a-rod..cause he plays in every game
2007-05-10 17:48:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Between the two juicers, ARod plays in every game, but everyone also says that a pitcher has a greater effect on an individual game than another player, so you'd weight ARod's more minimal effect across 5 games against Clemens' greater effect in 1 game.
Personally, the Yankees MVP would have to be Jeter. I hate the Yankees as much as the next guy, and I hate ARod's former lover, but Jeter is a heck of a ball player. People often talk about his dive into the stands a few years back, when he smashed up his face. That was impressive. But you want to REALLY see his tenacity, look at the look on his face AFTER he is getting helped up. He shows no pain, but he also doesn't show any attitude. Just a straight taking care of business look.
2007-05-11 00:59:30
answer #2
answered by Jimi L 3
over the last few years A-Rod has done well in the season and poor in play-offs, Jeter has done little during the year and great in the Play-offs, Clemens will be good during the season, because they don't have anybody eles.
If they make the Play-offs this year(I don't think the will) Clemens will do great in the playoffs and he will be more important, if they don't A-Rod.
2007-05-10 22:43:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
A-Rod. If A-Rod hits a slump the Yankees are screwed. We dont even know how good Clemens is gonna be this season.
2007-05-10 18:40:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Come on! A-Rod ten more years 300 more homeruns or Clemens 1 year 10 more wins at the most.
2007-05-10 18:08:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
A week ago I would have said A-Rod, but after seeing Wang today get his butt whooped by the mighty Texas Rangers, it is clear the Yankees desperately need pitching. Scoring eight runs a game doesn't matter if you give up ten. The Yankees need to focus on pitching and any good pitcher they can get will help. At this point, I have to say Clemens is more important, because with good pitching, you don't need A-Rod to hit sixty homeruns this year to compete.
2007-05-10 18:08:40
answer #6
answered by msi_cord 7
What kind of question is this? A pitcher can only win at most 25 games these days and that's if he plays all season. A-Rod has already won more games this season than Clemens will.
2007-05-10 17:50:42
answer #7
answered by lance 2
A very productive every day player is always more important to the team than one who plays every five or so days. Thus, A-Rod is MUCH more important to the Yankees than is Roger the dodger.
2007-05-11 04:39:35
answer #8
answered by No one 7
Clemens, no doubt.
A-rod is great, etc etc, but Runs scored is not their problem, they need pitching far more than hitting.
A-rod's April and the Yankees record is proof enough of that.
The Yankees NEED Clemens to be Clemens, and be great, to lead that staff to glory, they don't need A-Rod to play like he did in April. Damon, Jeter, Abreu, Matsui, Gaimbi, Cano, Posada - they have enough hitting without A-Rod.
Lineup the current pitching - Mussina, Pettitte, Wang + Rasner and Salvo? I think they need Clemens more.
2007-05-10 17:59:05
answer #9
answered by holdon 4
I'd go with Clemens, if he's still got some gas left in the tank. Look at the Angels, they have absolutely no offense, but they still have a better record than the Yankees. As he old saying goes, pitching wins championships.
2007-05-10 18:57:51
answer #10
answered by Bryan F 3
roger clemens is more impotant the yankees need pitching2 win plus they have other good hiters
2007-05-10 18:37:23
answer #11
answered by ZAK 1