false. body will eat muscle first because 1 pound of muscle give it only 600 calories of energy, when fat - 3500cal. so - fat takes less place on body and body chooses to get as much of it as it can for "rainy days".
2007-05-06 15:40:40
answer #1
answered by Natalie 7
Well, not entirely true. If you starve yourself several things will happen (I'm sure others will elaborate more since I'm no expert). For one, it will use fat for energy, but will also use muscle for energy as well. Also, and perhaps worse, is that if you starve yourself, your body goes into starvation mode and burns calories much more efficiently than normally. So when you stop starving yourself (assuming you do before you are dead), you pack on that much more weight because you body thinks you need the extra sustinence because of the starvation you just went through. Why do you think people who diet put on the weight + more usually? That's why the smart way is in small increments through good diet and exercise...and SLOWLY. It doesn't screw up your body as much.
2007-05-06 18:27:55
answer #2
answered by CG 6
Actually if you starve yourself your body won't eat your fat it will actually store more fat. Your body will react in a way that it is preparing the body incase it doesn't get another meal for a while so it stores more fat for the body.
This is why when you starve yourself or diet wrong you actually put on weight instead of loose. this is why you should never starve yourself.. EVER!!
2007-05-07 16:43:28
answer #3
answered by Angel 6
Starving yourself is not good because it is just as traumatic and unnatural as overeating. If you starve yourself the body's natural response is to almost shut down. Eventually you will lose fat but you will also lose muscle because muscle needs to be fed. Before your body turns on itself it will naturally burn fat much slower because it's natural response is to survive.
The BEST way to lose weight is to increase activity while eating a balanced meal. Plenty of vegetables and fruits, fish and chicken...Limit beef and pork in your meals. If you were planning to starve yourself...PLEASE DON'T DO IT!
The people on TV and in movies sometimes make it seem like that thin is the only way to be...that being thin will be the answer to all of your problems. Thin people still have problems. Your goal is to be healthy and happy about who you are! May God Bless you and give you peace and direction.
2007-05-06 18:43:17
answer #4
answered by da_game_plays_us 2
The key to burning lots of fat is muscle tissue, and eating regularly so as to prevent the body from thinking you are starving.
If you eat very little or not at all, your body will burn up all sources of energy: fat and muscle. Your metabolism will also slow down as much as possible.
The result will be a very much decreased amount of muscle mass and a completely inefficient metabolism. Thus, when you regain eating normally, you will automatically pack on all the calories that you consume. You most probably will end up gaining way more weight than you lose.
2007-05-06 18:33:43
answer #5
answered by yiimmy 2
Starving yourself is very dangerous and you wont lose weight... your body will hold onto what it can to survive. Look at starving children in other countries.
If you are looking to lose or maintain your weight, its better to eat 5 to 6 meals a day with ALL of the food groups. Little changes like whole wheat pastas, cereals, breads can go a long way, as changing dairy products to lower fat. Leaner meats and lots of fresh fruit and vegtables.
2007-05-06 18:28:56
answer #6
answered by Paramedic Girl 7
You'll burn fat with just minor calorie restriction. Lots of less pleasant things begin to happen when you cut your caloric intake too severely, the most notable being that your brain has a strong preference for glucose as the substrate it burns for calories, and it'll be PO'd if you don't have enough carbs in your diet to support it. Your metabolism also slows in "starvation mode," making weight loss more difficult, and there's a host of other metabolic problems. Mild calorie restriction and an exercise program in combination is boring, but the reason that's the almost-automatic answer is that it's the right answer.
2007-05-06 18:43:28
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
One of the last things our bodies breaks down from starvation is fat. Other vital organs might be first on the list to deteriorate. If you want to lose fat, try exercise. Fat is fuel stored in your body that is more likely to be used up during heated exercise than starvation. Anorexia is never the answer (unless your talking about a test question).
2007-05-06 18:29:45
answer #8
answered by lildemocrat86 3
nope it is not good to starve yourself, it will lower down your metabolism and when u feel too hungry u will eat more and u will not loose weight but u will increase it.
it is better u read more about metabolism,u can eat 3-4 small dishes a day in between 2-3hours,do not hunger yourself more than 4hours.
but u also can fast,although u will be hungry but fasting can reduce toxic level inside your body.
u also can eat more vege and protein rather than oily meal or cybohydrate such as rice or white bread.
u also should exercise more coz it can build up muscle and muscles burn more fat.
2007-05-06 18:33:56
answer #9
answered by Laksamana Sunan 1
its not good at all. even though it eats ur fat it its the good fat bc u need so much fat in ur body to b healthy. It also well cause ur body to hold extra water and if u eat anything at all the body will hold on to the fat from wat little u ate because it doesnt know when u will eat again and puts it self into survival mode. You can also become extremely sick bc ur body doesnt have the proteins and other nutrients to build antibodies which if u get any type of illness it can cause extreme damages. it also can lead to death
2007-05-06 18:32:25
answer #10
answered by crazychika 2