I am a 17 year old female, I am 5'4" and I currently weight 162 lbs.
I want to lose weight and gain muscle, I also would like to be on a healthy diet. or atleast eat my correct intake of calories and stuff.
I used to weight 120 lbs, but I had been going through alot and became very depressed, I was hopsitalized and put on Seroquel, which can and did make me gain ALOT of weight, I would really love to lose this weight, I don't care about 6 pack abs (although it would be nice!!) I just want a flat stomach, smaller thighs, arms and just to lose all this extra fat and weight I gained.
Can anyone give me ideas or excersizes I can do at home. I have two dogs that I play catch outside with and stuff, so I do stay active, I play basketball and go hiking, I'm not a couch potato complaining because I sit at home but want to lose weight.
Another thing I would like to know is, what amount of calories should I be taking in for my age and height.
I also would like to lose my breast size by alot
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