Jesus said this because he told them the truth concerning the world, and the errs of their beliefs, but they did not believe him, but they heard his Words, it was up to them to believe or not to believe. Once they heard the True Bread from heaven, they could no longer say that they were not told, therefore they were no longer blind to the truth.
The Prophet were people chosen by God to hear the word he sent them.
Disciples are true believer in the Words spoken by Jesus Christ, alone. not Peter, or Paul or even me, but the actual Words spoken by Jesus the Christ, the Living Word of God.
2007-05-09 05:33:34
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
OK! I agree with Misty. You can tell who looked it up and who didn't. John 9: 41 is talking of the scribes and pharasees (clergy and lawyers of the day) who were so caught up in their rituals and own power, they forgot what the rituals pointed to Jesus. They could be forgiven ignorance if they never knew anything about Mosaic law but they claimed they were knowledgeable about it. So their guilt of not obeying the spirit of that law remained. They were all out of sorts at Jesus healing a blind man on the sabbath. According to Mosaic Law, no work was to be done. They could not get past that ritual to notice he made a blind man see!
As for the prophet and disciples in CHAPTER 9, the prophet was Moses and the clergy and lawyers claimed to be disciples of Moses. They also accused the blind man of being a disciple of Jesus to fake the whole thing.
CHAPTER 10 Jesus uses something all his audience was familar with to teach. They all new about sheep and their habits. They know their shepherd by his voice and follow. They know how to go in the barn door for safety. Sheep have predaters on both 2 and 4 legs. Jesus would sacrifice his life for those sheep.
The effect on the audience was some thought he was crazy; others knew it was the truth and made sense. Some of the Jews wanted him to outright say he was the Son of God, the Messiah, for their own reasons.
His answer was for them to judge for themselves. They knew what the Messiah was supposed to do. They had seen the miracles he performed. They heard the message he spoke. Yet they would not make the effort to change their beliefs based on the evidence they witnessed. They tried to stone him to death rather than admit they were wrong.
Others saw differently, John the Baptist did not perform any signs or miracles but they had seen everything John had said about Jesus was true, so they put faith in Jesus.
2007-05-09 15:52:13
answer #2
answered by grnlow 7
Its John 9:41 that quotes that verse, Im not real sure what you want to know, but try reading this
and this is the whole context in NIV:
John 9
35 Jesus heard that the Pharisees had thrown the man out. When he found him, he said, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?"
36 "Who is he, sir?" the man asked. "Tell me, so I can believe in him."
37 Jesus said, "You have now seen him. In fact, he is the one speaking with you."
38 Then the man said, "Lord, I believe." And he worshiped him.
39 Jesus said, "I have come into this world to judge it. I have come so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind."
40 Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this. They asked, "What? Are we blind too?"
41 Jesus said, "If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin. But since you claim you can see, you remain guilty.
2007-05-09 12:32:10
answer #3
answered by lynjen31 3
Jesus is rebuking the Pharisees for their blind faith in ceremony.(9:41) He is making the point that they, in their privilege and spiritual pride are full of conceit and ignorance as to the nature of sin.
An apostle is one picked by Jesus to follow him, and afterwards, to spead his word.
A prophet is inspired by God to spreads God's word.
John ch. 10 is the lesson of Christ being the GOOD SHEPHERD. If you study this, which Christ is speaking in future terms, you will see that he is right, and that he IS the Good Shepherd.
2007-05-09 12:33:19
answer #4
answered by great gig in the sky 7
That's not what mine says:
41 Many came to Him and were saying, "While John performed no sign, yet everything John said about this man was true."
2007-05-09 12:30:40
answer #5
answered by Misty 7
In John 10:41 he means that when you have not been tought about Christ you can not be guilty of those sins that you did not know were wrong. But if you have been told about Christ you are held accountable for you actions.
I hope this helped!~*
2007-05-09 12:30:01
answer #6
answered by Special K 3
He meant we should know better than to continue in sin
Jesus is the good shepherd John 10
Jesus gave Himself names that pointed to special roles He was ready to fulfill
2007-05-09 12:29:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You've asked so much here. Perhaps this link will help.
2007-05-09 12:34:31
answer #8
answered by Doethineb 7