Jesus didn't go around bombing people, taking from the poor and giving to the rich, bullying oil and other resources out of countries, refusing to stop destroying the environment, killing, bearing false witness, cheating, hypocrisy etc. A Christian is someone who follows the example of Christ, who said to love your neighbour as yourself. Hence Bush is not a Christian.
2007-05-06 23:42:30
answer #1
answered by Holistic Mystic 5
if he does not actively live the following life (and we can plainly see that he does not) then he is one of the many false christians Jesus denounces at Matthew 7:13-23
being a true Christian is to follow the example of Christ (1 Peter 2:21; John 13:15; 1 John 2:6) including all the things he taught his Apostles to write for our instruction (2 Timothy 3:16)
Yhshua/Jesus warned that there would be many false christians, claiming to believe in him yet not doing the will of his Father. And that there would only be a few *true* Christians doing the will of his Almighty Father YHWH/Jehovah (see Matthew 7:13-23)
So what did Christ do that we must do in order to be *true* Christians?
1. Pray to and serve "the only true God" (see John 17:3) the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (see Acts 3:13) whose name is YHWH
see also;
Matthew 22:37/Deuteronomy 6:5
Matthew 14:23
Mark 1:35
Mark 6:46
Mark 14:32
Luke 6:12
Matthew 6:9
John 20:17
John 17:1-5
John 5:19
John 14:28
Mark 10:18
Matthew 26:39
John 8:17-18
Mark 13:32
Matthew 20:23
Matthew 3:17
2. love everyone (see Matthew 22:39; Mark 12:31) and never harm or kill another human being
see also;
Matthew 5:44-48
Matthew 26:52
Luke 6:27
Luke 10:27
John 13:34, 35
John 15:17
1 Peter 2:23
1 Peter 3:9
Romans 12:17
Romans 13:10
2 Timothy 2:24
1 Corinthians 16:14
1 John 3:9-15
1 John 4:20
3. Preach YHWH's Kingdom which He has appointed His only-begotten Son Yhshua to rule over
Matthew 24:14
Luke 4:43
Luke 10:1-3
Acts 5:42
Acts 8:4
Acts 20:20
1 Corinthians 9:16
Romans 10:15
2 Timothy 4:2-5
Matthew 4:23a
Matthew 9:35a
Luke 9:6a
1 Peter 2:21
4. be "no part of the world" of human kingdoms/governments/politics
John 18:36
Daniel 2:44
Luke 4:5-8
James 4:4
John 15:19
John 17:14
Acts 5:29
1 John 2:15
Romans 12:2
John 14:30
2 Corinthians 4:4
Ephesians 2:2
1 John 5:19
5. Yhshua said that many false christians would be identified because they would not be doing the will of YHWH (Matthew 7:21)
So we must be careful not to mix traditions, rituals and festivals originally designed for false pagan Roman gods into our worship of the only true God.
See (and note that everywhere it says LORD is where Christ‘s Father‘s name YHWH/Jehovah used to be);
Deuteronomy 12:30
Exodus 34:15
Deuteronomy 20:18
Deuteronomy 8:19
Deuteronomy 13:13
Deuteronomy 18:10-13
Deuteronomy 32:16
Judges 2:3
Jeremiah 7:17-20
Acts 7:41-43
naturally, no one would ever follow the above examples of Christ if they did not believe and put faith in the fact that he was sent by his Almighty Father YHWH as our only means of salvation. One must accept and believe and have faith that Yhshua was sent by YHWH as our savior.
2007-05-07 15:16:48
answer #2
answered by seeker 3
Certainly. He uses Old Testament stuff like taking an eye for an eye to justify the death penalty. The Old Testament is really Jewish law.
The New Testament is more relevant for Christians and here we are told that Life is Sacred.
I am, myself, a Pagan (preferring the Olympian tradition) but know more about Christianity than most Christians.
2007-05-06 23:55:54
answer #3
answered by lykovetos 5
As I am writing this, there are already 9 out of 10 answers to this question that are negative. President Bush let his faith be made public, even though it meant political suicide in the liberal media. Even the religious right expects to be able to judge his every move in the light of whatever their own particular flavor of religion is at this moment.
The idea that making a show of being religious is a smart political maneuver is absolutely ludicrous. Just watch the answers that pour in to this question. Is this an accurate picture of President Bush's popularity right now? No doubt, it is.
So to answer your question, President Bush has the courage to stand up for beliefs that are far from popular right now, I think that makes him as Christlike as we can possibly hope for.
2007-05-06 23:54:09
answer #4
answered by illbegone_likeabatouttahell 3
He could be worse.Like dropping nukes on Iran and annihilating the enemy.Why do people not realise the nature of the enemy?Just study Islamic history or read some books by Charles Allen to know what I'm talking about.He has also brought a lot of joy to the Kurds;they think he's a good bloke.
2007-05-07 00:14:06
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Never misunderestimate the intelligence of Bush, he is after all the president of the United Slates of Ameba
2007-05-07 00:28:23
answer #6
answered by Ginger Ninja 4
In my opinion, Bush is not a good representative of Christ because he use war to create peace which is absolutely against Christ's will. When Christ was arrested he even forbid his disciples to use violence or even himself he refuse to use his power to call forth the army for it's against love, peace and God's will.
2007-05-06 23:41:49
answer #7
answered by Weerapat P. 4
He is a great leader but i don't regard him as a powerful Christian. For nobosdy is!
We could say that he's a good Christian when it comes to his family and friends, but as a General, allowing his countrymen sent to their deaths in a war that it is not theirs is not a sign of a great powerful Christian, not even a sign of great leadership.
2007-05-07 00:26:51
answer #8
answered by ai_hya 2
Anyone can claim to be a christian and spout the is their actions that truly tell the story.
2007-05-07 00:30:28
answer #9
answered by gypsy 3
Is this a serious question?? he played the majority! like most soulless fat cats who would do anything for a rise in his bank account he played the odds......
only it's coming back to him in heartache and i have a feeling the rest of his life will be hell! hows that for instant judgement or karma!
2007-05-06 23:45:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous