You might get a mix of right and wrong answers on here. So unless an answer is actually from a JW, don't assume it is correct. Also, go directly to the source. Edit: Bongobeat25-JW's DO celebrate their wedding anniversaries! Jehovah instituted marriage.
2007-05-08 17:27:49
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It looks like you've gotten probably more information than you bargained for, alot of inaccurate and accurate things have been covered. First of all, if you want to know about Witnesses, ask the witnesses, she is most likely attending meetings at the Kingdom Hall, tag along with her on a Sunday morning. No one is asking you to join, we are definitely not a cult or a sect. It's 2 hours one Sunday morning, the first 45 minutes or so is a bible based talk and then we study a lesson from our Bible Based magazine.
The cool thing about us as Witnesses, is we are a united, worldwide organization. We all worship in the same format. So if you went to Italy, they would be studying the exact same study article that we here in the US are studying, and they would have the same meeting format.
As said before Holidays are not from Christain origin, they are based on Pagan and idol worship, things we stay away from because even the bible says to "flee from idolatry"
Christmas has been addressed as well, it's not Jesus' birthday, that was never revealed to us, because his death was of more real significance to us than his birth, because his life was offered as a ransom sacrifice.
We absolutely believe that Jesus is the son of God. But not God himself, The trinity is not a biblical teaching at all, the word trinity is not found in the Bible and if you go to a yahoo search, search the keywords "origin of the trinity" and you'll see it's been made up, its not real.
Jehovah is the true God, he created the earth, and life. Psalms 83:18. We never predicted the world would end in any given year, even the bible says that no one knows the day nor the hour except for God.
There are alot of people out there that love to say things that are untrue about Jehovah's Witnesses. Make your own decisions based on your own personal experience.
Our official website is found at:
If it's not the it's not an official JW Site.
You know what the funny thing is, if you said that your girlfriend was Catholic or Jewish, do you think you would have gotten so much negative feedback?
Jesus even said his true followers would be persecuted. Just remember ask a Witness what he/she believes, that way you are sure to get the right answer.
2007-05-09 14:01:16
answer #2
answered by Dazie 3
We can use any bible. We do perfer the New World Translation which is the only bible that was translated by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. It's in modern English. There are no dates about the world ending. "No one knows the day or the hour, not even the Son, only the Father" Matt 24: 36-39 You may want to see the book "Truth in Translation" by Jason David BeDuhn. He does an unbiased comparision of nine English translations of the bible.
I was raised a Jehovah's Witnesses, and can tell you in all the 40+ years of going to the meetings, I have never heard anyone predict when the end was coming. The only thing said about 1975 was that it had been 6000 years since Adam's creation. If anyone put more into it than that, that was there own speculation. I don't know anyone who sold their house etc...that would be a really stupid thing to do. True servants of Jehovah do not worship for a date. We serve Jehovah because we love him, whether the end comes in our life time or not, we continue to serve him without let up.
We do not celebrate holidays due to their pagan origins. Look it up in the encyclopeadia. Also see two references to birthdays in the bible. Both celebrated by pagans: Gen 40: 20-22 & Matt 14: 6-10. We are told to not mix unlawful things with righteous things, see 1 Cor. 6: 14 & 15.
We believe that Jesus is God's Son, and Jehovah is the Almighty God. See Ps 83:18; John 17: 3
Most Jehovah's Witnesses do not date someone who does not share their beliefs. Your girlfriend my be associated, but not baptized. Someone is not considered a Jehovah's Witness until they are baptized. Why not ask her these questions?
Addition: Someone does not get disfellowshipped for dating or marrying someone that is not a witnesses. However, should they committed fornication and NOT be repentant, then they could be disfellowshipped.
2007-05-09 04:04:38
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT a cult. We never predicted that Armageddon would come in 1914, that year was marked as the year when Christ was enthroned king of Jehovah God's heavenly kingdom. Many witnesses did however feel that the end was coming and sold their belongings ect. But they did not do so at the recommendation of anyone. That was based on their own speculation.
