Ban, ban, remove and allow no more, remove, remove, Hell no, Other - it's not our right to decide if Gays marry or not, permit every single one, neutral, equal protection like everyone else has.
2007-05-07 05:27:22
answer #1
answered by Janet L 6
Religion class in public schools (require, optional, ban) - I think this should be optional, but from a historical point it's not a bad idea.
Teaching a religious belief is wrong in public schools [i.e. Evolution] (enforce, optional, ban) - Yes teaching A religeous belief is wrong, but evolution shoud be covered.
Ten Commandments, and other religious figures on public courthouses (remove, put more up, don't put anymore up but don't take them down either) - Remove all.
Under God in pledge (Remove, Replace it with "Under Christ", neutral) - if it's objected to make it a neutral solemn promise or something.
In God we Trust on coins (Remove, Keep, Neutral) - remove
Making Christianity the official religion of the USA (Heck no, heck yes return to our 'heritage') - heck no
Homosexuality (make laws against homosexuality, ban gay marriage but do not go further, endorse gay marriage, or.... other) - legalise - it's choice, judgem,ent will come later, not our call.
Abortion (ban all cases whatsoever, permit every single one, allow them on very certain circumstances, but it must be very specific circumstances) - Choice is up to the person who should provide for the child
Death penalty (hang em and let God sort em out, ban, neutral) - hang 'em let God sort 'em out
Atheism (ban and declare a mental disorder, endorse as state religion, or have equal protection like all religions)
It's not a religion, but people have the right to believe, what to believe in... or not. The group should have the same protection as the theists.
2007-05-07 05:32:10
answer #2
answered by Unicornrider 7
Teaching religion in school- No. Not unless they are going to teach ALL religions, not just those based on Christianity.
Teaching religion based belief would be the same as the first point above, although I do NOT believe that evolution is a religious belief. Creationism is but not evolution.
Ten Commandments and other religions figures in public courthouses. Once again unless you are going to pay service to all the religions than no. However I wouldn't go so far as tearing down what is there.
Under god in the pledge, I say whatever. It wasn't originally in the pledge, so for that reason I say take it out. But as long as you aren't forcing people to say the pledge then *shrug*
In God We Trust on the Coins.- Keep it. It doesn't say in Jesus we trust. One could take this as In Krishna we trust etc, however Ethicists may well be offended.
Making Christianity the official religion. Heck no. Setting aside the fact that this marginalizes a TON of people, and goes against the right to religious freedom the country was founded on, which branch of Christianity would be the Official one? Baptist? Lutheran?, Methodist? Too much hinky stuff in there. I say nope.
Homosexuality- Love is love, I say that until there is freedom from Same-sex marriage we are taking away peoples right as given by the 14th amendment of the constitution.
Abortion- Keep legal with restrictions.
Death penalty- I used to be very FOR this. However it is a slippery slope. There are some circumstances I think this is justified.
Atheism- I would definitely say that it is NOT a mental disorder, and I wouldn't ban it either. Since atheist *from what I understand* are the people who do not believe in God, I don't think they would want it to be recognized as a official religion, but that would depend on them. If they want the same rights as the other religions then they should have them.
Good Questions, though it is alot of subject matter to cover in ONE question :)
2007-05-07 05:39:54
answer #3
answered by moonshadow418 5
Religion class in public schools (require, optional, ban)
It would be okay to do. Optional for the students.
Teaching a religious belief is wrong in public schools [i.e. Evolution] (enforce, optional, ban)
No. I do equate Evolution as a religion. By strict dictionary definitions, it can be equated in that way. So optional.
Ten Commandments, and other religious figures on public courthouses (remove, put more up, don't put anymore up but don't take them down either)
Put more up.
Under God in pledge (Remove, Replace it with "Under Christ", neutral)
None of the above. Leave it alone.
In God we Trust on coins (Remove, Keep, Neutral)
Making Christianity the official religion of the USA (Heck no, heck yes return to our 'heritage')
Heck no. That is going to cause truble that we have seen in the Islamic communities and in the past, the Roman Catholic church and the Anglican Chuches. When christ returns, he will make it 'official'. The world just can't do it without causing every sort of evil attached to the idea.
Homosexuality (make laws against homosexuality, ban gay marriage but do not go further, endorse gay marriage, or.... other)
Other. I don't care if Gays get married if they want to. There are plenty of cultures that have marriage outside of God's Christian perspective. Not allowing Gays to marry is ludicrous. It's an affront to their rights.
Abortion (ban all cases whatsoever, permit every single one, allow them on very certain circumstances, but it must be very specific circumstances)
Very specific circumstances. Threat to the mothers's life, for example. Never just for convenience.
Death penalty (hang em and let God sort em out, ban, neutral)
None of the above. The death penalty for those who murder.
Atheism (ban and declare a mental disorder, endorse as state religion, or have equal protection like all religions
Equal protection as with all religions.
2007-05-07 05:39:13
answer #4
answered by Christian Sinner 7
Religion Class=require
After all we took God and prayer out of school and brought in drugs, guns, and sex.
Religious Belief=require
If you teach the religion of evolution, then we should at least give time for the opposite side.(Two sides to every story)
Ten Commandments=put more up
Building blocks of the laws of the nation.
Under God=Keep In
Part of the Bible spoken by God in different form.
In God we Trust=Neutral
I don't believe those words shoul be on money.
That is how our country was founded. Also, that would remove Catholicism, Mormonism, Islam, JW, Scientology, and a few more as they do not worship the God of the Bible or His Son Jesus Christ.
I could go into the Biblical reasons, but why not let secular scientists say it. That every culture that accepted homosexuality as a way of life was fallen in less than a hundred years.
Killing children IS WRONG......It is murder. Period.
