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16 answers

Jesus is the only way of salvation because He is the only One who can pay our sin penalty (Romans 6:23). No other religion teaches the depth or seriousness of sin and its consequences. No other religion offers the infinite payment of sin that only Jesus Christ could provide. No other “religious founder” was God become man (John 1:1,14) – the only way an infinite debt could be paid. Jesus had to be God so that He could pay our debt. Jesus had to be man so He could die. Salvation is available only through faith in Jesus Christ! “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).

2007-05-05 08:17:43 · answer #1 · answered by Freedom 7 · 0 0

for me it was the point that I love power and the sensation of it I tried most religions from different old religions to new age religions I love the pagan because of the ability to manipulate people for a good since of peace and oneness Hinduism & Buddhism worked in their own ways yet they never did all add up to the entire package then again Christianity has it all the manipulation comes from choosing not to the peace and wholeness comes from not needing anything but to fallow what I am told with out question plus not having to do all those rituals and praying to different "gods" for help when one is all that is needed heck that’s why he is God

2007-05-05 05:05:01 · answer #2 · answered by slayerofthedarkforest 2 · 0 0

A good majority of people are born into a religion or have none at all.

If I were born into a Catholic family, which I'm not, it would be doubtful that I would convert to some other religion.

In the Mid East most Muslim's are born into their religion and forced to practice it.

I'm grateful that I have the right to choose to be religious or to choose not to be religious.

That's what life should be.

The freedom of choice.

Thanks for the question.

2007-05-05 04:30:56 · answer #3 · answered by DeeJay 7 · 1 0

Yes, there are many belief systems, but there is only One True God, the I AM of the Christian bible. We should seek to worship this God according to His revelation to mankind. To worship other beliefs is basically idolatry, forbidden by God. Of all the world’s religions, Christianity possesses all of the following attributes:

1. Other religions revolve around their founder’s teachings, rules, regulations, and rituals. Christianity, however, revolves around a Living Person, the Risen Lord Jesus Christ.
2. Christianity is unique because it is based upon historical facts and the revelation of God in the Bible.
3. Christianity is the only religion that offers the Assurance and Security of Salvation
4. It is the only religion that teaches that salvation is a free gift, unmerited by anyone, of god’s grace. There is nothing a person can do to merit salvation, since it is received through faith, apart from works.
5. Other religions were started because of man’s attempt to search for the supernatural, search for the truth, appease their innate sense of sin and guilt, and find favor with his god. But Christianity is the account of God’s search for mankind. "For the Son of Man has come to see and to save that which was lost" (Luke 19:10; John 10:10). His love for us was the reason He has revealed Himself to us through His Son Jesus and by His grace we are saved (Ephesians 2:8-9).
6. It reveals God as the Triune God - God as the Father, God as the Son, and God as the Spirit
7. Christianity is exclusive in its claims. How is Christianity Exclusive?

A. The God of Christianity is claimed to be the only true God (Jeremiah 10:10; Jude 25).

B. The Bible is claimed to be the Word of God and the only true revelation from God (Isaiah 8:20; Revelation 22:18-19; 2 Timothy 3:16).

Investigation by even the most skeptical will also reveal that there exists NO SINGLE SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY that has been shown to prove error, factually or doctrinally, in the Bible. There is lots of speculation and hypotheses, but not a single verifiable fact. If you or anyone should discover one, you will become quite famous. Yet, since recorded history, no one has offered it up and entered their names into the history books. Instead what we have is pseudo-science pandering to the masses, as in the recent John Cameron tomb of Christ debacle.

As a simple experiment, try turning your objective intellect towards the argument that no book, comprising 66 “mini-books”, written over a period of 1500 years by 40 vastly different authors, having an outstanding literary internal consistency and coherency, could be written by mankind alone. Add to that the survival of the book’s ancient manuscripts, numbering in the tens of thousands, over thousands of years and yet these manuscripts remain over 98% textually pure. How this possible, when compared to all the other ancient writings are so few in number? For instance, the Dead Sea Scrolls contain all books of the Old Testament, except Esther, and have been dated to before the time of Christ. Now consider Julius Caesar’s Gallic Wars. Only ten copies written about 1,000 years after the event are in existence. In comparison, there are over 24,000+ New Testament manuscripts, the earliest one dating to within 24 years after Christ. How can we objectively and rationally explain this book, the Bible, especially in light of the claims I have made above?

An honest study of biblical prophecy will compellingly show the divine authorship of the Bible. Further, archeology confirms (or in some cases supports) accounts in the biblical record. No other holy book comes close to the Bible in the amount of evidence supporting its divine authorship.

C. The Biblical way of Salvation is the only way of salvation. There is no other way (John 3:36). No matter how good, religious or sincere a person may be, unless he or she has faith in Jesus they will not be saved. "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12).

D. Jesus Christ claims to be the only way to God, the only way of salvation and the only way to eternal life in heaven (John 3:16-17). Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6).

From the above, it should be evident that there is something very different about Christianity. There is a reason for this difference, too. Think about it.

2007-05-05 05:37:04 · answer #4 · answered by Ask Mr. Religion 6 · 1 1

I wouldn't. If i had to choose a religion - buddhism, paganism and wicca all seem much more harmless to both the believer and others.

2007-05-05 04:21:05 · answer #5 · answered by eldad9 6 · 1 0

Because it's the only one out there that makes sense. Unfortunately there are a lot of people out there who misrepresent Christianity and its core teachings, this in turn provides much cannon fodder for the anti-Christian folks in slandering and demeaning Christians in general.

Good day,

2007-05-05 04:39:55 · answer #6 · answered by Jesus S 3 · 0 1

If Almighty God was responsible for the creation of everything we know of, [and he was] then He would require a set form of worship.
To this end, He gave us the Bible.
And He gave us Jesus, to teach us face to face.
(John 4:24) God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.”

Nothing about trinity or icons.

2007-05-05 05:24:12 · answer #7 · answered by pugjw9896 7 · 0 1

the christian god was an exstraterestrial ,an Anunaki ,he was not even a real god ,
and very incompetent to boot ,look how his people behave ,and how bloodthirsty they have been and still are .

better stick with Gaia she is much more reliable and peacefull,and you can count on her ,
all of us exist because of Gaia ,a very real God

2007-05-05 04:23:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I wouldn't, Thank the Great Lord Maximon!

2007-05-05 04:20:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Check the others out......

God and His Word smoke em.

The bible is the word of God to His children.

2007-05-05 09:31:05 · answer #10 · answered by cordsoforion 5 · 0 0

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