Often times when you get your ears pierced there is scar tissue that accumulates in your earlobe. It can be very small at first and then get larger. It sometimes moves around your earlobe a bit too. It can also hurt when pressure is put on it. It is most likely scar tissue. If you are really concerned or it really hurts go to a doctor to check it out.
Good luck!
2007-05-08 13:25:56
answer #1
answered by MissChris 1
It's probably a pimple that needs to be popped. I had one on my ear that lasted for almost 2 months before I realized that it was a black head that was just deeper than a normal pimple. I popped it with a needle and squeezed it till it came out. Yeah, it hurt and then bled. But when it healed it was gone!
2007-05-08 13:27:51
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
That sounds like a sebaceous cyst the proper term is an epidermal cyst. They aren't usually harmful but can become infected and grow larger. They can be caused by blocked sebaceous glands or swollen hair follicles. Sometimes surgery is needed to remove them. Have your doctor look at this he or she can tell you more.
2007-05-08 13:40:20
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
How long ago did you get your ears pierced? Yes it could be a keloid and it could be an infected earlobe, when did the pain start? You need to see a doctor or dermatologist and get that checked out.
2007-05-08 13:27:12
answer #4
answered by SHANE 3
If its on the lower part of your ear lobe it's most likely a sist. The next time you go in for a checkup have your doctor look at it. It shouldn't be anything to worry about.
2007-05-08 13:26:09
answer #5
answered by Neil Ryan 1
That's happened to me before, but mine was only a pimple and it lasted about a week. Go see a doctor on "the eyes ears and mouth" they might give you some ointment, if not you can just go throught MINOR i mean very little surgery, and they can remove it, if you haven't tried already.
2007-05-08 13:26:50
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Right now I have the same thing on my left ear lobe. Believe it or not, you have sebaceous glands in your earlobes and they clog with sebum and if your lucky, it will form a head and pus will come out.
2007-05-08 17:04:41
answer #7
answered by happydawg 6
I get those ocasionally. My wife twirls a sterile needle into the lump (sewing needle at that) and then just squeezes out the yellowish build-up out and it is gone. Kind of like squeezing a pimple or ingrown hair
2007-05-08 13:30:26
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
it happpened to me. but not for 10 months only 1 or 2. It got bigger and bigger. Put soap on the lump when u take a shower or bath or whatever.
You probabley should be scared. thats weird! 10 months! thats a lot!
2007-05-08 13:25:37
answer #9
answered by lol! It's moi 2
I haven't heard of cancer of the earlobes but if you are worried, get it checked out by a doctor.
2007-05-08 13:25:25
answer #10
answered by sticky 7