Because God says it is, end of story.
That does not mean that i hate homosexuals I 100% do not. I have known gay people all my life and its not for me to judge them but God.
Again you assume alot and being religious and homophobic are not one in the same. There are plenty of gay bashers out there of no faith at all. Again your stereotypes dont get old do they? Yes they do.......
Your welcome to your ignorance however.
Liar clone...
That would be the one and only God.
Sorry he only takes calls in the form of prayer.
2007-05-07 15:40:55
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Dear Terry
I understand life pretty well from all three perspectives: science, 'new conscious values' and the bible.
I must say I take issue with the word 'stupid' - uncalled for here.
There is quite the simple scientific concept of irritated bowel and /or disease due to unnatural anal penetration that comes to mind, for example - not to mention the 'new conscious value' that supports multiple partners and sex without commitment in all types of relationships. When you can give me good reason why 'new conscious values' are a valuable addition to human society, perhaps we can sit down and talk about it.
Until then ....
blessings :)
edit: Homosexuality certainly doesn't hold the top prize for sure - Any act of fornication is depravity. All it serves is to errode society's morals, create overly complex family situations and degrade and debase humankind. How can unconditional sexual freedom in any uncommitted relationship be considered a conscious value? It's an oxymoron at best..
The fact that homosexuality is 'front and centre' so to speak, is that it's the current flavour of the day. Unconditional sex for hetrosexuals has now become the norm. Homosexuality is 'now', sex with children is coming (it's already started as a matter of fact with governments lowering the age of consent everywhere) and the last frontier will be sex with animals.
We don't have to explore science and the 'new conscious values' to understand (or accept it) either - as it's all in the bible. The new conscious value, therefore, will eventually be 'how far are you - as a human - willing to push the boundaries of basic humankind moral behaviour before you are no longer considered a human'? the new conscious value will ask "what is a human?" and "what really matters anymore?"
blessings :)
2007-05-07 15:54:05
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
What do you mean "how can homosexuality be a sin?"? When will the liberal left start accepting the TRUTH about the world they live in. I hate to break it to you but homosexuality is morally (whether you want to accept it or not), physically, and psychologically proven to be extremely harmful to the human body whether we are talking about males or females.
The funny thing about this "new conscious value" system that you purport to follow is that it believes humans are no better than animals and that anything is acceptable as long as it makes us feel good. The funny thing about this "science" you "accept" is that it denies the very truth of scientific proof. It is the same silliness the man-made global warming maniacs use. In THAT madness, they completely refuse to look at or understand other possible senarios which might disprove their distortion of scientific evidence.
Unfortunately, I know you will not take this seriously. You will dismiss it as cold, heartless and homophobic bigotry. That is not the case. I do exhaustive research on many subjects to find TRUTH. Do you think God would want a person to damage themselves in any of the ways mentioned above? If He doesn't, do you think He would pleased if He saw people purposefully hurting themselves and others? I sure don't. That is why He made it a sin.
2007-05-07 15:58:15
answer #3
answered by Wookie 3
Homosexuality and bi-sexuality are are just two similar forms of fornication, also similar to adultery. They are all sins of the flesh and they are an abomination to God. It doesn't matter what you want to call it or what word dancing you want to do around it. I hope you realize that this is not the only verse in the Bible that warns of the dangers of homosexuality. Leviticus 18:22, and 1 Corinthians - 6-19 also speak of this sin. By the way, you can mock Christians if you want, that's your choice. However, I fear no man for any reason; but I do fear for the souls of many for many reasons, their mocking being one.
