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The "there's no evidence" dense wont work,cuase there is evidence,but it's not the kind you wann accept. So besides that,what reason(s) do you have for not wanting to believing in God?

2007-05-04 16:41:55 · 44 answers · asked by Maurice H 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

44 answers

I have prayer for 20 years for a pair of double jointed nymphomaniac supermodels and my prayers have never been answered. How can God be so cruel?

2007-05-04 16:44:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

What the he!! does that mean – “not the kind of evidence we want”?

We want the same evidence every person expects all day – every day – of their lives. I expect that when I open the door in the morning it is still solid and not some portal to another dimension. I expect that if I have food, my dog will be nearby. I expect when I get paid for my work there is real money in the bank. I expect real food at the grocery. And, I expect my six year old daughter to stop believing in Santa Claus anytime now, because even a six year old questions why, if something is supposed to exist, no one has ever actually seen it.

And I expect that a god who was supposed to be a miracle-making in-your-face busy-body in human affairs, would, over the course of 2000 years … DO something… or at least make an appearance.

Everyone knows that even if you gathered every “holy person” in the world together (especially those that claim to be in direct contact with god) and they collectively prayed their little hearts out – not a damn thing would happen. There is not a single ‘god whisperer’ on the planet that can do anything that cannot also be done by some ‘normal’ person.

Penn and Teller are light years beyond god in doing cool tricks. The only difference is that they are honest about the fact that their ‘unexplainable’ acts are illusion and/or tricks. And they are real, I know because I have seen them.

2007-05-04 17:17:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

What evidence? The bible? A book written by a cult of men, not god. Adam , Eve 2 sons(one gets murdered) and we all came from that? . A great flood Noah his wife and 3 sons and their wives, lead to tall the diversity in humans? And ALL the animals 2 x 2. What happened to the dinosaurs. There is no physical proof of god. By the way do you mean the Jewish / Christian god or the Muslim god, the Hindu god. Or maybe the Gods of the Norse, or Romans or Greeks, maybe the gods of the Incas or the American Indians. The church and Jews say there is no god but their god. Boy talk of self centered arrogance. You say there is proof but not what we "wanna" accept. If there is cold, hard absolute proof then present it. And the world will adore you. You can't. And don't use the argument God wrote the bible and the bible says there's a god. That's only good if you want to go around in circles. By the way god can't help you with spelling, check spelling can.

2007-05-04 17:03:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have never seen any convincing evidence. The Bible isn't evidence and neither are emotional responses to natural phenomenon. You can't just say, the Bible is true because it's says so in the Bible and anyone with half a brain should be able to see that. Whether you want to believe that or not, it's true. Just like it is true that there is plenty of evidence to show that evolution is true, but many christians don't want to believe in it because they don't like the evidence.
So, I don't believe in god or anything else supernatural because I have no reason to. I have never seen any evidence that these things exist and see no need to change my life (which is just fine the way it is, thank you) on the off chance that they do.

2007-05-04 16:47:42 · answer #4 · answered by Jensenfan 5 · 2 1

Because there aren't any gods. Period. It's not a question of "wanting" or "not wanting" to believe. I just don't.

You'll have to cite your "evidence." You say "it's not the kind you wann [sic] accept." If that's the case, it must be pretty bogus "evidence." If it was collected by reputable scientists, I'd at least listen. Your faith is not evidence, nor is it proof.

2007-05-04 16:49:45 · answer #5 · answered by link955 7 · 1 0

Evidence means proof.. and since there is just as much proof against as for they sort of cancel each other out.

Technically you have to be at the very least agnostic to have faith.

Faith is believing without knowing. And I know a lot of believers in God who can say without a shadow of a doubt that they don’t know if god exists. Yet they have faith.

So being an agnostic is a wonderful thing!

2007-05-04 16:51:00 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 1 0

A few interesting points above. But think!

Do you really believe that all things just happened! That there is life here on Earth but nowhere else in our (present) known universe? (Yes, I do believe that there may be (IS) life elsewhere in the universe.

