"I'm bored. There's nothing left for me to learn or master, so I'm ready for more fulfilling and different projects." It's close to not finding it challenging. But they'll understand you hit your peak at your current job.
2007-05-09 15:42:35
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Basically what the employer wants to know two things from this question.
If/When you leave their company for another job, what are you going to say about them in the interview? Are you going to trash them? Or will you pose an answer that paints you both in the best light? The latter is better. As I'm sure you knew ;-)
And two:
Are you toxic and bitter or someone confident and secure? They want to bring in somebody who is going to be an asset, not a pain in the assets they already have.
So being truthful, and I cannot stress that enough, come up with and answer with these things in mind and you are sure to impress. And remember, being truthful is not necessarily spilling the beans all over his desk. Break a leg!
2007-05-09 23:31:50
answer #2
answered by Rachael 2
You can say that your present job does not lead to advancement within the company and you are looking for a company you can grow in. That answer doesn't put down supervisors or coworkers and implies that you are up for new challenges and room for growth.
2007-05-09 22:44:15
answer #3
answered by OrangeCharlie 5
I'm not sure there is a right or wrong answer. Each person asking that question could view your answer differently. You might restate it as a specific job task you don't particularly like to do. Such as I like doing that type of work, but if I was to chose something I don't particularly like filing, but it's part of the job and I always kept up with the filing.
2007-05-09 23:06:34
answer #4
answered by mn1463 3
You need a well-rehearsed answer to this question and I would not necessarily tell the truth. Do not say bad things about your boss or fellow employees, even if the bad things are true. Do say things about wanting more opportunity, more money, more of a challenge, etc. Good Luck.
2007-05-09 22:45:44
answer #5
answered by GUS 4
You are right to respond in positive answers but they really want to know why you are leaving, which they don't want to ask. So I would answer:......... I find my current job a very good job but I don't like that the chances for advances are slim and I would like to find a job that is challenging my skills with a chance for advancement.
2007-05-13 01:39:10
answer #6
answered by banananose_89117 7
Most people shouldn't be completely honest about this. Anything negative about coworkers, bosses or customers and you might as well just walk away. If those are the reasons you left your last job, they will probably be the reasons you leave your new job.
Talk about challenges, learning and chance of advancement.
2007-05-09 22:44:31
answer #7
answered by stringfellow 3
Say, "I don't dislike my current job, but I am looking for a position that is more challenging and provides more opportunities."
Keep your answers short and to the point. If you get carried away and go on and on, you may very well forget the question you were responding to.
2007-05-11 16:20:14
answer #8
answered by SCOTT M 7
Try this one,
There's no oppertunity for advancement.
Saying this is an indication to the employer that your determined to achieve and that is a plus for a business because if you grow, the business grows...also, by no means will it incriminate you or your previous employment.
Good Luck!
Supervisor/HR asst.
Good Luck!
2007-05-09 22:51:52
answer #9
answered by sandy d 2
Let them know that you love your current job, that there is just not an opportunity for accelerating within the company.
2007-05-09 22:43:34
answer #10
answered by Anonymous