Actually most Christians don't realize that. The same thing goes for christmas and easter, both of which are pagan holidays with a christian twist and that does not make them christian, especially since the focus is a big fat man and a giant bunny. Also most "christians" are not really Christians at all, they just think they are because they go to church or they were baptized as a baby or they went to church as a kid, but none of those things actually make someone a Christian. You are not a Christian until you have a change of heart and live it instead of just talking it or having a outward appearance of being christian. This change of heart only comes by being changed from the inside out by receiving Jesus Christ has your Lord and Savior. He is the only One that can change any one's heart. Certainly these make believe "christians" out there aren't going to do that, because people can see the hypocrisy in their lives.
2007-05-06 09:28:04
answer #1
answered by Kristina K 2
I hope that I may be of some assistance. I am the High Priest of an online coven called "Order of Eternal Light" our non-member homepage is:
Before I answer your question I would like to say a few things about the coven. We are a white magick who strongly believe in good ethics. We also accept practioners of any age and "most" pagan religions. We also have an online occult library which consists of over 300 e-books and other rare info, plus members will have access to the members page where I post my personal notes on various subjects and will have contact with the rest of the coven!
Now that is out of the way, I totally agree with you! I mean look at all the Christian holidays and compare them to the pagan religions. There is no way that Jesus was born on December 25th and was only put on this date because the church wanted to take over Yule and the Winter Solstice, which are pagan holidays. Consider this for a moment from the bible. It talks about how the shepards saw the star that led to Jesus' birth while allowing their sheep to graze. I wonder how much grass the sheep found in the middle of winter? I can assure you, that there was no grazing in the pastures unless the sheep were chewing on rocks. I mean even the holidays Easter and May Day are pagan oriented and were only taken up by the church. Why would the church do this you ask? What is the best way to absorb or make another religion become non-existant? To take their holidays as your own! By practicing all your holidays during another religions in the same area the two will become intermengled. Now through in some dogma and holy wars and suddenly everyone is scared not to be christian. I mean look at the Witch Trials!
For any Christians reading this I hate to tell you but your pagan and don't even realize it which is interesting. Ever heard the phrase "in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit"? Well the Holy Spirit represents the Goddess! Early Judism was polytheistic (the belief in 2 or more gods) and later become monotheistic (the belief in only 1 god). Now, Christianity is an extension of Judism which picked up on many of their beliefs and customs. Look at the Catholic Church for example, they practically whorship The Virgin Mary. From what I understand of this practice is that they pray to her so that she will talk to Jesus on your behalf. And some of the saints in the religions are actually ancient goddesses of other religions!! And before I hear anyone say, but the bible says "there is only one god" how many goddesses so the bible say there is? When you capitlize the word "God" it referrs to a proper name and when it is not capitized "god" it referrs to a single god and is more of pronoun like he, she, and/or it. Now the word god is masculine meaning a male god and the word goddess is femine meaning a female goddess. The bible states "Though shall not worship any other gods before me"! Now lets think about this. The bible didn't say, do not worhship any other god or you'll go to hell, it just says put the Christian "God" first, not mention it said nothing about goddesses. Well guess what, all religions worship the same god, the christian religion just want their rules to be attached to it!
Why would someone want to monopolize a religion's rules? Whoever controlls the "keys to heaven" controls the world. This means political power, money, etc. And I think we could all agree there are enough corrupt ppl that have lived and still live that would use any means necessary to get this kind of power!
