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15 answers

i did a couple montha ago with my 3year old, she was doing my head in all day and then decided to jump on me landing head first on my stomache (i was 4 months pregnant) my first reaction was to smack her really hard and drag her to bed..... nether the less by the time i got her to the top of the stairs i couldnt resist giving her a big hug, saying sorry and explaining mummy got angry cos she hurt the baby in my tummy, she went round for ages telling people mummy hit her in the face,, she has never been smacked before! and never has since,,
a trip later to the hospital shows baby doin fine so no harm done except my guilty consciense but she has forgotten about it all now but is always careful around my bump.

2007-05-06 00:51:07 · answer #1 · answered by Angie 5 · 4 0

Who in their right mind would spank an infant? If you were that grumpy, probably from lack of sleep, then you should give the baby to a neighbor until you get yourself together. It is not uncommon for recently birthed moms to suffer from the baby blues and coupled with being exhausted, it can make for a bad situation because little babies are fragile. I would call my sister up and tell her, "You have to get over here now because I am afraid of how I am feeling right now." I called her when the girls were toddlers too. She would rush over and take whatever baby from me so I could rest and regroup. There is absolutely no reason in the world to spank an infant or a toddler who are still not aware of the difference between right and wrong. There is never any excuse for hitting an infant. That is ludicrous and needs to be addressed. Mental health help is in need there. Don't you have any common sense? Hitting any child just lets them learn that to get people to do what you want them to do, or conform, just smack them. That teaches them a lesson alright. Never trust those who say they love you because it only equals getting the crap beat out of them. "Wow! Mommy says she loves me and then she hits me, so I guess that is what love is. When I grow up and get married to the woman of my dreams or have kids, I will keep them in line with my fists." Nope.

2007-05-06 01:21:02 · answer #2 · answered by sherijgriggs 6 · 4 0

Yes, then what you do, is apologize to the child, why you would spank an infant is beyond me. Even parenthood is a learning experience for both parent and child. God Bless.

2007-05-08 23:16:12 · answer #3 · answered by Bethy4 6 · 0 0

I'm not a parent, but i'd like to give you my view about this question as a daughter. I am sure that all parents feel guilty for hurting their children. And I am also sure you did not intend to do it. From what I see in the other families, spanking is their way of disciplining their child. I suggest explaning this to your child willl make them understand. It is always good to have a good relationship with your chid. However, if you spanked your child for being just angry, then that's another case. You should teach yourself to be meek and have self-contol.

2007-05-06 01:04:29 · answer #4 · answered by helpinghand 2 · 3 1

You should never spank a child out of anger, this teaches them to deal with anger this way. You should never spank an infant!

2007-05-06 00:55:09 · answer #5 · answered by littlegoober75 4 · 5 0

Nope. I HAVE spanked my children, but never in anger. I can't remember the last time one of my 4 kids did anything to warrent a spanking. They don't act up because they know that I HAVE spanked and I WILL if needed.
I want my children to grow up to be good adults and have a good respect for authority their whole lives.
Hey, my parents even used a belt on my butt a time or two and i've grown into a happy law abiding woman. I know my folks loved me because they took the time to see to it that I got training growing up.

2007-05-06 01:20:32 · answer #6 · answered by bluegrass 5 · 4 2

Oh good god yes, since she has been able to walk. My daughter gets 3 warnings (last warning that if she does it again she will be smacked on the hand or bottom) then a little smack. I'm sorry but people can rant & rave over you can't smack a child but in Australia at the moment we have a big problem with child crime. Two 14-year-old just got sentenced for murdering a taxi driver. These children were never smacked & are now not afraid of authority, police nor parents. I don't want my children to be like that.

2007-05-06 01:00:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

i have felt guilty every time i physically punished my children. the trick is not to do it when you are angry. count to 10 before you strike and the strike wont be as bad and you wont feel as bad for doing it.
remember when your parents used to say this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you? I never understood that until i had to punish my own child. Just remember try not striking in anger give yourself a min or so to calm down before you deliver punishment.

2007-05-06 03:34:53 · answer #8 · answered by gands4ever 5 · 0 1

my son has to pull his dirty diaper out from under him. And on a day i was in a hurry to leave, he did this and got poop all over his hand,clothes and changing table. so I spanked his hand a little too hard. I felt so bad when those blue eyes filled up with tears.

2007-05-06 00:54:37 · answer #9 · answered by Amy 3 · 2 1

Don't spank out of anger
Both of my parent's spanked me, my father out of love, my mother out of anger- I learned a lot more from my father and listened to him, ALWAYS

2007-05-06 00:52:07 · answer #10 · answered by Rosie 4 · 4 0

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