The 'Big Bang' may have actually happened ... but not without planning by one greater than us. I cannot believe that things 'just happened' without someone / something having a hand in it.

There IS evidence that the Bible holds truths such as The Great Flood. Many civilizations have proven that it did indeed happen.

However, putting all that aside, The Bible gives us an example of how to get along with one-another.

How many other 'religions' suggest the same?

The Ol' Sasquatch Ü

2007-05-04 17:06:42 · answer #7 · answered by Ol' Sasquatch 5 · 0 1

In the United States we now have laws against praying in school and we no longer are allowed to put our hand on a bible in court to be sworn in and and also our children are no longer allowed to say the pledge of allegiance using the phrase "under God" so as you can see our most intelligent leaders have come to the conclusion God does not exist.

Are you ready to join us because there is no God. Even if there was a God he doesn't like us because he killed all those at the world trade center so for your own sake join us now

2007-05-04 16:49:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It's not a question of wanting to believe. I can't just choose to believe in something. I need a solid reason. None have ever been given to me to make me believe in a god.

You say that there is evidence. I wish to see it. Please. I would love to see the evidence. You say there is evidence that I don't want to accept. I say there isn't any that is acceptable by any standards. Please prove me wrong. I simply must see it.

2007-05-04 16:48:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Hi Maurice H, I looked at your profile and can see that you are very serious about religion. I am not really an Atheist. I am non-religious. Do you understand the difference? It just means that I feel what you believe is about on a par with a child's belief in Santa Claus. I have no problem with your beliefs because I don't consider them something worth discussing.
I was raised in a Christian household. We went to church, I even was Baptisted. I loved my grandmother and I knew she wanted me to, so I "faked" a belief. She died happy, thinking we would be reunited in Heaven. But you see, I don't have any "belief" in any of the religious views. I recall feeling sad that my beloved grandmother was not going to wake up in a beautiful Heaven. But she would never know.
I am comfortable with my life and have no need to rush out and convince you that there is no God. I know that there is no such person, just as there is no Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Venus, Zeus, etc. But I don't feel any need to convince you or convert you. What you want to believe is your business as long as you do not require me to believe it also.
As far as evidence, why do you think I will think any differently if I examine your evidence? My great grandchildren are convinced that Santa Claus eats the cookies and drinks the milk they leave out. I would never tell them differently. As they grow up they will realize the truth. I would love to believe in faries and mermaids and angels. But I know they are not real. Can't you understand that for a lot of people, we are just as convinced that there is no supernatural "God" as you are that there is one. I have no problem with your belief. If I think of it at all, it is just that you are deluded. You believe in something that does not exist, and you won't even know you are wrong because when you die, you will just wink out.
So I won't argue with your belief if you will stop trying to convince me. It is not that I don't "want to believe in God" it is that I just don't see any reason to. I don't feel it, don't see it as necessary and don't understand why you shoud care if I do or don't.
Maybe you are right. In that case, I wish you a wonderful eternity doing whatever it is that you think you will be doing. Playing a harp? Deflowering virgins? Sitting on a cloud? Singing HIS praises? Reincarnating as a cow?
When I die, I will cease to exist. Period. My body will go back to being a part of the Earth and my energy will expand into the Universe. I'm pushing 70 years old, so I will probably know who is right before you do. Life is all you get, son.
I can only say you should worry about your own little piece of the world and your time one it. Do good work, keep your cornor of the Earth clean, don't do harm to others, love those who love you, forgive those who hate you, but don't let them ruin your life. Eat well, love a lot and enjoy the beauty around you. You only live once. Don't waste it. Let other's worry about their souls, if they have one. You worry about yours.

2007-05-04 17:37:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

So ask me this does the Easter Bunny exist because there's proof huh ? Or Santa Clause ? There's proof there because he ate my cookies. You can't prove the inexistance. I used to believe and God and it's a choice that you should respect. I respsect you believe in God. God says that only he has the right to " JUDGE ". As for God, I believe in Science, and evolution, which has actual fossils in the ground for proof. Does the Bible carry any evidence or phsyical evidence ?

2007-05-04 16:46:51 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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