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If you argue with an atheist, he or she will say "there is no God," yet cannot prove that there is no God. Why can't they just honestly say "I don't know if there is a God or not, but right now I don't believe there is a God?" I mean, are atheists so stubborn that they don't realize that they can't say something is or is not so without 100% proof? Don't they know that many people who believe in God are just as educated or even more educated than they are? Besides, aren't they just atheists because it makes it much easier for them if they should lie, cheat, steal, etc.?

2007-05-04 19:24:35 · 19 answers · asked by paypalcurious 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

I am a Christian and I understand what you are talking about. Still, if we Christians and Jews and others who believe in God can say definitavely and without reservation, that God exists, even though we can't necessarily provide physical proof of His existence, then we really shouldn't be surprised if those who do not believe in God do the same thing by stating definatively and without reservation that God does not exist. Both of these groups are firmly stating what they believe and both believe firmly that they are correct. While the study of nature and the universe proves the notion of intelligent design and creation by a superior Being, those of us who believe in God do so by faith, not by proof and many of us are not equipped to argue the proof that we can provide if we were only able to communicate it effectively. It basically comes down to the fact that most people cannot prove the existence or lack of existence of God to the satisfaction of those who disagree with their viewpoints, so we might as well just all agree to disagree. Personally however, I would rather be wrong about believing in God because then nothing would be lost, than to be wrong about not believing because my soul would be lost. I for one, believe in God with every fiber of my being.

2007-05-04 19:35:37 · answer #1 · answered by Chimichanga to go please!! 6 · 0 1

Why do those in the christian religion pretend to know that which they cannot possibly know?
If you argue with a christian, he or she will say "there is a God," yet cannot prove that there is a God. Why can't they just honestly say "I don't know if there is a God or not, but right now I believe there is a God?" I mean, are christians so stubborn that they don't realize that they can't say something is or is not so without 100% proof? Don't they know that many people who don't believe in God are just as educated or even more educated than they are? Besides, aren't they just christians because it makes it much easier for them if they should lie, cheat, steal, etc.?

Well, it works both ways.

2007-05-05 02:42:06 · answer #2 · answered by Mild.Malice. 2 · 1 0

first of all, atheism is not a religion.

second of all, atheism is defined by not believing in a higher being. agnostic means not being sure if there's a god.

If you argue with a Christian, he or she will say "there is a god," yet cannnot prove that there is a god. Why can't they just honestly say "I don't know if there is a God or not, but right now I choose to believe that there is one?" I mean, are christians so stubborn that they don't realize that the can't say something is or is not so without 100% proof? Don't they know that many people who don't believe in god are just as educated or even more educated than they are? Besides, aren't they only not lying, cheating and stealing so they can go to heaven, not because they believe it's truly the right thing to do?

2007-05-05 02:44:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Atheists and Christians (or more generally, Theists) are more similar than one might think. Both believe in something that, by definition, cannot be proven. One believes in the existence of God, one believes in the NON-existence of God.

I find both positions to be arrogant and intellectually dishonest.

The fact is, no one KNOWS if God exists or not. Christians really hope/believe that he does, and atheists hope/believe that he does not.

Press any Christian as to why he/she is sure that God exists, and the answer is "I have faith that I am right." Faith is just a fancy word for "hope," not for "proof." The answer is never, "I can prove it," because they can't.

Press any atheist who insists there is no God for proof of that, and the answer is normally a bunch of science about the beginnings of the universe and about evolution. Which, whether it is true or not, is beside the point, as it does not preclude the existence of a God who started the big bang or started the evolutionary process. They can feel pretty sure God didn't do those things, but cannot be SURE that they are right, because there is no PROOF.

Since the existence and the NON-existence of God both cannot be proven, the only intellectually honest position to take is agnosticism (which is not a religion, but simply a philosophical viewpoint)... the view that says "I do not know if God exists or not." This is only thing we can be absolutely sure of when it comes to God... we know that we do NOT know.

2007-05-05 02:40:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

If the only thing stopping you from lying, cheating and stealing is the fear of punishment you will receive, then you have a very distorted view of morality. I don't do these things out of compassion and respect for other human beings, not because I'm afraid God will smite me. Refraining from evil solely based on fear shows what kind of person you really are. If it were proven that there was no God, would you go around committing any crime your heart desired. I've also provide a link from the Federal bureau of Prisons regarding the religious affiliations of the inmates. Catholics - 39%, Protestants - 35%, Muslims - 7%, Atheists - .209% (notice the decimal place in front of the 2) I don't think this needs any further explanation.

