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I would like everyones oppinion. Please do not hold back.

2007-05-09 05:39:10 · 36 answers · asked by Special K 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I believe that abortion is wrong in any case. I do not believe this just because of religion.
The only stump I had to get over was if you were raped would it still be wrong to have an abortion.
I hope this does not hurt anyone,because it is not meant to. I do not judge anyone who has had an abortion for this reason. I know it would have been very hard to keep the baby of your attacker.
I also know that this is sick what we do to these babies.
(1.)Most abortions in the U.S.A are performed before the baby is 6 weeks old. The most common method is placing sharp instruments inside the womb through the vagina.
As the walls of the womb are scraped, the baby's body is cut into pieces. As the material is removed from the uterus, arm, legs, or other body parts are usually recognizable.

(2.) In later stages of pregnancy the doctor will inject a strong salt solution into to the fluid-filled amniotic sac that protects the baby. The baby breathes this and dies -

2007-05-09 06:14:42 · update #1

-in about an hour. The woman delivers the dead baby later in the day.

(3.)If the pregnancy is past the time when the child can be poisoned,they do a C-section and leave the baby unattened so it will die.

(4.) After the 20th week, a baby can be aborted by a method called intact dilation. In this procedure the child is partially delivered feet first. A hollow tube called a cannula is inserted into the skull and the contents of the skull are sucked out. This collapses the skull and then the dead child is delivered.

(5.)There are also medications you can use to abort the baby like, Mifepristone or RU 486

I don't know if this is just me,but it this sound like stuff you would see in Saw1-3. I do not judge those who do have abortions, I just pray that you think about it before you do and if you still want to it is between you and God.

I am very sorry if i offended anybody.

2007-05-09 06:23:16 · update #2

If I was ever raped I would hope the most I would do to the baby would be give it up for adoption. I have never been raped so i can not say what I would do.
I show my deepest sympathy to those who have been raped and had children. I know it must have been very hard for you to make the choice to have an abortion or to not have one.

2007-05-09 06:26:43 · update #3

If anyone wants to e-mail me and talk to me about this or any other subject just go to my profile and click on the e-mail button. It will send the e-mail to me and I will reply to you shortly.

2007-05-09 06:35:52 · update #4

36 answers

Honestly abortion is a horrible horrible thing to do. I know there may be circumstances where as said before a girl gets raped and she cannot bare the thought of having a pregnancy as a result of it. It has not happened to me and I cannot give you a personal opinion on that matter. What I can tell you is that in those cases abortion is not the only choice you can make. Adoption is a much better less cruel option. Give the baby a chance. We were given a chance, to breathe, to learn, to live and to exist all together. Why not them? Who are we to choose if they live or not. They have as much of a right to live as we did. If you cannot keep the child for any circumstances at all, then give it up. There are tons of families out there who cannot have babies who will be more than happy to adopt. I say protect yourself from an abortion gone wrong and let a new life have a chance of living.

Note: If health issues come up when it's totally necessary for an abortion then I think it should be done. Otherwise, it's called murder.

2007-05-09 06:12:40 · answer #1 · answered by Jeannette R 3 · 2 1

I think the value and dignity of a human being is the guiding point. If in doubt, err on the side of humanity, not the side of power in any situation. Life is sacred.

Given the above, pro-abortionists must prove the child is not human. If there is doubt or the child is human, I believe it's murder. Since they cannot prove any such thing, then what they advocate is the rights of those in power to live how they want and kill who they want.

Let's not make mistakes on this, most abortions aren't done for rape or for the life of the mother. It's for convenience. This is an argument for the right to do as we choose if we're in power. What happens when that ethic is played out on us? What if the government decided *we* were undesirable? Most likely we'd fight (and we condemn the Nazis for it). It's the same ethic, though, because we have to jettison the value of a human as any sort of axiom in the discussion. Nobody wants the ideology applied to them this way.

I know it's going to sound cruel, but this is true even in the case of rape. If someone does me wrong, do I have the right to go kill an innocent person to avoid the problems that comes from being wronged? We would say that this is a pernicious idea in any other area, but we've been conditioned to accept it.

The only places where I'm the least bit wavering is a). if the mother's life is in danger. There we have to make a value judgment on whose life to save. It's a lesser of two evils situation. b). If the child cannot in any way survive (e.g. it has no brain). Those two are difficult areas where the value of life raises other questions, but in normal abortion, it's not the value of life but the pleasant life of the mother in question, and killing for comfort or to avoid hardship is simply wrong.

2007-05-09 13:58:16 · answer #2 · answered by Innokent 4 · 1 0

While I feel abortion is wrong it is unlikely it will ever cease as there have been abortions since the beginning of human history (look at the Greeks.) That being said I think laws regulating and in some cases abolishing abortions should be handled by the states and not the federal govern meant.

2007-05-09 06:38:36 · answer #3 · answered by Ajax 2 · 2 0

Abortion is no big deal if done 'promptly.' The vast majority are done before the two month (eight week) mark, and at that point, the embryo's got no brain, no nervous system, and is an inch long. 'Killing' an embryo is exponentially 'not as bad' as killing any animal or human that has been born, because embryos can't suffer, and aren't (and have never been) sentient.

Anti-choice (they'd like to call themselves "pro-life," but the funny thing is that these people tend not to really care about the unborn child after it's actually born! Not until they reach military age, at least...) advocates like to romanticize and personify this tiny blob of cells with no consciousness nor ability to feel pain, calling it a "baby" and even writing ridiculous stories about how they're inside the woman fretting about being killed. This is ludicrous, and one ought not pay attention to such bizarre straw man arguments.

