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but some of these religions are way older than christianity. did some people decide one day. oh wait this religion is wrong lets be christians, lets write a book and take a book thats already been writen and call the bible. why didn't the people that were before them already know about the right religion?....i am asking for a christians advice not meaning to offend anybody else....

2007-05-04 16:28:24 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

A christian is one who believes in Jesus Christ as son of God.

When i say son of God, i imply that there is only one God, because no one has seen the father except Jesus.

God loves us so much irrespective of religion that he sent his only son - Jesus on earth, to save us from our sins - something you will not understand unless you read the bible.

Christians like me believe in peace; i dont like to provoke other people or their religions; i just believe in doing good to everyone and practising my faith.

Jesus taught chrisitians a commandment : love one another like you love yourself - a follower main aim is to love one another In Jesus' name.

2007-05-06 22:55:10 · answer #1 · answered by bornonaplatein1988 4 · 0 0

Christianity came out of Judaism, dear. Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah. When the Jews denied Jesus, God took the gospel and gave it to the gentiles. Although some Jews today do believe in Jesus as savior, most Jewish people are blinded to this. The bible teaches that God will deal will Israel again, about Jesus.

Jesus Christ made the statement that He was the only way to God. Yes, there are many different religions, many different beliefs. But if you take the time to examine them, you will find it cannot possibly be that all are true, since they will contradict one another.

I believe the claims of Jesus Christ, that He is the only way to the Father. To answer your question, yes, I believe that any other religion is false, it will only lead that person to destruction.

2007-05-04 16:36:20 · answer #2 · answered by Esther 7 · 0 0

Hi mentilyblond. There are many false Gospels being taught in the world today, so we all must ask ourselves, how can I know which one is the Truth? In order to know what the Gospel actually is, we must first of all determine the authority that structures and determines what it is what is being taught as the truth. This is necessary because the nature of the true Gospel is defined and established by its divine authority. In fact, the every religion, gospel, or ideological system is defined and established by what it's authority is.

A Mohammedan, for example, may wish to know how to live as a good Mohammedan. So he carefully consults the Koran, a book in which Mohammedans believe God has spoken. The Koran, therefore, is the written authority that establishes the Mohammedan gospel, that is, the Mohammedan religion.

An orthodox Jew has a different authority. It includes what we call our Old Testament, along with the writings of the church fathers that are considered to be divinely inspired. That is the authority that establishes the nature and character of the Jewish religion.

A Mormon has as has divine authority the Bible, plus the Book of Mormon, which is believed to be divinely inspired. Because the Book of Mormon came later than the Bible, it has become a shadow that lies over the Bible. That is, someone who follows the Mormon gospel examines everything he reads in the Bible in the light of what is found in the Book of Mormon.

Similarly, the Roman Catholics follow still another gospel. The authority that structures and determines their gospel begins with the Bible. But the Apocrypha books are also a part of their authority. Although I’m not sure if they still do, at one time, the visions of Joan of Arc and the infallible utterances of the Pope, were looked upon as divine, and together they make up the authority that establishes the character of the Roman Catholic gospel.

Also the charismatic gospel has its authority. It believes that the Bible is the Word of God, but it also believes in divine revelation through visions, voices, or tongues, which expands their authority beyond the Bible. Therefore, it has as its authority the Bible, plus the messages presumably received from God through dreams, visions, and tongues. This widened authority structures and determines the character of the charismatic gospel.

Bear in mind that every time we have a different authority, we also have a different kind of gospel. In other words, every gospel is structured and determined by its authority. So when the authorities differ, the gospels themselves differ.

But what is the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, who alone can save men and woman from their sins? One definition sometimes offered to describe the true Gospel is set forth in I John 4:2. There we read that if we confess that Christ has come in the flesh, then we are of God. Yet as we read in Luke 4:34, the demons also admit that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, and they are still under God's wrath. So that definition by its self may not be adequate in every case.
The Bible indicates that it alone and in its entirety is the authority that establishes the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Revelation 22:18-19 says it best:

"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophesy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophesy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

In this passage God has established the parameters of the true Gospel. It is to be found in the Bible. The Bible alone is the true divine authority. It is the only complete authority that establishes the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. If we follow and authority that is narrower or wider than the Bible alone and in its entirety, we are not following the Gospel of the Bible. Regardless of how holy it may appear to be, such a gospel will not lead to salvation.

2007-05-04 17:15:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree entirely. Every religion so far has been a simple attempt at explaining the world around us, and more recently it has become a way for a few people to get very rich.
Either way, religion is false. I'm not condemning belief in a supreme power, because that is a perfectly rational hypothesis. But to believe something just because it was written in a thousand year-old book is ridiculous.

2007-05-04 16:35:50 · answer #4 · answered by Gordon Freeman 4 · 0 0

I'm Wiccan. We don't believe there is a "right" or "wrong" religion. The point of religion is not to be right-- don't think of religion as science or math; think of it as poetry and music. There is no final answer; it's more of a means of expression. It's about a personal relationship with the Gods that I believe exist-- though I am human and can't wrap my head around the concept of divinity. I can't know, I can only follow what I think. Maybe Gods and Goddesses are external superior beings-- or maybe They're just parts of my own psyche (which doesn't make Them any less valid). What am I exactly to bet on? When I'm not claiming I know the answers-- or that there is an answer? It's about expressing your spirituality and your faith, and living by certain tenets. You live by them not because of a God but because you think they are a good, productive, healthy way to live. You don't bet lives on something like that. And I wouldn't bet my child's life on anything because that would be just plain stupid.

