-11 02:23:06 · answer #5 · answered by Bryce 7 · 0 0

Because religion has been too often harnessed as a power to control and conquer people and nations.

Too often, it also arises out the misconception that one truth, is the ultimate truth.

The ultimate truth does not exist.
Only God holds the ultimate truth.
Those men in their religious garments, in their arrogancy preach absolute truth, speaking in the name of God, forget their humbleness and the need to understand that God manifests itself in myriads of forms, and can be understood in myriads of forms.

There is no ONE truth, this is simply not possible for us to comprehend as humans.

2007-05-11 02:24:27 · answer #6 · answered by indigolight 2 · 0 0

3 But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up [with pride], lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.

2007-05-11 02:44:12 · answer #7 · answered by sxanthop 4 · 0 0

You know you make a very good point when you consider history, but also remember that those who did those horrible things were not represnting GOD , although they claimed to be.. THE WORD says by their fruits you will know them. so if they are doing evil, they are evil. if someone is doign what GOD would want them to do, then they are a representative, of GOD and HIS character. it isn't hard to understand. so don't lump all christians into the pot with those who don't represent GOD But claim the title. remember there are thos ethat say LORD< LORD< did we not do this or that, and JESUS will answer and say to them I NEVER KNEW YOU, DEPART FROM ME THOSE WHO WORK INIQUITY.

2007-05-11 02:36:08 · answer #8 · answered by spotlite 5 · 0 0

The fear of death, and supposed explanations of the unknown. People refuse to embrace science, and follow their outdated dogmas. Religions were originally created to bring regional tribes together by worshipping the same God. It was also necessary to protect their lands, by making soldiers willing to die for their causes. Religion is control. Embrace science, science never claims to be unwavering, and unable to adapt to new information.

2007-05-11 02:21:40 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

War is about greed and power. Blood shed is about greed and power. There is greed and power every where because there are humans every where. Which means greed and power is in religon. They just use God as an excuse to justify the bloodshed.

2007-05-11 02:20:31 · answer #10 · answered by ~Heathen Princess~ 7 · 0 0

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