2007-05-05 03:42:35 · answer #5 · answered by jerseygyrrl 3 · 0 0

There are so many wrong assumptions in this question that I don't know where to begin. There isn't an atheist religion. A religion is an organized faith upon a guru, diety, higher power, or more than one higher power. It's a set of beliefs that are agreed upon a number of people. Being an atheist simply means they are not a believer in a higher power. If someone doesn't agree with abortion, they aren't said to be in the "pro-life religion". The same is said with athesits. As a Christian, you cannot prove the existence of God either. You cannot tell someone what he looks like. You cannot tell someone exactly where he is in heaven or what heaven looks like. You don't know those things, and your faith should be strong enough to admit that you cannot prove to someone the physical existence of God. It is based upon faith.

Saying that someone cannot deny or prove there is a God means that they are an agnostic. It means they do not have true knowledge of the existence of a God -- they don't confirm or deny. That isn't an atheist. It has nothing to do with education or lack of an education. Someone can believe in God with no education and someone can NOT believe in God with no education. It isn't about intelligence. It's about faith.

What if someone told you that you are a Christian because you are afraid to go to hell--wouldn't you refute that opinion. To say that an atheist chooses to be that way because they just want to do things that are against God is just as bad as saying you believe in God for fear of going to hell. They are atheists because they do not beleive in God. That is the reason and ONLY reason. You should be able to be strong enough in your faith to realize that everyone doesn't have to agree with you in order for your faith to be valid. Respect other people's opinions and beliefs. That does include atheists. Besides, God said to treat your enemies with LOVE. Saying that they all want to lie and cheat and steal isn't very loving at all. Anyone can do those things because any of us on any given day can choose to follow what WE want over what God's wants -- it doesn't take an atheist to do that. It just takes a human. You too are human.

2007-05-05 02:49:37 · answer #6 · answered by One Odd Duck 6 · 1 0

It is simple logic, using what is called Occam's Razor... look it up. Briefly, it is usually the simplest explanation that is true. As a quick example, when you hear hoofbeats, you ought to think that they are horses, not zebras.

It is simply more logical, and no, atheists don't lie or cheat or steal. (Where did you get that???) Most of the people in prisons are fundamentalist christians, hon!!! Murderers, serving big time, and they were fundamentalist christians before they committed the crimes. Hello? You really need to get out in the philosophy world and take some college courses, hon.
Logic would conclude that there is no god, shattering to some, but true...

2007-05-05 02:38:57 · answer #7 · answered by April 6 · 3 0

I am an agnostic and agree with you in this point other than the fact that the burden of proof lies on the one trying to prove not to disprove.

That being said, how is it that the religous can ignore any evidence or logic that they're religion is ill conceived?
You talk of this about athiests when failing to apply it to yourself. A man once told me that god was a purple pillar of fire in the sky. This has just as much backing as what christians or any other religion has yet you believe simply because man told you so. Therefore I submit that makes you a bigger idiot than someone who searches for proof of these things.

2007-05-05 02:35:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Atheism is NOT a religion.I resent your saying that it's easier for Atheists to lie,cheat,steal,etc.We each have our own code of morality,regardless of religious beliefs,or lack of them.I didn't know that the Americans in Iraq,who are raping & murdering innocent men,women & children were Atheists,nor the Israelis in the Gaza Ghetto were Atheists.You cannot prove there is a god,but logic says there isn't.

2007-05-05 02:48:04 · answer #9 · answered by michael k 6 · 1 0

I'm a weak agnostic atheist, I qualify for both weak atheism and weak agnosticism.

I think strong agnosticism is as good as saying the supernatural exists, as their position is no matter what we uncover we can not understand the supernatural.

I think we now have a clear picture of the evolution of religion from polytheistic to monotheistic, and most organized religions disprove themselves. I don't see any evidence to give deities any other more thought than any other archetype that could come out of the human mind.
I think while strong atheism is not a illogical as claiming a deity as fact, it uses the same false logic.

In the United States, the prison population ratio would lead one to believe that a Christian is much more likely to commit a crime than an atheist.

2007-05-05 02:28:57 · answer #10 · answered by Jett 4 · 1 0

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