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-- would God do that to us? Does he want us to keep fighting ever-tougher bugs until He finally allows one of them to kill us?

2007-05-05 11:52:58 · 23 answers · asked by ? 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

no, evolution has been proved. carbon dating, it's all scientific fact. the catholic church would like you to believe this is not true, but they lie.
oh, and sparkles, i am a christian (but definately not a catholic) i believe we evolved from apes. so you can't speak for all of us.

2007-05-05 11:56:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

The Bible teaches that God created the things of the earth not by evolution but by individual creation. That does not mean that individual creatures cannot evolve within their own kind, it means they don't become an entirely different creature. Example, God created cats but cats have evolved into many diferent breeds.
God does not cause bacteria to develop resistance to antibiotics. Man's misuse and overuse of antibiotics, has caused bacteria resistance to develop. A better question would be why would God allow man to cause these things to happen. This goes back to the misconception that God is the ruler of this world. The Bible tells us that Satan is the ruler of this world. (2 Corinthians 4:4) In Genesis the Bible tells us that Satan appoached Eve with a challenge concerning God's right to tell people how to live, that God was holding back good things from them, and given they freedom, they could decide for themselves what is good and what is bad without God's help. Adam and Eve decided to rebel against God, which resulted in making Satan their guide instead of God. God didn't destroy Satan and Adam and Eve immediately because he had already purposed that Adam and Eve"s offspring would populate the world and cultivate the earth so that it would completely become a paradise as the Garden of Eden was. His purpose couldn't be changed. Plus, all the angels in heaven were watching. Would destroying Adam and Eve prove to them that Satan was a liar. No. So in order to prove that what Satan said was a lie He needed to give Satan and mankind time to try every sort of human government to see if they could create a perfect world without the help of God. If God interfered with what was going on, he would be keeping people from the consequences of their own actions, and actually would be helping Satan to rule. God would not do that be he will soon end Satans rule and undue the harm that has been done. If you would like to know where you can find this information in the Bible just ask.

2007-05-05 12:23:00 · answer #2 · answered by katieb 1 · 0 0

I don't know whether evolution is true or not, but I don't think bacteria developing resistance is really any evidence for evolution. In any collection of bacteria, you're going to have some that are stronger than others. There's genetic variety in all species. Bacteria are no different. If you subject the bacteria to some kind of medicine that kills them, the weakest will be killed off, and the more resistant ones will survive and thrive. That will make the average strength of the whole population increase. Nothing new is added to the gene pool, so strictly speaking, they don't evolve.

Evolution requires both mutation and natural selection. Much is made of natural selection, but natural selection by itself cannot cause anything to evolve. To evolve, you need mutation. That's where evolution actually happens.

2007-05-05 11:59:17 · answer #3 · answered by Jonathan 7 · 1 2

You must remember that a scientific "theory" is not the same as a theory in common usage. Scientific theories are basically near-facts that have yet to be disproved but for which some unanswered part remains. I believe that we did evolve, but, as science correctly points out, I do not believe we evolved from apes. We simply have a common ancestor. The word "theory", in common usage, in most often a form of conjecture or belief, so proof is not necessary for it to exist. Bacteria is an excellent example for your argument, and in the future I would like to suggest two more. Flowers and mice don't take long to adapt either. While there are too many variants already of flowers to narrow down the time it takes to adapt, mice have been known to have genetic adaptation in as few as twenty generations. That's pretty cool.

2007-05-05 12:06:29 · answer #4 · answered by seattlefan74 5 · 2 0

God works in mysterious ways...oops, talking out of my *** again.

I also disagree from the scientific standpoint when people suggest that evolution was god's tool to generate life. While its a good middle ground between two opposing ideologies, it is not science. YOu can mention it in a religious classroom or philosophy classroom but not a science room.

Ken: you do realize the term "species" is just a taxonomical term defined by us right? If you believe in gradual change of organisms, then the term species is hard to apply. It is only used to generalize large differences. So in that sense, your argument that species cant cross into another is sorta...nil. To differentiate Micro from macro does not fit the gradual model of evolution, only the spatiated one.

Dan Lo: bacterias gain DNA changes when they acquire resistance. It's not simply adopting to environment by changing bodily metabolisms. bacteria gain resistance to antibody because those without the mutation die, leaving only those taht do to survive and procreate.

One-way: I agree with you mostly except if you think that God is the answer to how life originated. Because evolution cannot explain how life began, doesnt default God as the answer.

Philo: when you say there is genetic variation in a species, mutation is what generates that many variation. Refer to my Dan Lo re: for resistant bacteria.

Rod C: I hope you can differentiate between scientific truth and religious truth. Your Russian fox is a special case because we are knowingly pressuring a certain trait to come out. We are deslecting those without preferable traits for reproduction, that is why it is so fast. As far as evolution between species, how do explain donkeys and horses mating to produce asses. True, they are sterile but the fact that they are compatible to creating an indepedent organism shows that two species can have much in common.


Tim: There is a difference between us adapting to infectious bacteria and bacteria evolving. A portion of bacteria will mutate a portion of their DNA to deal with the immune system, and that portion will survive while their less fortunate henchmen die. The survivors multiple.

