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It used to be when i was younger going to stores with my mom or dad and they would spark convos with people around them while waiting in line or say hi passing eachother on sidewalks.

Now it seems everyone is too attached to the cell phone that you'll feel you would be invasive if you attempt to say hello if they are on the phone.
Cell phones are GREAT for emergencies or when you're at the crocery store and can't remember a certain ingrediant for recipe and need to call your mother etc..... but come on do we have to be glued to them ...is that convo about what sally said about her neighbors new outfit really that important you can't be bothered by a friendly stranger needing directions to some where or whatever the reason the person is trying to get your attention for.
Why i ask this is because there was a lady that was talking on cell phone about whatever put her bag down of things she just purchased to get a cigeratte out of purse and walked off forgetting to pick up her back...

2007-05-10 03:59:09 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

yahoo cut me off haha sorry.
Anyways forgot to pick up her back so i tried to get her attention to give her her bag and she looked at me and gave me the don't bother me look i'm on phone, and took off without stuff.
Why are we obsessed with cellphones??

2007-05-10 04:00:45 · update #1

haha david you're funny ring ring.
I always feel unimportant when with someone and their phone rings then they give the just one second gesture knowing we were in an important conversation but the person on the other end wants him to pick up cheetos on his way home lol.

2007-05-10 04:15:50 · update #2

5 answers

Cell phone are a great addition to our lives. But I agree with you they are becoming a hindrance as well. I understand that there are more cell phone related accidents than alcohol related accidents both of which impair the drivers ability. I hear cell phones go off in church, and once during a funeral a lady had left her cell phone on. and before she could cut it off it played a stanza of "Stars and Stripes Forever". To answer your cell phone while you are having a conversation with someone else is to say, "wait just a minute, this call is more important than my conversation with you".

2007-05-10 04:23:39 · answer #1 · answered by loufedalis 7 · 1 0

That lady is an idiot, if she is talking on her cell doesn't she know that she can always go back to her conversation when she is through. A cellphone conversation for me is a short spicy one. Whenever I'm on the phone too long i get bored. It is not taking away from my normal human conversations. Phone cards are too expensive for me to be talking on the phone every minute of the day. With a real human face to face I can have a deeper conversation and a longer one.

2007-05-10 11:11:23 · answer #2 · answered by katherine 2 · 1 0

yeh i agree with you. Today's society is becoming more and more anti-social.
but those conversations that you were describing aren't really normal conversations, myself I feel guilty if i'm talking to someone and my phone rings. I usually tell the person at the other end of the phone to call back later.

2007-05-10 11:04:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

at the library, people who wouldn't speak loudly to another person talk really loudly on their cell phone. they can't stop talking long enough to make purchases and communicate with the cashier. they drive with one hand on the wheel and the other holding the cell to their ear. I agree, cell phones are good in some cases, but can be overdone.

2007-05-10 11:07:08 · answer #4 · answered by wendy_da_goodlil_witch 7 · 1 0

What is normal?
I don't think normal conversations is the problem compared to us never having any privacy anymore. We can't get away form anyone and catch a break.
I'd be fishing, ring, ring
I'd be working, ring, ring
I'd be on vacation, ring, ring
I'd be at the ball park, ring, ring
I'd be driving , ring, ring
I'd be having sex, ring, ring
I'd be in the art museum, ring, ring
I'd be in a restaraunt, ring, ring
I'd be mowing the yard, ring, ring
ect, ect, ect

2007-05-10 11:10:24 · answer #5 · answered by coffeemate 3 · 2 0

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