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These girls are twins and they are 11 years old.

The first one is withdrawn and so tongue-tied, and her sister is so confident (a little too much), loves to be the center of attention and has such a loose tongue! It's good that both of them get along really well.
I get worried cuz the shy one seems to feel insecure when she's around her outgoing sister in social situations. Both of them are equally special and beloved, but I'd like that the shy one had more confidence in herself and could express her own personality.

What can I do?

2007-05-06 13:16:21 · 5 answers · asked by mayee 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

5 answers

Find activities you can send each of them to separately. You may find one will be interested in music, and the other in gymnastics, for example. An activity that's unique to your shy one may help to draw her out of her shell and rely less on her twin in social settings.

2007-05-06 13:23:49 · answer #1 · answered by boogeywoogy 7 · 1 0

Encourage the shy child to be a little more vocal but don't push it. My sister was a quiet withdrawn child until she hit puberty after that she had a personality change and is still one of the most out going people I know.

2007-05-07 13:45:57 · answer #2 · answered by maidmarion15 4 · 0 0

She is expressing her own personality. She's just a shy person, there is nothing wrong with that. Try not to compare her to the more outgoing one. They may look alike but they are two different people.

I was a shy kid. Painfully shy. I grew out of it. No one believes there was a time I didn't talk to anyone. But there was!

Stop worrying... let her be her.

2007-05-06 22:35:26 · answer #3 · answered by az_mommma 6 · 0 0

Continue to love and praise your outgoing child and continue to love and praise your shy child.

The shy child is probably naturally shy, but has grown more so because of her outgoing sibling that everyone pays attention to....because she commands the attention. The shy child needs more encouragement, but don't say "be more like Susie" because that will only make her feel more inferior.

Try to find separate activities for them to do, individually. I know it's easier for them to be involved in the same groups, but it is holding back your shy child. Maybe your shy child is not interested in the same activities as the outgoing child, but is too insecure to tell you. It's hard for twins to develop their own personalities.

Try asking your shy child her opinion and if your outgoing child answers, politely tell her that you were asking Mary. Continue to ask her opinions and praise her for having her own ideas.

At school, if you havent already, they should be in separate classrooms.

2007-05-06 21:36:16 · answer #4 · answered by Susan D 5 · 0 0

try putting your girls in different social activities. for the shy one, make her activity challenging. maybe the girl scouts. as she learns more skills, she'll become more confident. now for the one with the loose tongue, sounds like she should become involved a cause. something where she can talk to people. maybe she can help with a fundraiser at school. good luck

2007-05-06 20:32:08 · answer #5 · answered by Ms Berry Picker 6 · 0 0

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