You matter to the people you love and those who love you in return.
In this entire universe where I may have no significance, I mean the world to my son and he is the world to me..
The bigger picture is made up of smaller parts that come together.
If we all play our part to make the life meaningful, it will affect the bigger picture.
The pattern on a rug is determined by each individual piece of yarn so we all matter.
2007-05-08 17:04:46
answer #1
answered by aken 4
Q: Why are we here?
A: To have experience.
Q: Why is there life here on Earth?
A: I don't know. All I know is, is that there is? Does anything else really matter? Well, possibly there is life because a decision was made to have life here (?)
Q: What is the significance in the bigger picture?
A: Depends on what you mean by the word 'significance' and/or 'the bigger picture.' Meaning, the angle of perspective is all important in answering this kind of question.
For instance if we look at (or compare ourselves to) the ENTIRE universe, then yes, it is easy to see that we may be nothing more than a speck of fly doo-doo on the window pane of the cosmos.
However, when comparing ourselves and our significance to, let's say, our family, friends, etc., then our significance is considerably different.
Q: Do we really matter?
A: To who?
Wouldn't we/you be surprised to find out that God could not be God without us? That He/She/It craves experience, and that that is what we provide for God? Experience--not just good experience, but ALL kinds of experience.
And that we are literally part of his body, just like all the elements, molecules, mineral, plants, animals, planets, solar systems, galaxies, etc., are part of his body?
So, how important are your fingers to you? Or your toes? Or your stomach?
In this sense we are no less important to God as his 'body parts'.
Here's a parable entitled "The Parable Of The Body" that you might find interesting and useful:
2007-05-09 00:14:14
answer #2
answered by smithgiant 4
I have a theory that makes as much sense as anything else. Assuming god is all powerful and all knowing then he/she/it would have one difficult problem. Making life would be simple but making any life that could form a new idea or differing opinion would be a challenge. What is the point of immortality if all you can interact with is creations that parrot the thoughts you give them. Thats more like hell then heaven.
Solution to this problem: Make a creature that learns and has a compulsion to find answers. Give it a short life so it has to work fast to accomplish anything. Make its life suck 75% of the time so its motivated to either solve the problems plaguing it or get tougher then it is. Then step back out of the way and wait. It might take 10,000 years to get to a level to interact but if it survives then it must inevitably do just that. In this way god could have some one to interact with.
If you think about it that would explain allot .
Of course the idea that were a random accident makes just as much sense but it also means that nothing matters and our life is completely without meaning. If thats true then we might as well do as we like because no one really cares and we all die anyway.
2007-05-09 00:08:24
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
We're here because God created us to live on a perfect earth and faithfully serve Him. But since Adam and Eve passed sin on to us, (Romans 5:12) we're imperfect and so is the earth, unfortunately. But that's soon to change. When you have a minute, you might want to read Psalms 37:10,11,29 it's a very encouraging scripture. And yes, we really do matter...especially to God.
Notice what Jesus said at Matthew 10:29-31: "Do not two sparrows sell for a coin of small value? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without YOUR Father's [knowledge]. 30Â But the very hairs of YOUR head are all numbered. 31Â Therefore have no fear: YOU are worth more than many sparrows."
Hope I've helped.
Rachel B
2007-05-09 00:28:36
answer #4
answered by Rachel B 3
We are here because our parents, intended or not, did what comes natural to all species of living things. Why living things exist, is an astronomical chance, or source of all known religions. Proof that it can occur without mysterious intervention, is basically based on the idea, that life on earth just happened to form on it's own. Of course there is nothing in Christianity anyways, that dictates life only exists here. I think the "Hitchiker's Guide To The Universe" does a fair job of satirizing both religious and atheists alike.
2007-05-09 00:06:13
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
“We are a way for the cosmos to know itself” --Dr. Carl Sagan
There is only life that exists is fully contained in my MacBook Pro. The cosmos has been replaced by the Internet. Perhaps you should ask Al Gore, who claims to have invented it, why as an environmentalist he would have wiped it out?
2007-05-09 00:06:46
answer #6
answered by Beach Saint 7
William Shakespeare once said, "Life is a tale, full of sound and fury and Signifying nothing!" I think he believed that we are born, we grow, make alot of noise, die and are forgotten. I guess he didn't mean himself. Since hardly anyone has forgotten him. There is proof of faith in almost all Cultures and eras of mankind. The Native Americans believed in a "Great Spirit" before they were ever introduced to White man or Christian beliefs. Without Faith, there is no Hope. I will have Faith! For in Faith, I find purpose and a sense of something wonderfull to come. God loves you, even if you don't love Him!
2007-05-09 00:07:53
answer #7
answered by vol4good 1
Good question! We are stardust.
Yes, we matter. How and why will be open to discussion long after we are gone; but only to those who remain when we have "moved on".
Whatever your answer to your own question is. it is as good as anyone else's for we do not know anything except through faith.
For me, there is little doubt of my destination (just enough to keep things interesting); the marvel and awe is in the journey. Then I "move on".
2007-05-09 00:15:08
answer #8
answered by d2 7
Ecclesiastes 12:12-14 (King James Version)
12And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.
13Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
14For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
God is the creator. HE is the ultimate authority and has the ultimate right to decide what we are for. period!
2007-05-08 23:58:55
answer #9
answered by Tammy M 6
simply put, we are here because God put us here. This world was meant to be peaceful && full of joy. satan kinda ruined that and brought evil upon the earth. Now, our job from here until Jesus returns... is to follow His word, serve our heavenly Father, && do things the way God wants us to. And sadly, people deny him && don't want to do what is <> our job... because they are too caught up in worldy treasures that they refuse to change for God. But all those denying him... && don't change your ways.... well you just S.O.L && you'll be plenty believing when the father denies you. && to the people saying they're sick of religion being shoved down their throat.... it's funny. i once had the same feeling. i hated it. and look.... im a hardcore Jesus freak. it's our job to do that anyways. even if people threaten to kill us for our beliefs in our Father... we wont back down. go figure. why would people give their lives if there was no such purpose? THAT IS OUR PURPOSE
may God Bless all of you who are blind.
2007-05-09 00:14:51
answer #10
answered by dOll FaCe 3