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We believe the following article/scriptures to be true and are sincerely trying to save people from the fate we believe the world is heading to:


So next time you see one of us knocking please keep this article in mind and if you really do not want us calling on you again inform the witness that calls on you that you know what we believe and why and that you would rather take your chances with possibly dying than listen to what we have to say.

Also tell them to make a note on their record not to call on you again. Just remember that according to our beliefs we have a God given responsiblity to warn people and possibly save them from what is going to happen to this world. Or else we ourselves could be bloodguilty before God.

Thank you for reading and being understanding with us for those of you that took the time to read the article.

2007-05-04 17:01:17 · 29 answers · asked by Adamantium 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

The parallel to Witnesses warning everyone about the fate of this world is back in Noah's day.

Matthew 24:37-39 - "For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be. "

For all of you who won't stop being so negative and ignorant, take that scripture to heart and THEN you can judge, by all means. But as long as you keep hurling insults at Jehovah's Witnesses just because of their sincere message, you keep proving yourselves to be very foolish, whereas they are trying to practically save your life.

2007-05-04 17:28:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

"why and that you would rather take your chances with possibly dying"

There's no POSSIBLY dying. Everyone is going to. There is no immortality. Remember what life was like before you were born?

It's like that.

And you know what, it's not a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with it. That's the way it is.

Even IF there were a God, there's a problem. ALL religious believers, even you, KNOW that you're right with absolute CERTAINTY...except that some of you MUST be wrong because there's only (allegedly) one God

Any God that wouldn't give everyone one last chance and say, "Here I am and I am Jesus, Allah, or whatever...you guessed wrong. Do you wanna rethink your position before I decide what do do with you?" is amoral, cruel and unworthy of bended knee.

Then there's the whole air of haughty condescension in the statement and your post that so many of you thumpers carry. As though those that don't follow you...or follow the wrong God idea are less than you and should be pitied. Could THAT be a reason that you get so many rolled eyes and doors slammed in your face?

Could that be a reason why people joke about having to endure a visit from you? Or feel they have to HIDE in their own homes until you go away??

Something for you to ponder.


I HAVE to respond to one below me:

"You don't want to be bothered?
fine with us...hang a sign. "

Interesting idea, Debbie. But oh, if it were only that easy.

Do you know what, "No soliciting" means??? If you do, could you please share that meaning with your fellow Witnesses. I had such a sign on my door for years. I cannot tell you how many times they knocked. Knocked in spite of the sign. Knocked in spite of being told that we had no interest

In my experience, most of you have no interest in, "No." That's why people leave the solitude of their own yards to head inside when they see them coming. You drive people from using their own property as they wish?

I'm not the only one with such tales to tell. Do you HONESTLY think that'd be the case if the predominant tactic employed by JWs was to thank these people for their time and never bother them again????

Of course not.

2007-05-04 17:20:42 · answer #2 · answered by Atavacron 5 · 2 2

I work nights, these people came bammin on the door like the police. I jumped up and ran to the door. When I opened the door, I was flooded with instant irritation. I try to be christian like, but I forgot about that. I think it was a mixture of being awakend abruptly and looking at these idiots like, who do they think they are. I went off. I do not want any one telling something i didn't ask to be told. Not one of us has died and gone to heaven or hell and came back with tangible proof that their religion is THE way. JW's are walking around like the rest of us HOPING theyv'e made the RIGHT decision. If I asked for guidance in any way from the JW's, then the information packets would be welcomed. I unplug the phone, put up dark curtains to try and get some sleep. My bills don't care where my soul goes. I live near a kingdom hall too. These people used to come all the time, no matter what I said. When I went off and started acting a little crazy, and they passed the memo around. I understand you mean well, but who ( besides you) appointed your religion supreme?

2007-05-04 17:42:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

maybe its because we do not have a doorbell. I just wanted to put some humour no matter how simple it is. I am not religious.when I was a kid many years ago i was so stupid about this girl who was JW I was so prejudice that I am totally un religious not even a atheist as they believe that god does exists but I believe that people have rights and one is religion as i have the right to be who I am but I let the JW in and its my way of saying I am sorry for what I did so many years ago and they believe in what they do as outlined wow .so coming to my house is little for what I caused that young girl going to my school and being a bully and not even knowing why only it was.. but everyone else did. I just will not let my self ever forget what I did as a reminder as to what can happen through my ignorance. (no rating please)

2007-05-04 17:55:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Matt. 28:19, 20 says: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And, look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” Jehovah's Witnesses are the only ones who consistently comply with this command. Members of other religions are content to pay some clergymen todo the preaching for them.

2007-05-04 17:05:30 · answer #5 · answered by LineDancer 7 · 4 1

All christians have the duty to speread the gospel etc..noone says they have to knock on peoples doors tho. When you tell one group of people that you have your own beliefs.they send others the next time. I have also found that it is ok to talk with them..however if you disagree it is then there are a lot of problems..even if you show them texts. They are, apart from that, mostly nice..although, like any other group of people..some are extremely hateful and rude.
I have tried and tried to listen to them for ages..then when I try to discuss things with them..they do not want to..that is to me not a discussion..that is being dogmatic etc. We are all still learning..and if, as christians we cannot discuss, then it is a sorry world..but one way discussions are not good and I have had some horrible experiences with a few of them.

2007-05-04 17:10:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

witnesses are looking for people who want the truth.. ..we don't care if you choose death...we have to find the last ones who really want to be saved.
We are still commissioned to knock on every door in our territory unless it is marked on our map not to call at your house.

You don't want to be bothered?
fine with us...hang a sign.
The angels are directing this lifesaving work. They are reporting back to Jehovah who is worthy or not to get marked for life. But unless we do try to reach those sighing and moaning in this system...we will be held accountable for those lives.

2007-05-04 18:42:59 · answer #7 · answered by debbie2243 7 · 4 1

They knock on our doors because someone tells them to do so. They put a guilt trip on witnesses so they can control them and make them think they need to knock on my door again and again and again with the same message. Why do you think I need to hear it again and again. Even if I agree with them they would still keep on knocking. Maybe they get some kind of vicarious pleasure out of being rejected over and over again.

Why on earth should I say that I would rather take my chances with possibly dying than listen to what you have to say.

2007-05-04 17:17:18 · answer #8 · answered by taurus 4 · 3 3

It's Christians like this that cause other Christians such grief. No one wants to hear about hell fire and brimstone. No one wants to be threatened with spending an eternity in Hell because you believe they are wrong.

You may believe it is your duty to "warn" the populace of the impending danger, but to do so by condemning their lifestyle is not the proper method of communication.

2007-05-04 17:15:41 · answer #9 · answered by jack-copeland@sbcglobal.net 4 · 1 2

It's interesting. Those who follow Christ sincerely will be about the same activities for similar reasons. To not witness is akin to a fireman sitting in his truck watching a family burn in their home and doing nothing to help.

We may be irritating but it is only because we don't want to see anyone spend an eternity in Hell.


2007-05-04 17:06:28 · answer #10 · answered by Neeva C 4 · 2 3

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