Lack of education.
2007-05-08 11:40:47
answer #1
answered by Fish <>< 7
Well, there are Catholics, Mormons, and Protestants, and then sects within those. the fact is, if you don't believe that
truly believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and that he is the only way to get to heaven,
you aren't really a Christian. If you believe that there are EXTRA things to do, then you're basically saying that Jesus's perfect sacrifice wasn't enough. however, if you TRULY believe in Jesus, you will follow him. That's just how it is. Bible passages describing this fact have been misinterpreted by others and have developed false religions off of it, such as Catholocism and Mormonism.
and i agree, it is SO pathetic that some people won't figure it out. it's in the bible after all, which they should use to figure out if what the preacher is saying is right or not.
2007-05-08 18:42:43
answer #2
answered by chainsdestroyed 2
Hi John,
Actually, it's just your reasoning as to why there are so many denominations of Christianity. We don't all believe the same thing.
For instance, Catholics believe we can never know the mind of God. So we can never know who is saved and who is damned. Not until you die. Protestants believe that if you fulfill a, b and c - you are promised heaven no matter how badly you misbehave.
Pentecostals think than one can only know one is saved if one speaks in tongues. But the bible specifically states that not everyone is given the gift of tongues.
We all have different views. God loves diversity. He created us in all the colors of the rainbow. With all sorts of points of view.
Too bad people don't like diversity.
2007-05-08 18:49:08
answer #3
answered by Max Marie, OFS 7
Well you may be talking to Christians that are of different denominations. Since after Christ was reserected Christians have had different views on the interpertation of the Bible. That is why today there are so many Christian denominations. The way I look at it though, is we are all born of sin...(from Adam and Eve) if we do not ask for forgivness for our sins before we die we will probably go to Hell..However if we ask for forgivness from our sins and try our best not to sin until we die then we will go to heaven.
2007-05-08 18:43:21
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
do you actually know what pathetic means?
it means:
pa·thet·ic /pÉËθÉtɪk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[puh-thet-ik] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. causing or evoking pity, sympathetic sadness, sorrow, etc.; pitiful; pitiable: a pathetic letter; a pathetic sight.
2. affecting or moving the feelings.
3. pertaining to or caused by the feelings.
4. miserably or contemptibly inadequate: In return for our investment we get a pathetic three percent interest.
I assume you are referring to the fourth definition. However, I would hardly call a disagreement among individuals to be "inadequate".
There is nothing two people agree upon completely. We all have differing views of God. Would it not make sense that the God who is infinite could only be described by the infinitely differing views of his people?
2007-05-08 18:43:20
answer #5
answered by epaphras_faith 4
Anyone "Christian" who says that you "get saved" and then do what you want doesn't read.
There is no Biblical foundation for "once saved, always saved."
It's like getting pulled over for speeding, the police officer having mercy and letting you go, only for your to take off at 90 miles an hour again. It's taking advantage of God.
Yes, it is pathetic, but you must be aware that this is human nature we're talking about. People, especially Americans (and I can say that, because I'm American...), don't want to think that they have to work or sacrifice for anything.
Jesus said, "Be perfect, even as our Father in heaven in perfect."
2007-05-08 18:47:09
answer #6
answered by Birdie 3
People are entitled to understanding things their own way dude! Different christians are at different stages of maturity in life and sometimes have very differing understanding of things. Don't tell me that now you have the same understanding of things as when you were a kid. Some christians are "kids" and speak without a full understanding, others are more mature and understand things a little better, and actually none of us has a full understanding of it all.
It sounds to me that you're the immature person if you can't figure that much out. Grow up man.
2007-05-08 18:44:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Dear John,
Undoubtedly there are people in Y/A Religion who truly believe that they are "christian" but the truth is they have never been saved or born from above.
In answer to your question, ALL of us are rebellious wicked sinners (Psalms 58:1-5; Romans 3:10, 12). ALL of mankind deserves to end up in the lake of fire for eternity (the penalty for sin). However, God in His great love and mercy determined to save some of these rebels and make them His children. Because God is absolutely just (as well as righteous, all-powerful, all-knowing, Holy, eternal, etc) and cannot allow sin to enter into heaven, He had to pay the sin debt of these rebels He intended to save, to allow them entrance into heaven. Because man lost eternal life, Jesus Christ had to come to earth as a man in order to be the substitute.
So God became a man, lived a perfect life, and then became the sin-substitute to bear the equivalent of spending eternity in the lake of fire. The physical suffering of Jesus (crown of thorns, etc) had nothing to do with the payment of the sin penalty. Jesus began to endure the wrath of God when He entered the Garden of Gethsemanae and it came to an end when He said on the cross, "It is finished." The sin penalty was paid for all those whom God had chosen to save before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:3-5). Our puny minds cannot fathom the extent of what Jesus endured during this period which is called the atonement. However, it was the equivalent of spending eternity in hell compressed into the hours between the Garden and when He said "It is finished." Christ arose from the dead on Sunday to prove that He had victory over physical death and the second death (hell).
The only way for a person to go to heaven is to have Jesus as their Saviour.
2007-05-08 18:59:21
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It would only be "pathetic" if Christians were perfect and not human like everyone else. Christians are just like everyone else, and therefore subject to error and/or differences in interpretation. I don't fault Christians for not being completely consistent with each other. I only fault one who insists that he has all the answers and everyone else's interpretation is wrong.
2007-05-08 18:47:06
answer #9
answered by Schleppy 5
Believers debate this because of different interpretations of the formula for salvation. But it is really simple. In this dispensation, all one needs is Faith and Obedience to God and His Law. If one sins: 1. Repent and get an opportunity to enter the gates of Heaven. 2. Do not repent and be separated from God forever (Hell). Further, one must be baptized in spirit and in water in Jesus' Name. But some have debates over this, ad nauseum. In our humanity we feel frustrated. But our spirit can overcome the flesh and extend a hand to those that need to understand the truth.
"Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth" -- 2 Tim 2:23-25 NIV
If you know the truth, just help those that do not know Jesus, so that you may win their soul back to Christ.
2007-05-08 19:10:26
answer #10
answered by Dr. G™ 5
Its not a matter of being good or bad. What Church you go to. If you pay your tites, say 50 hail marys, and dont kick the cat.
The decision is grounded and founded in your rejection or acceptance of Jesus Chirst.
It not about what we do! Its all about what he did! However, if you are confessing to be a Christain and still playing with the devils toys (sin) then theres a possibility, you are not saved.
For the Holy Spirit (the incorruptible seed of God) dwells in you. And the purpose and the nature of a seed is it ability to reproduce "after" its kind
2007-05-08 18:48:44
answer #11
answered by n_007pen 4