Death Penalty=YES
Liberals today are too easy on criminals, let there be a reason why crime doesn't pay.
Should be removed like all the other false religions. Because Atheism is a religion.
2007-05-07 05:45:43
answer #5
answered by Batty1970 2
Religion class: Just as long as you cover all religions and don't say that ONE of them is correct and the rest are wrong, yeah, definitely. I would have taken that class in a heartbeat if it was available to me.
Teaching religious beliefs: Teach the facts. Evolution has evidence and is supported by the vast majority of the scientific community. Creationism is not. And you don't have to "teach both sides" because there IS no other side; there's no debate among scientists about whether evolution happened.
Ten Commandments: Just keep them out of government buildings. If you put the Ten Commandments up in a government building you're sending the message that those laws apply to this country, and with the exception of "thou shalt not kill" and a few others, that's not true. (i.e. There's no law in this country that says you're not allowed to worship any god other than the God of the Bible.)
Under God in pledge: Remove. It shouldn't be in there to begin with. We're one nation regardless of whether you worship one god, one goddess, many gods or no god at all.
In God we Trust on coins: Remove. Again, why the need to have something on coins that excludes every person who's not a monotheist? It's not necessary.
Making Christianity the official religion of the USA: No, no, no.
Homosexuality: Legalize gay marriage... if only because there's no legitimate reason not to do it.
Abortion: Meh, I'm not sure to be honest. This is such a tough issue. I want to say "allow" but I can totally see why someone else would disagree. So I'm not sure about this.
Death penalty: Ban.
Atheism: Let 'em believe or not believe just like anyone else.
2007-05-07 05:37:59
answer #6
answered by . 7
Religion class in public schools: No
Teaching a religious belief is wrong in public schools [i.e. Evolution] (enforce, optional, ban).... Beg pardon? "i.e. Evolution"? WTF? That's a science theory, NOT a religion. Yes, science should be taught in school.
Ten Commandments, and other religious figures on public courthouses: They shouldn't be there in the first place.
Under God in pledge: Restore to the original version which didn't have "under god".
In God we Trust on coins. Remove, it's stupid. Maybe you should have "In freedom we trust" or something.
Making Christianity the official religion of the USA: You do that, and I am moving to Europe for certain.
Homosexuality: LGBT should have the same rights as everyone else.
Abortion: I'm pro-choice
Death penalty: Depends, I think rapists and child molesters ought to be executed.
Atheism: *sigh* Again, this is also not a religion. Atheism just means you don't believe in any gods.
2007-05-07 05:31:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Religion class in public schools - ok if it's ABOUT religion, not teaching that one is right, and it should be an optional humanities or philosophy course
Teaching a religious belief is wrong in public schools - Evolution doesn't teach a religion belief is wrong. It teaches what scientists have learned, and is presented as such. Should be learned ABOUT, doesn't have to be proposed as truth either if it gets your undergarments in a wad
Ten Commandments, and other religious figures on public courthouses - I'd prefer them removed but it's okay if they stay.
Under God in pledge - Remove. Too exclusive.
In God we Trust on coins - Remove
Making Christianity the official religion of the USA HECK NO
Homosexuality - Grant marriage equality and outlaw discrimination
Abortion - allow, abortion must be eliminated by other means - sex ed and birth control
Death penalty - neutral
Atheism - leave alone. It is not a religion, it's freedom from religion.
2007-05-07 05:30:52
answer #8
answered by KC 7
Religion class - Optional
Teaching a religious belief is wrong - I think you have this confused... many religions don't oppose evolution, so my vote here is abstained
Ten Commandments - Option 3. This is supposed to be a Separation of Church and State, but somewhere they lost that thought for a little while.
Under God in Pledge - Neutral
In God We Trust - Remove. Again, separation of church and state
Official Religion - Heck no. Freedom of Religion and Separation of Church and State
Homosexuality - Permit every single one. They are people too.
Abortion - Allow on certain circumstances
Death Penalty - Hang em and let God sort em out
Atheism - Equal protection. Freedom of Religion includes the lack thereof.
2007-05-07 05:27:06
answer #9
answered by Maverick 6
I would hope that the last one will NEVER be considered. Our country was founded on the principle of religious freedom.
Optional on Religion class and should be allowed as a class discussion, if appropriate.
Don't ban the 10 Commandments. It was taken down from the Stevensville Lakeshore public schools in Michigan on the demands of ONE student who was an atheist stating that it offended them. In contrast, there are a lot more students who wanted it to remain. So, the atheists demanded their rights at the expense of the desires of the rest of the group.
Don't replace Under God with Under Christ - that would be more closer allied with Christianity and more offensive.
No on making Christianity the official religion of the USA. Religion can never work if it's forced on others.
Preserve values, instead of allowing the laws to be changed regarding marriage. We're opening up a can of worms by doing this. It's not just same sex marriage, but the slippery slope that happens if we modify laws based on the needs of a few. We open the door to more radical interpretations that may or may not have anything to do with same sex marriage.
Abortion - don't make it illegal. It will only result in more dangerous abortions being performed illegally and a result in pregnancies of children being born into poverty. Most moms will not give up a baby after carrying the child, and the result will be more children on welfare.
Don't support the death penalty.
2007-05-07 05:33:26
answer #10
answered by Searcher 7
I think we should ban religion class in public schools.
Enforce teaching religious beliefs.
10 Commandments - leave them, but don't put up any more.
No way should there be an "official religion" in a free country. There's not even an official language.
Ban gay marriage
Ban all cases of abortion
Death penalty should be banned
Atheism is a belief not a religion. Can't ban beliefs.
2007-05-07 05:29:24
answer #11
answered by Roxie J Squared 3