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2 answers

Yes, guilty, I've gotten into a car with a dd.

Am I as guilty? Yes, but not AS guilty. Defiantly not using my common senses (probably because I was drunk too). I still could have died or been seriously hurt in an accident because of this reckless behavior ... but "culpable" in sharing equal jail time for d&d. Community service time maybe ... but sometimes the dd would pull me out of a party because I was passed out ... so I guess "drunen stupidity" is more the the crime. Dunno how "culpable" I should be if the dd ran into someone causing injury ... certainly, I could have tried to talk the dd out of driving; but I wasn't the driver --- so dunno --- a lawyer should be able to give u more insight. I'm just thankful that during my stupidity, no one got hurt.

2007-05-10 09:36:07 · answer #1 · answered by Giggly Giraffe 7 · 0 0

No I value my life more than that.

2007-05-10 16:36:47 · answer #2 · answered by Cinna 7 · 0 0

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