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That the argument that the Bible isnt true becuase it was written hundreds of years after the events,is really a dumb and not very well thought out argument?Cuase obviously none of the people are thinking about writing down the events of their lives as their living it in the present;it would make sense that someone would write it down later.Then of course they didnt have the best technology or materials then to mass produce stuff like we do now,&of course didnt have bikes,cars or any type of advanced transportation.Last,the people&places being true,people later in the future wouldnt know the details of peoples lives that came long before them;so it would make sense that the authors truely had to be inspired by God, to know about the people,places&details of peoples lives that came long before they were born.
Again,is it just me, or is the argument the Bible was written hundreds of years later a bad¬ well thought out argument?

2007-05-04 17:15:14 · 12 answers · asked by Maurice H 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

The Book of the Bible was written under the inspiration of the spirit of God. It is the instruction a Manuel for man,just like any other Manuel given on how to put things together. The old testament teaches you the nature of God. The new testament teaches you the love of God. It also tells you about the end times. This is the information needed for man to use in his pilgrimage here on earth. God gives man everything he needs and technology is one of them,do you really think man thought all these things up on his own. In the book of Isaiah it talks about the tires shaped like the moon and hair dresses and clothing of our times. God knew what we needed at the time we need it and gave man the mind to invent it,just like man was inspired to write the Bible.

2007-05-04 17:32:28 · answer #1 · answered by God is love. 6 · 0 0

ever play telephone?

after the story is passed down to the end of the line most of its meaning has been lost, misinterpreted, or altered.
so the validity of some of the stories in the bible come in question due to the fact that they are second hand

one writer takes bible stories and its characters and fills in what the bible leaves out. she puts her own spin on it and has good reasoning as to why she might be right.

for instance Jacobs wife Leah is described in the bible as ugly, spiteful, and not loved by jacob.
the author says different- she thinks leah was adverage looking/or at least less attractive than rachel,
she and rachel probably fought and both were to blame (one wasn't nice and the other mean, both just didn't always get along),
and jacob loved her just not as much as rachel
she thinks this because her and jacob had 8 kids together. if he really hated her he would have had one with her and more with his other wives.

interpretation is a big thing. the people who are written about in the bible can't tell anyone if there were any mistakes made about them

2007-05-05 00:27:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think the argument that the events of the Bible were recorded later is a valid issue - obviously if you're waiting a considerable amount of time to write something down, there's always a possibility that some facts could be misconstrued or misrepresented.

While I wouldn't completely write off the text because of this, it's definitely worth taking into consideration.

2007-05-05 00:24:39 · answer #3 · answered by Lunarsight 5 · 0 0

I think that you've missed the point entirely, but then again, what ELSE could we expect?

It is NOTHING to do with the Bible being written hundreds of years later. It is about the hundreds, possibly thousands of books that COULD have been in "The Bible" but were consigned to the flames by Bishop Eusebius in the Council of Nicea....NOT because he was "divinely inspired" but because he was trying to promote HIS view of what should be this new religion. Nothing has changed in this day and age.....we still have those "committed people" (and I use that word as a pun) in the American "Bible Belt", who would refuse to teach Evolutionary Theory ALONGSIDE Creationism....it's akin to saying that "we will teach English and Geography, but we won't teach Arithmetic". You have NO need for Arithmetic, we will do all your calculations for you. One plus one will make anything we tell you it makes. All you have to do is BELIEVE!

I'm sorry, but if we let religion have its way with us - we get RICH churches and a belief that the Earth is still FLAT !

The majority of us have now evolved beyond that "blind faith" thing

2007-05-05 00:29:05 · answer #4 · answered by The Master 3 · 0 0

The fact that the Bible wasn't written at the time of the events does not support the argument that it is fake. It does support the argument that it might be flawed, though.

Details of the Bible might be skewed for the readers of the time, other details might get too much attention, or not enough. Folklore could be mistaken for true events, and true events could be mistaken for parables.

2007-05-05 05:29:58 · answer #5 · answered by Mr. Bad Day 7 · 0 0

Get real - ‘they were too busy’? the Egyptians weren’t too busy. The Romans weren’t too busy (including the official documents of Pontius Pilate – which carry no mention of Jesus, or anyone who could have been Jesus, or a crucifixion of anyone who could have been Jesus).

At the time Jesus was supposed to have lived, and in the place he was supposed to have lived, there were historians, philosophers, scribes recording everything they observed, yet not a single one mentions anything about anyone who was, or could have been, Jesus.

And what of Jesus’ followers; was each and every one illiterate? Why is there no description of what he looked like? Why was there not one word he might have ever spoken written down by someone who would have been there?

Even the famous Josephus Flavius betrays Christians. His detailed list of Galilee cities (as it is referred to in the Gospels) contains no mention of a village, town, hamlet, or city named Nazareth; nor does anyone else; it does not appear in the Old Testament; nor is such a place mentioned in any official documents; – until long after Jesus would already have been dead.

The supposed darkness that covered the earth upon his death is not mentioned by anyone anywhere in the world. Even the records of Jerusalem itself fail to make note of any such unusual event.

If there was a historical Jesus, not a single person alive at the time thought his life or death worthy of a single word.

2007-05-05 00:43:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Bible was a Holy book sent by God 2 Prophet Jesus(alayhis salam) ; bt its not wot it was , I mean it has been edited(modified) since & no more remained a book which the GOD has sent.

Do U think v people deserves right 2 edit the Holy Books sent by GOD & even follow wot V ourselves hv edited???!!

Besides, Quran is another Holy book sent by God 2 Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) ; at that time as there was no such materials available 4 writing - people(Sohabas) use 2 learn them & pass 2 1another....this way Quran is still available as it was 1400yrs ago & ALLAH has promised that not a single word wud b added or deleted from it till the day of Qayamat !!

So wot U say is a better one???!!

2007-05-05 00:33:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well, in Asian countries people worship stones as god, are stones god? believed to be gods having spiritual powers, do you believe it? well well it is up to you to decide. The bible written in what ever way, the description and events mentioned in what ever description is for a individual to believe. when you read a holy book what do you feel, do you feel the power, the healing touch, the sou ting sensation from your inner self , if yes then believe it. Its a individual choice. believe it or not.

2007-05-05 00:27:42 · answer #8 · answered by afcecolab 1 · 0 0

its just you...

The first gospel was written approximately 80 years after the death of Jesus. That's like if my grandmother wrote about something that someone else had told her about, which happened when she was born.

No one has to be inspired by god to write that. They just do it. We know what happened 80 years ago. I could possibly write about the depression from the perspective of my grandparents. But it wouldn't by any means be 100% accurate.

2007-05-05 00:21:52 · answer #9 · answered by Julian X 5 · 0 0

You're trying to explain why it wasn't written down. It does nothing to negate the original argument.

2007-05-05 00:24:44 · answer #10 · answered by eldad9 6 · 0 0

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