We have gained more spiritual insight through the years.
Jehovah's Witness's did not break away from any other religion, though many say so. If you really want to know about Jehovah's Witnesses and their beliefs, ask one in person, it will be more productive then Yahoo Answers.
2007-05-10 05:54:08
answer #4
answered by PinkSyd BarrettFloyd 1
All we do and don't do is Bible based.
Birthday celebrations are from pagan origins.
and worldly holidays, also, pagan roots/origins
You can look any1 of them up in an encyclopedia...I did.
We (all christians) were commanded to "Commerate his Death and Resurrection" NoWhere are to told to celebrate his birth. No one even knows his exact birth date. We do know that he died @ 33 1/2 yrs., old and it was in the spring that he died. That would put his birth sometime around Sept./Oct. somewhere. There are only 2 b-day celebrations in the Bible; and both resulted in the death of someone. Not, favorable, I'd say.
We know very well that Jesus is the Son of God.
God has a personal name-Ex.3:15; 6:3; Ps.83:18; Isa.12:4
(Answers ur "who's Jehovah" Q)
We don't accept the Trinity-Deut. 6:4
No, that's not true about our Bible or any Bible for that matter.
We are sincere students of the Bible... and believe He has preserved His word through the Torah, the Psalms and the Gospels.
We don't believe in a immortal soul-Ecc. 9:5
We do believe the Resurrection-Acts 24:15
No Hellfire-Jer. 7:31
No Fate-Ro. 14:12
No Clergy Class-Matt. 23:4-12
No Idolatry-John 4:24
Neutral in Politics-John 17:16;
We are law abiding-Ro13:1,5-7
High Moral Standards-John 15:12,13; Gal. 5:22,23
The Approaching End of This World-Dan. 2:44
We do celebrate; Weddings, Anniversaries, Baby Showers, Graduations, and any other wholesome gathering...
like B-B-Q's...uumm...uumm
You could go to the Official Site
2007-05-09 09:08:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
if you are truly not JW and your girlfriend is, she is bound to get disfellowshipped or disassociated if she is not baptized. I think you are actually a JW baiting other JWs to answer your silly questions. You know the answers to those questions and you are using Yahoo Answers to spread your propaganda. Everyone knows that JWs are a very tight organization and would never allow dating outside the cult. That would be grounds to be shunned.
I can see why JWs don't celebrate Christmas as it is a direct contradiction to the bible and has no biblical basis. But Mother's Day? Labor Day? Father's Day? Those are holidays that are not mascarading as biblical. It's just another way JWs run a tight ship.
Who is Jehovah? I can't believe you would ask a question as that. Every bible names Jehovah as God. You must have been living in a whole somewhere if you didn't know that. But I suspect you already knew and used the question to promote your own doctrines. Misleading questions. I thought JWs didn't lie or make up stories.
Forgive me if you are not really JW, but this type of question gives the Watchtower the chance to promote themselves. You should have just asked your girlfriend.
Lastly, it wasn't their bible that predicted the end of the world, it was their companion publication the Watchtower that did and still does predict the end of the world. They are famous for claiming that 1914 was the start of the end times and that before that generation passes on the end will come. Certainly anyone born in 1914 would not remember that year. So they would have to have been at least 5 years old to remember that year. Today they would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 98. JWs must be busy packing for the end of the world. Or at least coming up with a new prediction.
Compare the collective thinking of the JWs as a group to the Borg on Star Trek, not much of a difference. Brainwashing is brainwashing.
1 A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader. TheWatchtower would be their charismatic leader.
2 Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing.
3 followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices
I think those dictionary definitions fit the cult of Jehovah's Witnesses. Make no mistake, they are a cult. Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing and definitely stay away from JWs.
