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The more we learn, the less need we have of "god" to explain things (example, Then: a rainbow is god's promise not to flood the earth. Now: a rainbow is sunlight shining through water droplets).

So, belief in god is stronger for those that don't know as much about the world. Is this what god wants? It seems if god existed, he would want us to be smarter and learn as much as we can about our world (evolution, big bang) which should somehow bring us closer to him (but doesn't). Instead, belief in god seems to require denial of knowledge. How can this be reconciled?

2007-05-07 14:12:47 · 49 answers · asked by atheist jesus 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

49 answers

NO. Certainly not. All things are a part of God and an expression of God's thought. The Mind of God was the force which propelled and perpetuated these thoughts. All minds, as thoughts of God, do everything God imagined. Everything that came into being is an aspect of the One Mind.

God is not around to explain things to us.

I believe in God *AND* evolution. Go figure.

2007-05-07 14:16:57 · answer #1 · answered by MyPreshus 7 · 2 3

Very good question. There is no reconciliation between knowledge and religion. The belief in God can be separated from the ideologies of man's created bibles. It has always amazed me when you a person accept the idea there is a God they automatically succumb to religion. The belief in a god doesn't validate the truth of religion and religion doesn't prove there is a God.

Even if we have total confirmation of a God it you will still have to convince me the bible was the creation of a God or representative of his words. I am sorry but the bibles of the major religions doesn't read like an intelligent being.

The bottom line you can have the belief in and God and still pursue knowledge. Once you start believing in the bibles of the major religions in this world this is where your intelligences ends.

Only evil has to fight to stay alive in this world. This should be your first indication of the true intentions of religion.

2007-05-07 15:14:11 · answer #2 · answered by Looking Forward 2 · 2 0

Do your parents love you less, or exist less, because a favorite childhood myth you learned at school about "Santa Claus" is finally left behind you as you mature?
Imagine the strange beliefs of our ancestors. The primitive sacrifices, the rituals.
We matured so much when we had a set pantheon and sacrificed in dignified temples in Rome.
Yet, now, we consider such worship rather primitive (some of us, anyway).
Are we so humanocentric that we can't imagine our own natures might be primitive? We have so much potential to have a mature relationship with reality, and it is so important that we not continue to project our rather limited ideas of God on God and then blame God for them.
We see teenagers do that with parents all the time.

We must outgrow such ways to see God/Reality as it is, without the idea that "he owes us" or "it's his fault" or "why won't he answer me personally?"

Or we can continue. Some people like suffering that makes them feel justified and superior, and really don't want to know the real pecking order.

2007-05-07 14:25:46 · answer #3 · answered by mckenziecalhoun 7 · 2 0

Thats true. It goes both ways. Sometimes you explore other religions and find more doubt and questions in something you thought you had faith in. I think its smart to learn as much as you can about all religions, its interesting, it gives you a greater awareness of other people, and youll see that almost all the major religions, which arnt many, have a lot in common. Were all trying for the same "goal" or outcome. If you look into other things, such as evolution, and other religions that dont believe in "God", and youre faith stands strong, youll feel more secure and less doubtfull. Youll be able to practice your religion with a clear conscience and renewed belief.

2007-05-07 14:22:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

GOD's Promise is the Rainbow. HE caused the rainbow that is formed from the sunlight shining through water droplets. GOD allows us to gain much of the knowledge that we have gained. For instance, Evolution and the Big Bang are both rediculous wastes of time and energy and have been proven false yet people such as yourself still believe in them. GOD does exist and we can find so many things from life. We also can have eternal salvation in HIS SON who arose from Death and was taken into heaven. You need to begin studying so that you too may become a Christian and have an opportunity to be in heaven. Have a great week.

Karen M,
Thank you. I also have an Associate's Degree, a BA, and a Master's Degree. I have worked many full time and part-time jobs in my lifetime and and am presently disabled. GOD has blessed my family and myself for many years. HE is the greatest thing of all time!


2007-05-07 14:24:37 · answer #5 · answered by Eds 7 · 0 2

Your question is definitely thought-provoking! My view as an agnostic: In my own quest to determine personally whether or not god exists (which answer may always elude me), the god whom I would find acceptable is not the deity of any religion and would indeed appreciate humanity's search for enlightenment through knowledge and education. Theologically, however, I tend to think that those who are religious "leaders" prefer that their followers not question the fundamental belief systems which they preach, indcuding requiring the flock to accept the bible (or whatever book they embrace) literally, as there is power, obviously, in controlling the minds of the populace. Of course, all religion is not necessarily based upon brainwashing the illiterate or impressionable, I concede hopefully, but religions do tend to discourage their congregants from questioning their doctrines since "faith" is apparently their nebulous basis.

2007-05-07 15:37:14 · answer #6 · answered by Lynci 7 · 1 0

"How can this be reconciled?" - by accepting many things that you don't want to.
First: a rainbow STILL reminds people of GODs promise not to flood the planet, ask anyone.
The more you learn about your neighbors the stronger your faith will become, because you are doing GODs will.
To isolate yourself and avoid others is not want GOD intended, we are supposed to use our gifts not hide them under a basket.
Understanding the powers / laws that GOD made to make everything DOES NOT lessen the fact that GOD made the laws / "thing" under study. A frog or gravity or the inner ear bones are all examples of concepts from GOD, and made by GOD, in which humans have learned quite a bit than we did thousands of years ago.
"Does god want people to stay ignorant of the world around them?" - NO! learn learn learn, question and get to know your neighbors. This will reduce fear of people and things/concepts that GOD has made.

2007-05-07 14:26:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

It can be reconciled by admitting that believing in God does not cause people to stay ignorant. You use the example of the rainbow, but it was Isaac Newton, a believer in God and a theologian, as well as one of the greatest scientists ever, that was the first person to understand scientifically the rainbow. Still today 66% of scientists believe in God and 76% of doctors.

In your zeal to promote atheism, you move away from the facts that show your premise to be nonsense.

2007-05-07 14:23:52 · answer #8 · answered by ignoramus_the_great 7 · 0 2

The rainbow is where God places the bow (insturment of killing) in the clouds to say that God will never again destroy people. It is not about floods.

There is no proof about HOW the universe came into being-not evolution, not creationism-NADA.

If your point is to make a logical argument that God does not exist, it fails.

If your point is to attack people who have some faith, you succeeded.

Why do you have as much need to PROVE youself right as believers do?

Why can't you let go of the fight?

2007-05-07 14:30:31 · answer #9 · answered by Linda R 7 · 0 2

If god wanted people to stay ignorant they wouldn't have been put them in a position to learn. if god wanted people to stay ignorant Adam and Eve would not made it out of the the weed patch the garden would have become. Seeing the wonders of the Universe only leads to the wonder of what is god and where is god . a literal look at the thought process of the human race gives some insight into we only believe what our five senses tell us. So in a three dimensional universe god is everything or nothing you have to choose for yourself. choose smart not ignorant

2007-05-07 14:31:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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