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Lately I get irritated at the simplest things and have a lot of problems with my friends right now. I know this sounds stupid but I want my parents to believe I am perfect. I have a 4.2 GPA and if I tell them I have depression, I am afraid they'll simply reject me. When I was 8, I was diagnosed with ADHD for "attempting to kill my sister by choking her", which was wrong. I was convinced this wasn't my problem. I took the medication, I went through the therapy, and I knew the medical bill. I don't want to put my parents through such a big deal like this again. I don't know if it is possible if my mom could've done this to me. It sounds childish but I always get feelings of suicide and lonliness when she says comments about my weight or how I eat. It's gotten sooo bad that I my self confidence is dead. I feel like I'm fat all the time and I have never attempted suicide but am very close. I just dont want my parents to get involved. I want them to think I can solve my own problems

2007-05-04 17:23:09 · 9 answers · asked by LazyLily 2 in Health Mental Health

9 answers

(first off, to qualify my comment, I have had depression issues and have seen a very expensive therapist at my parents' expense. I know how it feels.)

If you don't want to start out talking with your parents, try a visit to the school nurse or guidance counselor. They are people who can listen to what you have to say. If necessary, they can relay information to your parents.Your parents will NOT reject you if you tell them what you are actually feeling. They may get irritated, but they won't refuse to help you.

If you are feeling conscious about your weight, try to talk yourself into changing your diet. It doesn't even have to be a full fledged diet - just substitute some different foods here and there to start off. Pay attention to your progress and have positive thoughts about what you are doing -- that is the motivation to continue with it. Have pride in the fact that you picked up a protein bar instead of a Snickers at the gas station.

Whether or not you want to hear it, Exercise can both make you feel better mentally- because of the release of beta-endorphins in the brain, but also because it can help solve the issue of weight. Sorta like getting two birds with one stone.

Feeling depressed sometimes is normal for a teenager. No matter how horrible you feel, realize that suicide is not the answer for anything. As bad as you might feel about your weight, it isn't harming anyone. You (and apparently your mom) are just exaggerating it. People don't want to hurt you or change their opinion of you because of your weight.

If you want, try to find some support group for people in your situation. It always helps to know that you are not the only one.

2007-05-04 18:05:01 · answer #1 · answered by Andrew C 3 · 0 0

Hi first off I know how it is to feel the way that you are feeling. Im 18 and on and off suffer from depression. i understand that you want them to feel that you can solve your own problems, but if you are underage, you need to tell them. That way they can get you the proper help that you need. You may find that you feel better if you talk to someone about it. And the beauty of talking to a counsler or therapist, is that whatever you tell them, they CANNOT tell your parents, unless they feel that you are a threat to yourself and to society. There is noting wrong with getting help. I went to therapy for a few months for cutting and it wasn't bad at all. It helps to talk about it. Another thing, don't feel that you are fat, because you are NOT. You are beautiful and always remember that. It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, because it is what is on the inside that matters. Always remember that. Think happy thoughts. And SMILE. Because you are a normal person going through a normal problem that a lot of people go through. :)

2007-05-04 22:35:18 · answer #2 · answered by Krystal 1 · 1 0

I empathize with your situation and applaud your ability to recognize that you may suffer from depression. Talk to your doctor and be honest with your parents. Chances are pretty good that they will support you and not look to you as a failure. Sometimes the hardest thing a person does to themselves is setting themselves up to be perfect. It's ok not to be perfect and it doesn't mean that you are broken. Tell yout parents that you are concerned and feeling scared about some of the feelings you have been experiencing.. You may want them to accompany you to a doctor appointment or set up an appointment with a mental health worker. Today more people suffer from depression then ever before. Even kids and teens suffer depression. It is an illness that has no age limit.
Contact the mental health association in your area for more information. There are also crisis lines available for people to talk to if you feel the need.
I wish you the best.

2007-05-04 17:36:10 · answer #3 · answered by xoxodolphin 3 · 0 0

Sorry you feel that way. They love regardless. Stop trying to be perfect no one on is. Give yourself a break everyone NEEDS help. Its not childish thinking of suicide or being lonely. Most everyone I know including me have been there. Only my friends could help cause I wasn't comfortable telling my parents and still am not. But I had someone. Don't push your friends away. Your mom may not know she is making you feel this way by what she says. She might be trying to get you to take better care of yourself, but I don't know. You can't lose hope or belief in yourself. Take it one step at a time. Stop pressuring yourself. Just remember all those that will hurt by losing you. Your have more of an impact than you realize.

2007-05-04 17:53:31 · answer #4 · answered by Mobius 2 · 0 0

First thing to do is to take care of yourself. Go see a mental health professional. The good news is that depression is very treatable. Mild depression can be treated with psychoanalysis. Moderate to severe depression can be treated with medication. There are many new anti-depression medications out there now since Prozac came onto the market. In fact many of the older anti-depressants are now off patent. In another word, your copayment should be low. Anti-depressant does take time to work, therefore make sure you stay on a particular drug long enough before switching to another if it didn't work out quit exactly as you would want it to.

Once your depression is lifted, then you decide how to handle the situation with your parents.

2007-05-04 17:49:37 · answer #5 · answered by Stars Gazer 2 · 0 0

You are depressed and unloved and it has a lot to do with friends and family . Spend less time on school achieving and more time to find a new friend to share the loneliness with . The GPA will not be used unless the depression is soon solved. There is a way to avoid depression if you will study it out in your mind. The more intelligent you are the more severe a depression can be as erasing expectations is harder to do.

2007-05-04 19:04:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Don't worry!everything is okay!!i am 13 and i am having exactly all of this problems!!!I'm into this huge argument with my best friend and well...a lot of things...but i mean yes i haved been very close to committing suicide too!!and also been so close to taking pills and drugs..but maybe you should talk to someone...i have this friend and she always listens and gives me good advice..you see there is always a person that will care for you even if its the person you would less expect..just be careful and...good luck!

2007-05-04 17:31:40 · answer #7 · answered by ily 1 · 0 1

my honest opinion for the diagnosis of adhd for any child is that it is ridiculous. it's hard feel like a lot rests on your shoulders. back when i first started going to college i felt the way you're feeling now. the easiest way to tell them is to just say it. there really isn't a certain "right" way that you're looking for....

i hope everything gets better.

someone who knows what you're going though

2007-05-04 17:34:02 · answer #8 · answered by Bazinga 2 · 1 0

HIPPA law is a law that protects patients privacy so you do not have to tell them anything that is if you are of age. if you do feel comfortable talking to your parients then maybe a guidence councelor at your school. you should though see a psychiatrist and or a psyhchotherapist they can talk to you and see exactly what is the problem.

2007-05-04 17:32:48 · answer #9 · answered by Kristenite’s Back! 7 · 0 1

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