It is different for humans because we dont die, our adaptation comes from the immune response with memory cells. When they invade again, we dont get sick. A better comparision, if you want to use humans again, would be humans gaining a mutation that changed the cell receptor that the bacteria clung on to to begin infection. THEN, that would considered human evolution because those with the mutation survive better.

Seat: A theory is more than a fact or "near-fact". Theories are models created to explain facts and can be tested and have predictive power and could be considered higher in the order of linkage. That is why Intelligent Design is not a theory, as the proponents might argue, because it has no predictive power in it and has such limiting evidence despite its overarching claim that should, by logic, extend into physics and chemistry as well.

The one... again: Blame satan for all the bad things and leave the good things as the blessing of God...how convenient.

KatieB: seeing your attempt to use logic under certain conditions (conditions stating that God, angels, Satan) is applaudable only if you would apply that same logic to reaching the conclusion that God, angels and Satan actually exist.

2007-05-05 11:57:21 · answer #5 · answered by leikevy 5 · 3 0

It is not that a new bacteria is created when others die because of an antibiotic, it is that the antibiotic killed only so many and the rest are free to multiply and infect us.

When people get a bacteria, some may die, but the rest are resistant to it and so we multiply. It is not that we have evolved, but that those who lived through the infection are now resistant to it.

2007-05-05 12:04:30 · answer #6 · answered by tim 6 · 1 0

If some thing retains changing slightly over the years it is going to likely be totally distinctive in thousands and thousands of years. that's a particularly basic theory which you in basic terms can't seem to get your head around. isn't it unusual that birds have 2 eyes, a mouth, 2 legs and a pair of wings that share an tremendously comparable resemblance to mutated palms and palms?! are you able to no longer see that it is because of the fact we've progressed over thousands and thousands of years into distinctive species. it is so blatantly sparkling to verify and backed up with a colossus quantity of information, and yet you nonetheless deny it! it is unhappy fairly!

2017-01-09 13:39:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

adaptation and evolution are different

what your talking about is adaptation, the bacteria over time gain resistance, kinda how humans have gained resistance to certain viruses like the cold and the flu, the common cold in the 1700's could kill you in only 3 days.
if it were evolution , the bacteria would mutate or change its dna to gain resistance, however this is not the case , in this situation, the bacteria is only gaining resistance through adaptation , like a drug addict , the bacteria gains tolerance to it and it takes more of the antibiotic to have any affect on the bacteria

2007-05-05 11:59:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

They'll say microevolution or mutation don't count as proof of evolution, despite not having a clue on any of the three.

And then they'll blame the creation of super bacteria on us, or satan, as God is perfect, or haven't you heard the spiel yet?

But if God creates all life then He would create super bacteria (I swear I'll look up a more scientific word next time) and His purpose of creating said S.B. would be......? To test us perhaps, I don't get it either, good luck.

Though in the end of times there's supposed to be plagues, so it could be part of God's plan....dang God always one step ahead of science.

2007-05-05 11:58:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Hello, Weemaryann:

Comparing evolution to creation is not always fair. God has given organisms the ability to adapt, but not originate.

Eveloution explains the survival of the fittest, but not the arrival. The problem arrives in ¨speciation¨, where types appear. Under the evolution model, things started happening in the cambrian starata, and progressed upward to creatacious, where large creatures appeared.

There is no such geological column in existance, it is only in the mind of evolutionists. Actually, the Cambrian strauta contains comples invertibrates with complex neurological systems, including the trylobite, which has multi-facited eyes to see in all directions, kinda like a dragonfly. Ironically, in that strauta, they found one compressed under a child´s footprint, and another contemporary with a sandled man´s sandaled footprint--exactly what you´d expect to find in low-lyng marshlands.

Back to your question on antibiotics, when a small dose is administered, some of the survivors pass on their resistance, kinda like selective breeding. We´ve been warned about the indiscriminate use of antibiotics for over 1/2 century, and now we´re here with the problem. The only real answer is to keep your immune system in peak condition--just read of a doctor curing resistant microbes on diabetic ulcers with a layer of honey, something that the bacteria do not adapt to.

There is a Bible code, the only part of the Bible that says ¨these words are sealed and closed until the end of the days.¨When you break that code, it reveals Bible chronology. You can read its special message online in a publication that tells you how to break the code at www.revelado.org/revealed.htm.

One more thing, Weemaryann, Satan invented the evolution lie to negate God´s plan of redemption. One survivor of a high-level spirit worship cult tells what he learned. Well worth learning at www.revelado.org/satanism.htm

Blessings and AGAPE love, One-Way

2007-05-05 11:58:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

All the sickness, disease, deformities etc are the result of the fall of Adam.There is evolution within a species,just not evolvement from one species to another.For example in Russia they took foxes and within 10 years totally changed the species from mean little boogers to a passive friendly little pet.Just by selective breeding.We changed as we spread throughout the earth depending on the climate,and in short order too,not over thousands of years but in decades.
When you get to heaven ,punch Adam in the nose ,he started it all.:)

2007-05-05 12:03:46 · answer #11 · answered by AngelsFan 6 · 0 1

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