Why would anyone impose such a cruel stigma on a child?
Yes, I think a priest would be right in refusing, since it is clear evidence the parents are unloving and therefore not Christian.
2007-05-06 11:55:43
answer #1
answered by wefmeister 7
There was a kid named Lucifer in my neighborhood. He didn't live there long. His parents were rather odd people. I also saw the name on a very old list of burials at a pioneer cemetery (that particular Lucifer lived, I think, in the early 1800s). It just means "light bearer" or "light bringer". The little Lucifer I knew wasn't baptized, so it wasn't an issue. Admittedly, some priests would think twice before doing a baptism like that, but others might allow it. It would depend upon the denomination of the priest (my guess is that an Episcopalian priest would be more likely to do it than a Roman Catholic or Orthodox priest, because they sometimes tend to be more liberal in theological matters). The priests might have some questions about why parents who named their kid Lucifer were suddenly carrying him to church for a baptism in the first place.
I just did a search for this name on the Social Security baby names site. Not surprisingly, I got this response: "Lucifer is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth in the last 200 years. Please enter another name."
2007-05-06 18:55:29
answer #2
answered by solarius 7
Is very different, in Christianity exist the Father: God, The son: Jesus and The Holly Spirit which is the power of God itself.
As there is justice and equality in the world exist the trinity of the bad whose are, Satan, the father of Bad, Lucifer, the son of this one (directly opposed to Jesus) and Beelzebub who is the power of Evil itself.
So, yes...very logically a priest can deny to give the very sacred rite of baptism with is to receive the bless of God (Father, Son and Holly Spirit) to a person called that name.
And this person then will have to make the communion, and the confirmation, in the communion, another very special rite the person receives the "body of Christ"...how anybody can make this mentioning "Lucifer" in the church at that moment.
In confirmation, the person now by his own will confirm to be catholic and specially in that other very special rite perform a "negation of evil" long pray where he surrender specifically to Satan, Lucifer and Beelzebub...and how this can be done if you by yourself are called...Lucifer.
So, for God sake, still don't try to look fun and smart, because this question is the record of bestiality.
2007-05-06 20:18:38
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
A child called Ian, Myra or Fred is completely different from a child called Lucifer.
Lucifer is the name of the devil. There are no other 'famous' Lucifers.
There are many Ians, Myras and Freds. If someone introduced themself to me as Ian, I would not associate him with Ian Huntley.
I think a Priest would be well within his rights to be uncomfortable with a child named Lucifer!
2007-05-06 18:54:11
answer #4
answered by Sparklepop 6
I have heard of cases where names were refused to be authorised by the state as they were considered abusive. I think the state would want to keep an eye on a potential abuser. Is a person like this just have an inappropriate sense od humour or are they into ritual abuse?
2007-05-06 19:53:15
answer #5
answered by Edward J 6
Take this to the Pastor, and he will allow the child to be named Lucifer or Lucy.
"Lucifer makes his appearance in the fourteenth chapter of the Old Testament book of Isaiah, at the twelfth verse, and nowhere else: "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"
The first problem is that Lucifer is a Latin name. So how did it find its way into a Hebrew manuscript, written before there was a Roman language? To find the answer, I consulted a scholar at the library of the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. What Hebrew name, I asked, was Satan given in this chapter of Isaiah, which describes the angel who fell to become the ruler of hell?
The answer was a surprise. In the original Hebrew text, the fourteenth chapter of Isaiah is not about a fallen angel, but about a fallen Babylonian king, who during his lifetime had persecuted the children of Israel. It contains no mention of Satan, either by name or reference. The Hebrew scholar could only speculate that some early Christian scribes, writing in the Latin tongue used by the Church, had decided for themselves that they wanted the story to be about a fallen angel, a creature not even mentioned in the original Hebrew text, and to whom they gave the name "Lucifer."
Why Lucifer? In Roman astronomy, Lucifer was the name given to the morning star (the star we now know by another Roman name, Venus). The morning star appears in the heavens just before dawn, heralding the rising sun. The name derives from the Latin term lucem ferre, bringer, or bearer, of light." In the Hebrew text the expression used to describe the Babylonian king before his death is Helal, son of Shahar, which can best be translated as "Day star, son of the Dawn." The name evokes the golden glitter of a proud king's dress and court (much as his personal splendor earned for King Louis XIV of France the appellation, "The Sun King").
2007-05-06 18:55:10
answer #6
answered by Yoda 6
>>do you think a priest has the right to refuse a baptism to a baby called Lucifer just because of its perceived connotations?<<
"Parents, sponsors, and the pastor are to take care that a name foreign to Christian sensibility is not given." -- Code of Canon Law #855
2007-05-06 18:54:43
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I'd have more of a problem with any parent wanting to put their child through life with a name like Lucifer.
the kid would be tormented throughout its whole life.
there are millions of Ian's, Myra's and Freds in the world who have never done anything wrong, the name Lucifer the minute you say it conj ours up only one thought
2007-05-06 18:50:10
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The problem lies more in the fact that the child has to go through school with his/her given name.
Kids as we all know are cruel and the playground is one of lifes greatest battlegrounds.
I think in the bigger picture the priest is not the problem!!!
2007-05-06 18:51:58
answer #9
answered by puzzled 3
Really, who would name their child Lucifer if they intended to have the child baptized?
I don't understand Ian, Myra and Fred.
2007-05-06 18:53:01
answer #10
answered by Isabella 6