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When God flooded the world and left only Noah and his family, this would be what is called a genetic bottleneck. Much of the diversity in the human genome would of been limited only to the group of people on the boat. So, shouldn't we all look relatively similar now or has evolution yielded all the different races and diversity in man in that amount of time?

2007-05-07 07:32:36 · 31 answers · asked by grl235 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

comments on the bottleneck anybody?

2007-05-07 07:36:44 · update #1

I believe evolution is real, but Christians, how do you feel about the bottleneck, and the amount of diversity in humans since the flood? Any explanations?

2007-05-07 07:42:35 · update #2

Hoff Mom, I looked up mitochondrial eve, but it says its origin is over 100 thousand years ago. This doesn't necessarily fit in with the 6,000 year old world of the bible.

2007-05-07 07:51:33 · update #3

31 answers

it seems there was a genetic bottleneck, and scientists can trace it through the mitochondrial DNA back to northern africa

this does not jive with the biblical acount of noah and the timeframe is certainly way off, but the sumerians and hindus have a simlilar myth. perhaps the "noah" myths have some basis in ancient , ancient history we may never fully realize, or maybe not too

2007-05-07 07:39:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you look back in history, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that yes, there was a great flood, but it didn’t wipe out EVERYTHING. Not everyone on the planet died. The story seems more of a metaphor. Look at the Greek myth of Zeus and the oak trees. Zeus got ticked at the people and decided to flood Greece and so on. But for the sake of argument, let's say, okay- people all evolved from Noah, his wife, thier kids, and their wives. That's a pretty good stock to start out from (though I think there'd be some SERIOUS genetic problems from the inbreeding) It takes a relatively short amount of time for our physical traits to change. A couple of generations of adaptation to a new client is really all it takes. We'll look at races as an example. (I know somehow someone is going to fins SOME WAY of making this sound racist, but what the heck I'll say it anyway) Black people came to the US say 400 years ago. The difference in appearance between those people, and black people of today is striking. There was very little change for the first 250 years (est.) because the conditions were much the same. Backbreaking outdoor work, excessive sun exposure. Slaves are freed, and black people no longer live in bad conditions and they begin to adapt to their environments, their hair is finer, and their skin is lighter. On the converse side. Europe (especially Brittan) gets considerably les sun than the US. You can distinctly tell the difference between people who’ve come from northern Europe 1 generation ago, and people who's families have been here for a long time. newer Americans are still very fair skinned, compared to 3rd or 4th generation Americans, because we've become accustomed to being out in the sun. Our skin is darker eyebrows heavier. eye color darker. You see where I'm going with this? The greatest asset of human beings is our extreme adaptability.

2007-05-07 14:51:52 · answer #2 · answered by Goddess Nikki 4 · 0 1

Adaptation is real.

Evolution is a hoax with a lot of debunked and produced evidence in its history.

Creation science is becoming the mainstay science as more and more evoltutionists realize their theories have no basis in a scienctific reality.

From the families of Noah there was an endless array of diversity among his three son's progeny. Shem had a wife, Japheth had a wife and Ham had a wife. We don't even know if Shem, Ham and Japheth all had the same mother.

But I am sure you can agree, the possibilities are endless in the three's possible genetic outcomes by eventual inter-marriages of the three's progeny. There is nothing to say we would all look alike. As we can see, even in immediate families, brothers and sisters often look nothing similar to one another. Some are light complected, some are darker. Some tall, some short.

If the three son's of Noah had differing racial partners, then the difference would be vast between each of their offspring(even in the immediate families of the first generation of each brother). If the three sons were not of the same mother and each's mother was a varying race, then the outcome would be even more diverse.

It is basic genetics.

2007-05-07 14:48:03 · answer #3 · answered by Truth7 4 · 0 1

Okay, lets just say for the sake of what ever that evolution did take place, and maybe it did, but what would keep what christians believe from actually taken place also. Aside from the Ape, monkey, donkey thing. I don't think every christian is denying the fact that maybe evolution did take place, I think the disbelief is in the fact of how the human race begain. It is a know fact that there is a time frame between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 that is not accounted for in the Bible. No one on Earth knows what happened during that time frame and the Bible doesn't say. But there is a period of time that is not explained.