2016-05-20 23:30:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well honestly, Christians do not believe what you just posted..apart from yes, what they believe does show them that other religions are wrong..just the same as most of them believe christianity is wrong.
See christians believe that Gods people were from the beginning..christianity itself was a name people called those who followed Jesus..however in the Old Testament people still believed and followed God..they had the Ten commandments way back then..but they had Moses law which was filled with ceremonies etc which were duties that 'perfected' people and then they had their sacrifices..all things cleansed the person..and it was pointing towards a saviour that was to come..they knew that. But people would just go through these rituals and some still did just what they wanted....and then there was Jesus..who aslo followed God..and He showed people that what God said in His ten commandments could be followed..that people did not have to sin..they then followed Him..He then became the sacrificial lamb.
So we believe that followers of God have always been since the beginning of time....Jesus never told us to call ourselves christians..all are followers of God.

2007-05-04 16:41:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Think of it this way. If I'm a Christian, then I would think that Islam is wrong, because the teachings of Islam are different from the teachings of Christianity. If I thought Islam was correct, then Christianity must be wrong (they are mutually exclusive) and so I should become a Muslim. It's about being consistent.

All religions are different. Just look at what they teach, eg. each religion has their own road map to heaven. Granted there are those that puport that ALL religions are the same, but I would categorise them under another religion (after all, it is a different set of beliefs)

Of course, if you thought someone else has the wrong religious convictions, you don't butcher them like the crusaders, or put them down as second class people. Instead you should correct their error. It show's that you care about their welfare (I mean, what if I'm wrong about heaven and your religion said that I was going to Hell? It would be rather nice if you tried to help me go on the right path)

The most important thing is to be willing to listen. Most people would stick to their guns and say: this is my religion, so it must be right, I ain't listening to anything else.
Rather, a much better alternative is to share about each other's religions. At the very least, it will allow us to better understand and hence avoid offending one another.

But about the correctness of Chrisitanity...well, it's called a faith for a reason. The basis for the truth of all religious knowledge is not facts, but faith.
Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
and the Bible makes it crystal clear that faith is what makes a man righteous (ie. fit for heaven)
Romans 3:28
"Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law."
Hebrews 11:6
"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."

So you see, there are certain things which you must take for granted before Chrisitianity will start making sense (such as there is God). The proof of those initial assumptions will not be readily apparent until after you grow a little more in the faith. Critical assumptions include:
2 Peter 1:21
"For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." -- Bible is effectively written by God, not man, so can be an authoritative text on learning about God
Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." --- God made us. That's why He's relevant to us
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." -- This is why a Christian can go to heaven

But this is all head knowledge! You need experiential knowledge before you can finally say, "Hey, Christianity must be the correct way!" Same thing applies to all other fields of knowledge, spiritual or otherwise
eg. If someone told you that the pipe was hot, you got head knowledge. If you touched the pipe and felt the heat of it, then you move towards experiential knowledge.

So I suggest this, read the Bible, learn more about it. Pray to God, if He be real, to show you whether these things are true or not:
Deuteronomy 4:29
"But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul."
Matthew 7:7
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:"

And finally, how can we know whether Christianity is the right religion?
This is what Jesus said to Peter in Matthew 16:17
"And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven."
Nothing less than the full authority of God can suffice to prove it!

2007-05-04 17:28:15 · answer #7 · answered by kz 1 · 0 0

I am not christian, but your question brings up a good point. Who is to say that THEIR religion is the "right" one? Also, if you do a little research, the christians "stole" a lot of their beliefs and saints, customs,etc from the pagans. Check it out for yourself. What's wrong with everyone just believing and following the "golden Rule"......Do onto others as you would have them do unto you.....that pretty much sums up a "good life", without religion. : )

2007-05-04 16:34:19 · answer #8 · answered by C'mon Get Happy 3 · 1 0

God said that no one would be without excuse. Romans 1:18:21 - tells us that "because what was known of God is evident among them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and divine nature, so that they are without excuse, because although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened..."

It is not even a "religion" it is a way of life and God is a big part of it.

2007-05-04 16:48:53 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Islam is the 2nd oldest religion of the world and as a matter of fact we are catching up to be the leading religion of the world.

Christianity...founded in 30 common era 2,039 million with a decreasing 32%

Islam founded in 622 common ear 1,226 million with increasing growth of 19%

2007-05-04 16:41:30 · answer #10 · answered by baba where art thou 4 · 0 1

All religions have the basic foundation right, they all believe in a higher power. its how they teach etc, that changes and gets all confused. Every church deciphers the bible differently, but they all have the same value, that there is a god. Hope this helps. Blessed be.

2007-05-04 16:37:26 · answer #11 · answered by trevshez 2 · 0 0

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