2007-05-10 17:38:40
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
we as Jehovah Witnesses are taught not to date anyone that is not a Jehovah Witnesses. the holiday are all pagan. Jesus was not born on DEC 25. Jesus Christ commanded us to celebrate his death on Nisan 14 and this year in 236 lands on April 2 we celebrated his death. Jehovah is God's name and it is in the king James bible also at PS 83 verse 18. we are not a cult as people keep saying. a cult worships man, we worship Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ. a cult lives together and we live with our own families in our own homes. we do go to doctors and if the doctor wants a blood test we do take blood tests. as far as blood transfusions even if I was not a Jehovah Witness I would never take of it. a very dear friend had a bad heart operation without blood and he is doing great without blood.
2007-05-09 08:33:08
answer #7
answered by lover of Jehovah and Jesus 7
I believe your girlfriend my be studying with Jehovah's Witnesses and has come to believe what she is learning is the truth. This does not make her one of Jehovah's Witnesses. For the most part Jehovah's Witnesses follow the Bible's counsel to 'marry only in the Lord'(1Corinthians 7:39) This command extends to dating since we do not view dating as mere recreation but a prelude to courtship and marriage.
Another reason for my doubt about her being of our faith is the fact that you must ask here about her beliefs rather than directly asking her.
The answer to most of your questions is covered in the one scripture John 4:23-24:Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for, indeed, the Father is looking for suchlike ones to worship him. God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.”
Worshiping God in accord with truth eliminates any practice linked to false worship or pagan practices as the celebration of most holidays and birthdays are.
The answer to your last question is no, that is untrue.
2007-05-09 13:35:46
answer #8
answered by babydoll 7
"How come she doesn't celebrate her birthday or any holidays? Is that a common Jehovah’s Witnesses practice? How come Jehovah’s Witnesses don't celebrate Christmas? Do they not think that Jesus is the son of GOD?"
from what I know about JWs, they follow the Bible only.
You should google every "holiday" and the word 'pagan origins'. example: 'christmas pagan origins'
then you will discover the actual historic facts and truth first hand instead of random, biased opinions here at Y!A
when someone or some religion says Jesus was born on December 25th, they are stating and believing a lie. The Bible is clear about this at 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
and Jesus warned that there would be many false "christians" who would not care about the will of his Father at Matthew 7:13-23
"Who is Jehovah ?"
you could ask 'who is Jesus' in the first century and no one would know who you were talking about because it is an English translation of a Jewish name, just like Jehovah is an English translation of a Jewish name. YHWH/Jehovah is the God whom Yhshua/Jesus worships, prays to and serves; the one he always refers to as "my Father in heaven" see Acts 3:13
YHWH/Jehovah appears almost 7,000 times in the Bible but wicked men have removed God's Divine Holy Name from most versions of the Bible.
"And is it true that in one of their bibles, it predicted the world would end in 1979 or 1999 ? I've heard that a lot by some people. Is that true?"
As far as I know, they use any Bible you want and no Bible has the exact year of the end of satans world and the beginning of God's Kingdom. Every Bible does warn that true Christians must be on the watch though.
2007-05-08 22:57:20
answer #9
answered by seeker 3
First of all, if you are not one of Jehovah's Witnesses, then your "girlfriend" isn't either- at least not officially. Someone who is a baptized JW does not date anyone who is not also a JW otherwise they are breaking the bible's direction to marry "only in the Lord".
As for the matter of celebrating Christmas & birthdays, you can do your own research or check out the official website of Jehovah's Witnesses: or even ask your girlfriend.
Be forewarned that many sites claim to be JW sites only to spread lies and smear JWs. Make sure you get your info from a real JW!
2007-05-08 17:32:18
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Well, I see you got all the information you need. Isn't there a saying (quote) of being original? Original is the same as being Unique. While everyone is cruising downstream, the JW'S are fighting the current swimming upstream. I am not a JW and I got my own opinions on religions. All religions are NOT Perfect, but as the time draws nearer and nearer there will be ONE religion that is almost Perfect under the guidance of Yahweh/Jehovah. I believe that Yeshuah is gathering people to this ONE religion.
I don't know which one it is, but I hope I truly find it in time!
Love and Peace.
2007-05-09 06:23:01
answer #11
answered by Debs 5