2007-05-07 14:51:38 · answer #4 · answered by sparkplug 4 · 0 0

Is this the evidence for evolution?

Piltdown Man - A deliberate hoax. Ended up being a ape jaw attached to a human skull that was stained to look old.

Java Man - The discover later rejected it stating that a human & ape were just found in proximity.

Peking Man - Tools & human bones were found near the apes whose brains they were eating (monkey brains are still eaten in China).

Nebraska Man - An entire person (and family) was envisioned from a single tooth... a tooth that later proved to have come from a pig.

Lucy - Reclassified as an extinct ape.

Ramapithecus - A jaw & teeth were eventually dismissed as early human in origin (an Orangutan).

Neanderthal.... a man?
It was once thought that the Neanderthal was a man. But, thanks to advancement in science, genetic DNA research indicates that the chromosomes do not match those of humans. They do match those of bi-pedal primates (apes) though.

Tools? The use of crude tools by Neanderthal does not mean they were human. Many animals including birds, fish, and mammals use "tools".

Shelter? If Neanderthal created shelters, it does not imply they were human. Many animals (beavers, birds, bees) also construct shelters.

Religion? There is no evidence that Neanderthal practiced any form of worship or religion. Interestingly, that is the primary way the bible separates Man from animals.

Why then do some people still insist Neanderthal was man?

Evolution is defied by agnostic people like Michael Behe... a microbiologist. He wrote the book "Darwin's Black Box" I suggest everyone read it and learn.

2007-05-07 14:49:09 · answer #5 · answered by ddead_alive 4 · 0 2

We DO all look relatively similar, note that we all have the same bone structure, the same blood types, the same number of fingers and toes...

Yes, the minor differences are evolutionary changes, but Noah and his family were not the only survivors of the Great Deluge...Almost all cultures have a story concerning the flood, and a story of survivors, why would anyone think that only the Hebrew people were telling the truth and everyone else is making it up? If you believe in one myth, why not all of them?

2007-05-07 14:43:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It could be real except when it comes to humans. Humans were definitely created and did not evolve form other species. As for the flood, the flood was a localized event, so not all earth was flooded with water. There is scientific evidence of the flood proven by many scientist and it happened in Mesopotamia (Iraq today).

2007-05-07 14:48:38 · answer #7 · answered by Baybars 5 · 0 1

Yes, evolution is real and yes the diversity of humans is a part of evolution within our species. Nobody is arguing against such evolution. Fossil evidence shows us that all species evolve.

However, there is not evidence of cross species evolution so man could not and did not evolve from some other form. Darwin postulates that (his theory) but also knew that there was no evidence, no fact on which to base his conclusion only assumptions. Atheists and such use his theory as fact knowing that it is dishonest.

2007-05-07 15:01:01 · answer #8 · answered by John 1:1 4 · 0 1

The scripture says that Noah was perfect in his generations. Therefore, there were no defects in his genome to pass on to future generations. I realize this does not address your question, however that's about all we have to go on. Scripture tends to be that way. Therfore, the question regarding races remains a mystery, as there was no diversity in Noah or his family. And yes we should look relatively similar.

2007-05-07 14:47:56 · answer #9 · answered by warrentalb 2 · 0 1

Look up "Mitochondrial Eve." It turns out that science has determined that every person alive on earth today has one particular female ancestor in common.

I have no idea what Noah, his wife, their three sons, or their three daughters-in-law looked like, but I suppose it's possible that they were composed of different races. Or at least different skin tones and different features. It only takes a limited genepool, like close-relative intermarriage, to perpetuate unique physical features in a particular society; ie; skin color, eye color/shape, etc. And we all do look "relatively" similar. We all have eyes, nose, and mouth, in relatively similar proportion to eachother. We all share enough genetic similarity to reproduce with eachother. Unlike our genetic similarity with apes or other simians.

2007-05-07 14:42:48 · answer #10 · answered by hoff_mom 4 · 0 0

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