So what's your question?
2007-05-10 10:35:28
answer #1
answered by MUDD 7
1. Wrong! UN Resolution 1442 did not preclude use of force to make Saddam comply with the Gulf War cease-fire agreements.
2. Wrong! Per Geneva conventions, torture is very specifically defined, and we did not commit torture, per the definition. Aggressive interrogation of illegal combatants, however, is a grey area not addressed by Geneva.
3. Wrong! There have been no arbitration detentions.
4. Wrong! There hasn't been "widespread" warrantless wiretaps and spying on emails at all. This is a complete fabrication.
5. Wrong! Plame was outed accidentally by a liberal, anti-Bush State Department official.
How sad and pathetic. Lies and the typical anti-intellectual need to compare people to Hitler.
2007-05-10 10:57:43
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Is this Michael Moore? Its amazing how some people who have absolutely NO real information or facts except what they found on internet sites and blogs, written and run by 30-something unemployed fat asses who live in their mom's basement, and take the "facts" and info they recieve from these sites at face value and as the absolute truth.
I could shoot down ALL your little arguments point by point very easily, and then I could also take ANY recent Democratic President and make paralelle between them and Josef Stalin, so don't pat yourself on the back too much.
By the way, if all these accusations are true, and rock solid, why hasn't ANYONE on the Democratic Party-controlled Capitol Hill done ANYTHING about it?
Why? Because there is ZERO proof or hard evidence of any of your accusations and if there were, the Reed/Pelosi cabal would be on it like white on rice.
Just because a small group of people recite a mantra over and over and over, doesn't make it the truth.
And Valerie Plame was NOT a "covert" or undercover agent...that came out in testimony, so right there, one of your supposed "facts" is incorrect.
Next crack-head theory cut and paste here>
2007-05-10 10:54:38
answer #3
answered by machine_head_327 3
1. Sodom violated the terms of the cease fire from Desert Storm in 1991. Bush (as well as Clinton if he wanted to) had every legal right to restart hostilities.
2. The prisoners were not tortured. Your definition of torture is a little to loose. Typical liberalism.
3. See the 1942 Supreme Court Decision of Ex Parte Quirren.
4. Patriot Act is legal until the Supreme Court says it isn't. Notice how many FISA court judges say what he did is perfectly legal in a time of war.
5. Sorry, but Valerie Plame was not covert. Sorry, but you need to stop reading the moveon talking points.
2007-05-10 10:41:20
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
1- the UN gave permission to invade Iraq ( security council resolutions 660-1441)
2- There was no authroization of torture.
3- The Patriot Act gives permission to do that (This was given to you by Congress btw)
4- this one is still under investigation. They are allowed to tap emails and calls from foreign sources without warrant, just not citizens. I havent seen hard evidence on it yet.
5- Valerie Plame was never given covert status by her superiors. And she admitted this herself.
So you have 4 of these totally wrong and 1 of them is as of yet not substantiated.
You got anymore false accusations that I can make you look dumb with or are ya done?
2007-05-10 10:45:36
answer #5
answered by sociald 7
You, sir, are an idiot.
You are in serious need of taking a history class.
One big difference? You would have been killed in Nazi Germany for posting crap like this.
And to hell with the UN - what good are they? Gee, they did *such* a bang up job in Rwanda....oh, wait. No, they didn't. Darfur!! The UN is *certainly* straightening out Darfur...oh wait - my bad.
I think it's funny that Fox News pisses you guys off so much. I don't whine half as much about NPR, and that's my tax dollars at work, paying for liberal propaganda.
2007-05-10 11:12:24
answer #6
answered by Jadis 6
I was going to post an original comment, but I see that everyone but Dumbbosh has pretty well reamed you out.
Don't quit school. Your government class will teach you about impeachment at the federal level. Bush doesn't qualify. Bildo did.
2007-05-10 10:52:56
answer #7
answered by Delray 3
I don't care for Bush or Chaney but comparing them to Hitler is radical. Which is what this whole country has become. Are there any moderates out there? Someone able to think apart from party line views and try to resolve issues?
2007-05-10 10:55:42
answer #8
answered by grumpyoldman 7
lol lol lol u and the liberals
dont know anything remeber this bush not impeached
Bill aka cheats oN wife Clinton impeached according to lying under oath and obstructing justice
2007-05-10 10:40:38
answer #9
answered by jack 3
Adding a question mark at the end of a sentence doesn't make it a real question.
I could probably come up with a list comparing you to Hitler if I knew more about you.
2007-05-10 10:36:43
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Put down the crack pipe and slowly move away from the counter.
I know you are the average typical lib, but did you really want to put *** that BS in writing?
2007-05-10 10:41:15
answer #11
answered by jonepemberton 3