In the Bible yes it is
But God will judge not I
So who cares
To each his/her own
2007-05-06 13:59:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The Bible says that all homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God. It's a sin. That's the simple answer. Here's what's wrong with homosexuality.
"Once a person has surrendered and agreed to participate in their own degradation, it is nearly impossible to deliver them from it, since they must first be brought to admit-- to themselves-- that what they have done is not only wrong, but shameful. And many homosexuals have completely given up shame, along with any distinctions between right and wrong (except for anything that limits their sexual behavior, calling THAT 'wrong'.)
The homosexual 'community' seems to have no sympathy at all for people who are actually born heterosexual but, due to mistaken experimentation, or deceitful friends, take up that lifestyle. They would be happy to allow such individuals to suffer their whole lives long, thinking that they were homosexuals (and claim them on statistics that make the ranks of the homoseuxal 'community' seem larger ) rather than work to see them delivered-- because to do that would require facing the possibility that they themselves might have been mistaken, or deceived.
The fact is, a homosexual is one who chooses to perform homosexual acts, beginning with fantasizing about it. The homosexual 'community' makes much of being born with homosexual 'feelings', but there is a difference between having 'feelings' and acting upon them. "
The biggest part is admittance. I want to reiterate that admitting would open the possibility that they are mistaken or deceived. I can be born with anger in my heart, but to act on it is bad. Homosexuality is bad, and of course, it doesn't work. If they were born gay, they are still choosing to be gay. It doesn't excuse their behavior. God says to repent of your sins and put your trust in Jesus. The way out of homosexuality is to have an internal change that only comes through the miracle of Jesus, and his saving grace.
Without God, all sin seems acceptable (homosexuality, masturbation, etc.) Not that anyone thinks murder is acceptable (right?...) but I have found some atheists who can't call Cho Seung-Hui an evil person. So they accept that he killed 32 people and that's bad, but they can't be quick to judge him as an evil person, because we are "all basically good". People are inherently bad. We need a savior to save us from the wrath of eternal toment, and even to save us from our evil ways here on Earth.
2007-05-06 14:07:22
answer #2
answered by Thardus 5
The Bible tells us not to practice homosexuality. However, it is a well-known fact that people have homosexual urges in the same way that people have adulterous urges. The urges are sinful only when they are carried out. There are Christians with homosexual desires who have successfully restrained their passions just as there are Christians who have restrained their passions to have sex immorally. We are told to crucify the flesh and let the Holy Spirit empower us to live for Christ.
2007-05-06 14:30:00
answer #3
answered by Steve Husting 4
yes homosexually is a sin. theres a verse in the bible about saudom and gomora and how that was a really bad city. it mentions that men were lying down with men, meaning that they were homosexual, anyways, God dissaproves of this and brought that city to ruins. theres alotta verses in the bible that deals with that issue, if u would want to go more into i suggest that u check it out
2007-05-06 15:34:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If you believe in the God of the Bible, anything that is out of the will of God for your life is a sin.
If you don't believe in the God of the Bible, live and let live, let your conscience be your guide. If your conscience says its okay then so be it.
Only the person can make the ultimate choice on believing whether it is or isn't a sin. But we do have to face the consequences for our actions, in this life and the life to come.
2007-05-06 14:14:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
any unwanted sexual contact with another is harmful
I deplore the concept of "sin" but if it equates "crime" or harm to society and not 'command of god' I'll buy it for a dollar
take the male priests who forced themselves on little boys...not just homosexual but predatory and abuse of power
I think it's just about fear of anything different that makes it 'sin'
Imagine - great lyrics by John Lennon
loving others irregardless of gender is beautiful
giving affection to others so long as consentual shouldn't be a problem
there should be no legislation to limit our freedoms to do as we please so long as we harm none
2007-05-06 14:04:57
answer #6
answered by voice_of_reason 6
What you do in the privacy of your own home is your business.
There is really no biblical justification against homosexuality. If you are to agree that the Old Testament condemns homosexuality, then you must accept the fact that the Old Testament also condemns shell fish. Everyone that's ever eaten at Red Lobster is going to hell.
In the New Testament, Paul only spoke out against catamites, which really speaks volumes about his own sexual perversions and concept of guilt and atonement. A catamite is the victim of a pederast, not the abuser.
2007-05-06 14:03:26
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
What happens during any sexual act?
Pure Magic!
Spirit souls,that have travelled from all kinds of places,even from other galaxies,and living in a fish-like body,the sperm,are freed from the sexual organs of your body!
How many of them?
3 millions per!
So, anyone can populate a continent,theoretically,in one discharge!
What are these living things,and why is the sex act so fascinating,and pleasurable?
It's because the souls is pure spirit,and has the qualities of God,immortal and pure!
Such souls are now in your body,which is a temple of God,and you are the master to decide where they should go next....
Some decide to create another human being....
Some do it just to enjoy the senses...
And the wise decide to keep them inside his body,so as to increase his spiritual strength:this is called yoga:how to spiritualise our existence by concentrating on spiritual life:when all your energy is used to re-awaken the different energy centres of your body[chakras],your consciousness augment as well as bliss,as spirit souls are full of bliss....The human body is the only one to be able to do such job,as animals can't do so:so,don't waste this human body and its power to take you to higher consciousness and the One who is most conscious,God!
2007-05-06 14:23:14
answer #8
answered by aquarius2001 2
The bible states that it is. I believe the word of God is true. However, you don't have to hate the sinner, just the sin. I believe we are to love homosexuals.
2007-05-06 14:04:02
answer #9
answered by Kaliko 6
1 Corinthians 6;9-10 KJV Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor (effeminate), nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. Effeminate means having feminine qualities untypical of a man; not manly in appearance or manner; marked by an unbecoming delicacy or over refinement.
2007-05-06 14:32:41
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
No, it is not a sin, unless you subscribe to hateful rhetoric from sanctimonious preachers such as Rev. Jerry Falwell:
"[homosexuals are] brute beasts...part of a vile and satanic system [that] will be utterly annihilated, and there will be a celebration in heaven." Jerry Falwell: Quoted in Jim Hill and Rand Cheadle, "The Bible Tells Me So", Anchor Books (1996), Pages 69-70
Judge not!
2007-05-06 14:00:36
answer #11
answered by SB 7