While obviously I would prefer people utilize the birth control (including the morning after pill) available to practically eliminate the number of unwanted pregnancies (and therefore practically eliminate the number of abortions), I staunchly believe that is it MUCH better to abort an unwanted pregnancy than it is to birth a child you weren't intending on 'having,' especially if you are not mentally (especially if the pregnant woman is younger than 30 or so) or financially capable of adequately supporting it.

Few things are better predictors for an overall 'bad life' for a child than the fact that the pregnancy was accidental/unintended. Isn't it better to 'nip it in the bud' (especially before the embryo has developed enough to even have any consciousness or feel any pain) and prevent that birth instead of basically sentencing the future child to unnecessary hardship right out of the gate?

Adoption would be a good alternative except that the adoption 'system' is already CHOCK FULL of abandoned children--sending a kid there is only marginally better than raising it yourself in unfavorable conditions. A child given up for adoption is likely to spend many years, their formative and most vulnerable years, without a stable family to love them. Few can imagine how traumatic that is, and the kind of lifetime scars it can create to know you were abandoned. Indeed, almost ironically, many of these kids think at some point "why was I even born if my parents were going to abandon me?" Why, indeed...?

2007-05-09 05:55:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Abortion is a very serious crime and the mother who does it will have a sinful reaction of facing the same abortion in her next life when the same baby she aborted takes on a body of mother and she takes the body of the child and she gets aborted or it can be that some other soul does the same to this mother and punishes her for this act. Not even an ant should be killed as it has life & we have no right to kill an ant but because we have taken a human body we are breathing in billions of microbes inside our bodies & they are getting killed & we have to pay for this killing which we cannot avoid but if we become devotee of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna we are pardoned and we will also not take any more birth in this material world and we will go back to the spirtual abode of Sri Krishna known as Goloka Vrndavana dhama to live eternally with GOD .
So human killing is a very serious crime worse than killing a cow according to vedas.
It does not matter which religion we belong to we have to suffer the same punishment
These are sanatana or universal principles of religion and not limited to a sectarian religion

Worshipping Tulasi plant and Lord Krishna will free us from these sinful reactions but this has to come voluntarily and not out of fear

2007-05-09 06:01:47 · answer #5 · answered by Hare Krsna 2 · 3 2

I believe life starts at conception. At that point there is unique DNA, growth processes, oxidation in the cell(s), movement -- in other words, the entire life process has begun. The embryo is a closed system, not sharing organs or blood. The mother provides food and oxygen, much like she provides after birth - only the methods change.

Knowing that, I think the ONLY time abortion is justified is when - TRULY when - the life of the mother is in jeopardy. All other is legalized murder in my opinion. Someone else decides that the child is not worthy to live -- perhaps for medical reasons, embarrasment, inconvenience, etc. The reason is irrelevant -- that is a life that deserves to be born. If it dies naturally, then it dies naturally. We should not be in the business of determining whether or not a baby deserves to live or not.

2007-05-09 05:51:32 · answer #6 · answered by BowtiePasta 6 · 3 3

I agree!!!
I hate it, i mean what kind of doctor would kill a non born baby.
Break the skull and suck the brains out... thats one messed up doc!!!
Did you hear bush is making it illegal when the baby is over 3-6 months old (i think thats the age)

2007-05-10 09:28:50 · answer #7 · answered by Gone Fishing 4 · 1 0

Procreation is an ongoing process which can be interrupted at any point, right from not having sex in the first place, through contraception, and drugs which prevent implantation, to abortion anywhere up to the moment of birth.

Somewhere along that process, most people would have a point where they consider it's OK to interfere to prevent the birth of a baby up to that point, but not afterwards - e.g. abstinence is OK, but contraception isn't.... or contraception is OK, but abortion isn't... or abortion is OK but only up to week 20... or whatever. It's simply a matter of conscience where you personally decide to draw the line, and on what basis.

For myself, I cannot accept that an undifferentiated bunch of cells has more rights than the fully grown adults who are responsible for its existence. I also cannot accept that it's right to kill a foetus when it's fully developed and due to be born. Logically then, there has to be a point somewhere in between that I decide, on the basis of conscience, is the point at which abortion becomes unacceptable. I don't know enough about it to have a definite view where that point lies, but it must lie somewhere in the 9 months of pregnancy.

It's in the nature of life that there are no easy answers to this kind of question, as it's a matter of subjective opinion rather than objective fact - and my opinion is that abortion cannot be wrong, per se.

Oh, and it's pointless to argue about whether the embryo is 'human life' or not - Of course it is. That is not the issue. The issue is whether a human life at a stage of being a tiny featureless blob of cells should be protected at the expense of the wishes of the parents - and particularly the woman who would have to give birth to it. I don't think it should.

2007-05-09 05:46:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 8 4

I do agree with you. Generally abortion is prohibited in most religions and cultures. But should you have complications during pregnancy or any reasonable reason, you are allowed to do so. The rest is up to Him.

2007-05-09 07:33:13 · answer #9 · answered by z_jepoh 4 · 2 0

I'm not sure what I think about abortion beyond the belief that the "it's my body-my choice" argument is bs and it shouldn't be used in lieu of other birth control. [You made that choice when you decided to have sex, knowing full well pregnancy might be a consequence.]

I also think it's a pretty horrific thing, personally, but I don't know that I would make it illegal. I would support anyone who is making that choice, as your personal life circumstances are all that matters. I can't make that decision for people. I've never had to consider it. Tough call. There are just too many factors to consider to make a sweeping decision about it.

2007-05-09 05:47:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

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