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Did you notice at that moment, that's when all of the schools went hectic and all the murders happened. ECT.

2007-05-04 17:52:09 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

I'm sorry.
That is a specious argument.
School prayer hasn't been expected (not forbidden as some would have you think) since the 1960's.

I blame a lot of what has happened on prevailing attitudes towards discipline.

Kids today are not allowed to learn how to deal with bullies. If someone picks on them, they cannot defend themselves for fear of the school punishing them. As a result, it festers. In some sad cases, the kids crack. In others, they were mentally ill already. While this policy may seem to make sense in our pathetic attempt to become a non-violent society, it actually causes more harm than good. All that these kids see is a lack of justice, so they bring their own brand of justice to school with them.

The ban on forced school prayer has nothing to do with it, at all. I have a friend who lives in a largely Muslim community. Should her child be forced to learn Muslim prayers and ways? Or do you propose that this school teach only Christian prayers?

Sorry, this is America, not the Soviet Union of old.
Freedom of religion means freedom to practice your own religion, it does not give anyone the right to foist theirs upon myself or my children.

2007-05-04 18:08:16 · answer #1 · answered by blue.green_eyes 5 · 4 0

I am sure people will give me thumbs down for this but I feel compelled to answer this. The reason why the schools all went hectic is because the media is telling us about it more. Bad things have been happening in schools way before that. The media is now so widely seen on TV's, internet, newspaper and magazines. Back when school had God how many homes had 2-3 tvs and computers. Also Schools still have God. It is now just not mandatory. There are several activities and clubs that are about God. At my kids schools during lunch they have prayer groups and bible studies. They also have after school clubs. Also schools get Christmas and Easter Break. We still pledge and say under God.

Now to add about how I feel. I do feel that they should not have God in school. You see the problem is that not everyone believes in the same God. Some people don't even believe in God. Growing up as a Jew it was really hard. It was Jesus this and Jesus that. Don't get me wrong that is good for Christians but how about other people. I don't believe in Jesus so why should I be made to pray to him. Why did I have to perform in all the Christmas assemblies. Why was I made to go on vacation during Easter Holiday instead of Passover. Why do we get Christmas and Easter parties but no mention of other religions and their parties. How many of you at your childrens school have passover parties, Purim parties or Hannukah parties? How about other religions. I think that it is good that we took God out of school and made it not mandatory. It is now up to the individual student whether they want to pray to God or not.

This is America. That is why we are so fortunate that we can have freedom of speech and other basic rights. Like freedom of religious persecution. This is what makes us the great country that we are. That is why we shouldn't be made to pray but want to. It is our individual right whether we choose too or NOT.

2007-05-04 18:15:20 · answer #2 · answered by tobyandallen 3 · 2 1

All the murders happened at that moment? That's a bit of an exaggeration. The time when "God was taken out of the schools" is usually considered to be back in the 60s when the Supreme Court ruled on formal prayers in public schools. That was when the GRANDPARENTS of many school shooters were in school. Also, in case you hadn't noticed, the Virginia Tech shooting was at a COLLEGE and colleges have never been required to be secular, although they can't discriminate if they receive federal funding.

2007-05-04 18:02:11 · answer #3 · answered by Kuji 7 · 3 1

i'm an atheist and that i will see a number of a probability solutions to this question: a million) he's not really everywhere (e.g. the backyard of Eden even as Eve proffered the apple) 2) he's everywhere except contained in the hearts of everyone (because you ought to settle for him beforehand he's there) 3) they are not actually complaining that we are taking Him out of the colleges; they recommend we are speaking about Him a lot less in colleges. i might want to bypass with 3 as being the most obtrusive answer.

2016-12-05 09:15:36 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Have you ever thought about just sending your kids to private christian (or what-ever religion you want) schools? Then your kids can pray when ever and to whom ever you want them to at that private facility and not at the expense of the taxpayer who may not be your type of religion.....
Violence is a product of poor parenting, poor social and community problems, and a deficit of the ability and knowledge of how to solve problems.
This is NOT a religious problem. Look, George bush thinks he is a religious man and has also taken our best and brightest to die for another countries freedoms. Religion at work I'd say!

2007-05-05 12:50:12 · answer #5 · answered by Libby 5 · 0 0

God is not a person or a thing that can be removed like a book. No one took God out of schools. School is not a place for prayer or religious teaching. If you think it is, then you must be willing to allow for equal teaching and tolerance of all religions, not just Christianity. The problems with violence in schools is a problem with the larger society. It's up to each person to keep God in their hearts and spirits, and live out their faith. A person shouldn't have to have the 10 commandments on a wall or a formal prayer to live according to their faith.

2007-05-04 17:58:31 · answer #6 · answered by keri gee 6 · 5 2

Nobody took God out of schools. PLEASE learn the FACTS.

Violence in schools is actually DECLINING. You just HEAR more about the few incidents that DO happen because of the internet and the ever-increasing number of 24/7 cable channels trying to get your attention.

FYI, according to the Bible, God TORTURED and KILLED MORE people than HITLER, and God repeatedly COMMANDS his followers to hurt and kill people. The Bible is MORE VIOLENT than ANY other book, movie, or videogame, and should NOT be taught to impressionable children. Read the ENTIRE Bible (not just the parts your preacher has told you about) and see what it REALLY says.

If Christian parents can't manage to teach their kids about their killer God & religion at home or in church, then there is something seriously wrong with them. It's not anybody else's responsibility.

2007-05-04 18:06:50 · answer #7 · answered by gelfling 7 · 3 2

At that moment, eh? Did you know that child murderers (kids who kill) have been chronicled in America for centuries now? The thing is, schools are much larger now, and the media is a major factor in copycat killings. Now, if someone kills someone, it can go all over the world on CNN for everyone to see, instead of being kept as a shameful local secret.

I'm a Christian, and I support the separation of church and state.

2007-05-04 17:56:12 · answer #8 · answered by solarius 7 · 6 2

What are you talking about? God has not been removed from schools. There is a seperation between church and state. This means you cannot preach your viewpoint to people at school. It does not mean people who are raised well by the people who should do this (the parents) don't carry god in their spirit.
If you want to know when schools went hectic...it was when parents stopped being parents.

2007-05-04 17:57:18 · answer #9 · answered by suigeneris-impetus 6 · 7 3

There is a Biblical truth here. Love, worship and obey the Lord and he will protect and provide for a people. Reject the love, refuse to worship and obey the Lord and he removes His hand of protection. That's when the hectic stuff happens.

It's written all through the scripture.

2007-05-04 17:57:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

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