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Love Peace and how to pray

2007-05-04 17:42:43 · 15 answers · asked by brothermikegoestenkors3 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

Read the Sermon on the Mount.

2007-05-04 17:46:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

How to enjoy life; whole in your heart ( sittig on the thrown in your heart )... how to love our enemies and resolve proplems. To be kind to nature. That is a couple things he taught but the difference with people is the prayer coming from the heart or the mind. If your heart than thats your spirit; the inner person. If you want to understand this a little better then read robert m on yahoo 360 the 1st. page

2007-05-04 18:04:18 · answer #2 · answered by macleodg7 2 · 0 0

He set the example we are to follow so let's see what that is.

"For even the Son of man came not to be ministered to but to but to minister and give His life a ransom for many." - Servanthood -

"Then said Jesus, Father forgive them for they know not what they do." - Forgiveness -

"And He went a little further and fell on His face and prayed saying, O' my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me, nevertheless not as I will but as thou wilt." - Obedience -

His example on prayer is the best in all of scripture, and His prayer in Gethsemane was so intense that the Bible says He sweat as it were great drops of blood. - It is medically proven
that a person under extreme duress can sweat blood.

His final commission to those who would obey Him teaches us this:

"Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world." - His continuing faithfulness to us. -

2007-05-04 18:01:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God made a Covenant with Abraham. it really is frequently suggested as a convenant of the aspects and develop right into a quite time-honored element on the time. Abraham decrease some animals in 0.5 and places them on both side alongside with some birds. Now this covenant works like this. both activities walk by the midst of the animals and say I comply with do this and if i do not might want to what got here about to those animals be performed to me. Abraham did not go by the aspects because God positioned him right into a close eye. only God surpassed by. Abraham besides the indisputable fact that the daddy of religion did not keep the covenant faithfully. God ratified the covenant with Israel at Sinai, similar covenant through ways in case you seem on the language merely enlarged to comprise a us of a and under no circumstances only a guy. Israel suggested "we can obey". they did not. both Abraham and the youngsters of Israel and through extention everyone human beings because the covenant develop into also prolonged to a mixed multidude who also suggested "i will obey" did not stay as a lot as our end of the covenant. we've all sinned and fall short of the honour of God. because Abraham, the daddy of the committed, did not walk by the aspects, God took it upon himself to die a terrible lack of existence to pay the shortcoming of existence penalty for our sins. He, by the be conscious made happen contained in the guy of Yahshua, took the wraith and punishment all of us deserve and so because the penalty has been paid the sin is bumped off. we initiate with a sparkling slate. it really is how God planned it from the starting up understanding that his human beings might want to fail and being a merciful God and under no circumstances keen that any might want to perish took our punishment for us to reconcile us to him. And hiya you probably did spell it incorrect besides the indisputable fact that it develop into humorous. i presumed it develop into intentional until eventually eventually you purchased all nasty and defensive about it. Edit - yet another positive celebration of the loving being concerned tolerant morally better atheist. thanks on your positive celebration. You confirm what we really study your morals. and also you adult males call us hypocrites. Edit 2 - you're a foul mouth little ape are not you. the following have a banana and bypass back on your lair and scratch your self.

2016-12-05 09:15:14 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

No He Didn't die for anyones sins/ Jesus taught us to surrender to the divine mystery that is called God/ Paul started a false religion about worshipping Jesus instead of doing as Jesus did. Surrender to the manifesting divine mystery../ i like thumbs down from idol worshippers, thank you

2007-05-04 17:50:32 · answer #5 · answered by robertbobbybob 3 · 0 1

From reading what i do in this catagory, he must have taught Christians to hate and belittle anyone who doesn't think and believe like like they do. It's a pity to observe, but it seems impossible most Christains ever heard that Christ believed in turning the other cheek, and that only he who is without sin should toss the first stone.

2007-05-04 17:48:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Read the new testament!
He showed us so much, you even named some yourself...
He basically taught us how to get to heaven...and thats through him
He gave us the bread of life which if we eat we will live in him, with him and through him for all eternity.
Just to add a few more, faith, hope, MERCY, love, COMPASSION, love, how to be humble and meek, sincerity, the way, TRUTH and so much more.

2007-05-04 17:50:04 · answer #7 · answered by Bri 3 · 1 0

To treat others how you want to be treated. (Love your neighbor...)
What real love is (love is patient love is kind...)
To be a good perosn in society (Give what you do not need to the poor)
To pick your battles (He never said anything about same sex pairings but they did have them)
To respect athourity (Give unto ceaser what is ceasers...)
To not hate those who hurt us (turn the other cheek)
To not judge (Let he who has no sin cast the first stone...)
He taught us many things, but mostly about how to treat others, and how to be a good person.

2007-05-04 17:49:13 · answer #8 · answered by anamaradancer 3 · 1 0

The most important thing Jesus said was "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." If we all did this the world would be a heaven on earth.

2007-05-04 17:47:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Yeah you are right, but also preach the Gospel, and tell what the woman with the alabaster box did.

2007-05-04 17:46:29 · answer #10 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 0 0

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