He didn't. Christians who make that claim don't even realize that they are calling God a liar and a trickster. It's apparent to me that most people cannot correctly interpret Holy Scripture. Someday I may write a Bible for Dummies, that actually explains how science and religion actually complement each other.
2007-05-09 15:45:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I assume this is a rheroical question aimed to annoy fundamentalist Christians. Interestingly, you could refute an argument like the one your attacking through Occam's razor: when you have several different explanations for something, the simplest one is most likely to be correct. In short, if there is a God, He (or She or It) probably has better things to do than burying fake dinosaur bones, so we should assume those bones are real. Applied to these conspiracy-laden times, Occam's razor could be simplified as: "if you have to chose between explaining something as being the result of a conspiracy, or by explaining it as the result of human sloth and stupidity, you're almost always right if you choose human sloth or stupidity as the reason." William of Occam, by the way, was a Catholic monk.
2007-05-09 15:40:04
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The majority of Dinosaurs are just big lizards. Theres a theory about the canopy above the Earth before the flood changing the air pressure creating a more oxygen rich environment that made things live longer and grow larger. Since lizards and reptiles don't stop growing throughout their entire life they could have gotten pretty big during their lifetime...
2007-05-09 18:14:33
answer #3
answered by chimerauk 3
I said this earlier in one of my posts and it's copyrighted, you better get your lawyers ready..
My Original Copyrighted Post:
"Something that defies all the teachings of the bible, and is the work of the devil! The dinosaurs are a test from God, to weed out all those annoying, elitist, intellectual types.
All information available from this phrase is within private domain. The information may not be freely distributed and copied. In any subsequent use of this work, the originator must be given appropriate acknowledgment in the form of 10 dollars."
2007-05-09 15:38:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
the bible was written by many different people all 200+ years after christ lived.
Try writing a "factual" book on george washington if all you have is oral history...
Its not about "FACTS" its about "TRUTHS"
Watch clan of the cave bear and realize that if it wasn't for religion and god that you would still be a monkey digging around in your rear for a nugget.
Faith does not rely on a book nor does it have any issues with science.
2007-05-09 15:47:55
answer #5
answered by Money Shot 3
So does every aspect of your thought process home in on the extremes of every issue? Is it even remotely true that every believer thinks exactly what you said? And do you act this way because you don't really have any depth to your thoughts whatsoever? I see some of your questions, and I get this impression that you are a really non-funny person that feels it necessary to act like a clown in order to hide many insecurities.
It's true, right?
2007-05-10 05:54:38
answer #6
answered by zombiehive 4
God is greater than a bunch of stupid fundees who've bashed their brains in with an ancient near eastern tale in 21st century America.
2007-05-09 15:39:51
answer #7
answered by Jack T 3
You should get a hold of the comedian Bill Hicks' routine about this.
There's a point where he pretends to be Jesus and says, "F-it, they're still wearing crosses! They don't get the point! Let me bury dinosaur bones with you, dad!"
2007-05-09 15:41:22
answer #8
answered by fail r us 3
Smart scientists know that the Bible is true.
Stupid scientists look to Evolution because they first decided that "God does not exist" then they went looking for how we got here without God.
Then Charlie Darwin gave them the answer their itching ears wanted to hear.
Pastor Art
2007-05-09 15:39:57
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
God wants no single person to go to hell.
Only satan wishes that apon souls.
God gave us wonders of the world to amaze us. He gave these things to us to praise him for how miraculous he is.
It is mans/satans lie to fool. Not GODS!
2007-05-09 15:41:36
answer #10
answered by lovingfeathers 3