2016-05-17 23:35:57
answer #4
answered by ? 3
Christians aren't going to understand life in terms of science and new conscious values. So, stop wishing for it. See, the Bible says that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He's unchanging. So, if He doesn't change, we aren't either. And people can call us bigots and homophobes all they want, but homosexuality is a sin. It is a perversion of the way God made things. He made them male and female. If you're not a Christian why are you so concerned with what we think? We're not trying to be mean. We don't hate homosexuals. God isn't about hate. He's about love. But, he's also about justice. But, if you don't believe in God, then what are you worried about. I mean, don't most people think Christians are just a bunch of right-winged thought police who live their lives attached to an antiquated religion and a God who shows no mercy? I am a Christian and have been most of my life. I'm proud of it. I'm not going to change the way I feel or believe. God's word isn't going to change, so I can't either. We love people, but we aren't going to sit back and say that God condones everything people do.
2007-05-07 15:49:02
answer #5
answered by Rachel A 2
OK. you want science and new conscious values.
Homosexuality is a non-survival characteristic. If a person is "really" gay, they would not have any children. If up to them, the species would die out.
Homosexuality is the reason AIDS spread so fast and so far in the early days. Patient "0" was a gay Canadian Airline steward and the first 10 patients found were all gay "friends" of him. If you compare VD in the gay community with VD in the straight community, it is clear homosexuality spreads disease.
How is that for science?
Or we can just say it is a sin, do not do it.
2007-05-07 15:52:44
answer #6
answered by forgivebutdonotforget911 6
Homosexuality is a sin because God commanded sex to be between a MARRIED Man and Woman.
It's wrong, that I'm sure. But it isn't the people that should be discriminated against. I'm not a really conservative christian, but I think it is a sin and should be delt with. It doesn't mean I hate homosexuals, because God Loves them. We all sin. One could be an alocoholic, a chronic drug user, or just a plain outright chronic masturbater( which im sure many men are...). But We all sin, and that is why Jesus died on the cross, to forgive us. We definatly should'nt sin but we are man and have sinned ever since Adam and Eve.
2007-05-07 15:50:31
answer #7
answered by Panda WafflesZilla 3
What science? When science figures out that a man can create a baby with another man or when a woman can create a baby with another woman maybe we will be on to something. The word sex refers to what type of human you are...Man or Woman. Sexual intercourse can only happen between a man or a woman. However these perverts that want to say it is ok for 2 men or two women to have sexual intercourse...well it just isn't logical. The scientific explaination for sexual intercourse is to create another human. Homosexuals can not perform this fuction.
2007-05-07 15:45:11
answer #8
answered by mxcardinal 3
You're question is a wonderful representation of what makes "Evolution & Atheism" so appealing...
.... God no... Science Yes... that way... we can all do whatever we want...
It sounds like you would like it if God were out of the picture... then you wouldn't have to feel convicted...
Not only is he in the picture... he created the frame, the canvas, and the paint.
Science is nothing more than Gods way of keeping our little minds busy... while he works on the important things...
2007-05-07 15:47:24
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
In the same chapter where Christians get their gay hating verses from it also states that Sleeping with your wife in the same bed while she is on her period, and eating any shell fish is the same kind of sin.
So how many hypocrites holding up anti gay signs ate crab, lobster or shrimp? SINNERS!!! =P
How about a few lines down that mentions that tattoos, earrings and cutting your sideburns is just as bad as getting it on with a member of the same sex? Its all in the same rule book!
Follow it all for follow it none!
By the Way If Christians want to follow Old testament laws then they need to keep the Kosher too..
Too many of my fellow Christians love to pick and choose what they want to from the bible as long as it supports their agendas. Which I hate to say it but they are often Supremacist in nature.
I will now jump off my soap box…
2007-05-07 15:46:29
answer #10
answered by ? 3
If you define "being" homosexual as desiring sexual fulfillment with members of the same gender, then "being" homosexual is not a sin. It is a temptation.
Being tempted is never a sin.
Acting on the temptation, however, is the sin.
And, homosexual activity is no worse than hetrosexual activity. God decreed that sex is reserved for married couples (one male, one female). Sexual activity outside of that given realm is sinful.
Stealing is also a temptation. People who act on it, are guilty of sin. No difference.
2007-05-07 15:57:49
answer #11
answered by Barry F 5