Now for my next point. Who wrote the bible, the disciples? Really? Can I see the orginal copy that they wrote by hand? Now don't tell me that is doesn't exist, well then where is your proff the disciples actually wrote it? Because the bible says so right? I take it if told you to jump off a cliff you'd do that to! How interestering! Did you know they didn't have printers and such back then, gasp, surely they did cause everyone had the same bible right? Uh, no! Acutally the only ones who had a bible back in the early midevil times was the church. How did they get a copy, they wrote it by hand. Even if there were orginals, the preachers at each church had to preach from something. So what happened do you ask? They rewrote it by hand and sent it out to each church. Who rewrote the bible? The monks at the monistaries did, cause that was their job. Now imagion, there is no orginal copy and they are writing the bible so they could basicly write whatever they wanted to! Who do you think there are so many versions of the bible? There are 43 versions of the bible that we know about and proffessionals believe there are over 100 different verions that we just havn't found yet! Taking all this into consideration it makes you even wonder if the bible is a work of wonderful fantasy.
Blessed be,
High Priest
2007-05-06 19:17:31
answer #2
answered by order_of_lights_high_priest 1
I disagree with your observation, or that what you are observing is a result of any "co-opting."
Why do I believe this? Because I could point out numerous examples found within the Bible, that when RE-translated using such tools as a Strong's Concordance will reveal that these (so called) new age philosophies have been there all along--to include such 'new age' (or eastern) ideas such as karma, reincarnation and others.
Why are they just now being incorporated and/or realized?
There are many reasons--some have to do with the fact that the (old) foundation beliefs simply are not working and/or producing 'fruit'--other reasons include that we, as humans are progressing in consciousness, spirituality, etc.
2007-05-07 03:24:30
answer #3
answered by smithgiant 4
This was prophesied by Paul. "You must realize, however, that in the last days difficult times will come. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, unfeeling, uncooperative, slanderous, degenerate, brutal, hateful of what is good, traitors, reckless, conceited, and lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. They will hold to an outward form of godliness but deny its power. Stay away from such people." (II Timothy 3:1-5)
"For the time will come when people will not put up with healthy doctrine but with itching ears will surround themselves with teachers who cater to their own needs. They will refuse to listen to the truth and will turn to myths." (II Timothy 4:3-4)
It even began in the early church. Both Paul and John wrote about the beginnings of Gnosticism, which was a heresy that threatened to tear the church apart.
Because so many pulpits have abandoned pure doctrinal teaching, and have incorporated "fluffy theology" in the sermons, people today don't know what they believe, or why they believe it. Many so called Christian churches have even denied the deity of Christ, an essential foundation of the historic Christian faith.
That new age mysticism has crept into the church doesn't surprise me at all. It's a shame, but I'm not surprised.
2007-05-06 16:29:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I am aware of this also.
That is why it is so important to read the Scriptures for yourself. Use the commentaries if you need to but Christians should know what they believe and why. Not just get these spoonfuls of doctrine. If they don't they can easily believe a lie.
Satan is a smooth operator.
2007-05-06 16:27:11
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The Bible talks about the corruption of the church in the end times. It tells that there will be those who "tickle the ears" the hearer, (2Tim. 4:3-4) It says they will turn to myths. I have no doubt that this is what you have seen. That means the end times is close!
2007-05-06 16:31:38
answer #6
answered by Yo C 4
Some are even playing with the thought of reincarnation, so what's your point?
How do you think the Christian religion strayed so far from that that Christ introduced?
Incorrect human input!!!
How do you think Christ is going to tell the true followers from those who are not?
2007-05-06 16:21:55
answer #7
answered by Me 6
Read the letters to the churches in the Book of Revelations. They were doing similar things then. It would do us well to remember the warnings given there. They are letters still relevant to the Church today.
2007-05-06 16:41:21
answer #8
answered by lix 6
Only those who have the gift of discernment see it. It's the great delusion that God sends upon all who have not received the love of the truth. Those who deny Christ because they see this falseness, in so-called Christianity specifically, and those who don't recognize the falseness because they do not want to come to a complete repentance.
2007-05-06 16:24:11
answer #9
answered by hisgloryisgreat 6
That's their issues. The word says not to change one dot nor one tittle. The "new age" evangelists are the ones that will have to answer for their deeds and actions for the Bible says we will give an account for every idle word that comes from our mouths.
2007-05-06 16:18:10
answer #10
answered by lisaandpathailey 4