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My question is, why?

What is it that you get out of it? I understand the meeting and congregating with others of your own belief, but why?

You go to Sunday School/Bible Study, Why?

Are you allowed to give you own interpretation of what and how you perceive the teachings?
(I was not allowed to do that, and when I did, I was silenced by others).

What happens when you give your own opinion and your own interpretation of the Holy Bible, when it contradicts that which they are working at teaching you?

Do you just listening to what another person’s interpretation of the Bible is and take that person’s viewpoint and opinion as that is how is it?

Is there anything wrong with doing home study of the material that is supplied, and living our own lives with morals and vales outside of a Church and/or a Specific Sect?

Gloves off people – I really want to know. I myself am a Christian searching for understanding in Organized Religion.

2007-05-04 15:48:54 · 16 answers · asked by Sam 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Inspiring ESTHER - what is your opionon of home study and living as a person with morals and values outside of an Organized Church?

2007-05-04 16:01:23 · update #1

Kayla - No problems with the Caps sweetie - I appreciate your input.

2007-05-04 16:04:08 · update #2

Kayla - No problems with the Caps sweetie - I appreciate your input.

2007-05-04 16:06:19 · update #3

Esther - I read what you had to say - Live out in the country away from anywhere which is why I specifically asked the Home Study" question. Will look into what you suggested and I take no offense at what anyone has to say - that is why I stated "Gloves Off".

Peace and Love,

2007-05-04 16:26:01 · update #4

So that you know - one of the questions that I asked was in reference to the "God-Heads", you know "The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost” aka the Trinity - well I expressed to them that I saw and view them as separate Spiritual entities, that is when I was shut down and passed over. I still view them as separate but united, they are independent but combined.
I am viewed as an outcast and now no one within the Church takes me seriously in my search.
FYI - It was to the Pastor and Deacons that I asked my questions, and now I am being treated as I am.

2007-05-04 20:21:02 · update #5

You have all civen me such wonderful answers, Thank you all very much

2007-05-06 16:58:40 · update #6

16 answers

I am a stay at home catholic, I have found that I do not need the church, my relationship with God is strong and I am contiuing my spiritual journey, I simply do not believe in organized religion may God bless

2007-05-04 16:05:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

?#1. We go to church no. 1, because that is the mandate in the Bible, "Remember the sabbeth to keep it holy... (Old testament)", "Not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together...(New Testament)"; no. 2, as you just said, to meet and congragate with people of like faith. Why? I say, "Why not"? It is a great source of encouragement and it is where my best friends are. I can go there and not be critized for my belief. Like King David said, "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD." (Psalm 122:1). I will be the first to admit, there are a lot of hypocrites in church. Over 50% of people that go to church are not even true Christians. A true Christian is happy to go to church. If you are not, then i would suggest you do some serious soul-searching.

?#2. Sunday school and Bible study is how you learn about the Bible. It is some times very helpful to have some one explain the Scriptures to you.

?#3. If the people where you went to church at truely believe the Bible, they would explain plainly what the teachings are. The Bible is of private interpetation. 1 Peter 1:20, "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." I'm not going to judge because I don't know for sure, but it sounds like you were spreading false doctrine. If that is the case, then they had every right to silence you. if you had questions that need to be answered, then shame on them. If you have simple answer questions you may ask them in class. If you do not understand a major doctrine, or wish to start a debate, class time is not the time. Go to the teacher after class and he will be glad to help.

?#4. That is considered heresy. If the preacher or teacher is worth his salt, he will politely show you were you are wrong (FROM THE BIBLE). Whether you change what you believe or not is up to you, but you will be asked not to spread your teaching that is considered false. If you are unable to do this, you may leave and seek an other church or belief that embraces those paticular ideas.

?#5. NO! I get my answers from the Bible, and the Bible alone. If I do not unerstand something, I ask my Pastor because he has studied the Bible for many more years than I have even exstisted, so I know that he knows a lot more than i do and i trust that he will not teach anything contrary to the Bible. If he does say something that seems strange to me, I look in the Bible my self for the answers. If I find that he is wrong, I confront him about this. and agian, If any pastor or teacher is worth his salt, he will admit his mistakes, and make the nessesary correction in front those to whom he taught the mistake. And my pastor encourages this. although, I must admit, there are things that I do not agree with what my pastor teaches. These are just little things though. As far as the major and most prominate of Christian doctrines I do wholely agree.

?#6. No there is nothing wrong with studing the Bible for yourself. In fact, this highly encouraged. However, without a solid understanding of the Bible, you will be swayed around with the many false ideas of other religions. I would suggest to you to find an independant Baptist church. Independant Baptists believe in the bible only and very much encourage self study. Just look at any other religion. they all point to the higher ranking clergy members to do all the interpretating of the Scriptures,and the common people do not. So, they can teach anything and their followers will believe it. This is not the case with Baptists.

I hope that is a help.

2007-05-05 00:02:16 · answer #2 · answered by J.L. — Dominus Sapiens 4 · 2 0

What is it that you get out of it? I understand the meeting and congregating with others of your own belief, but why?


You go to Sunday School/Bible Study, Why?

Are you allowed to give you own interpretation of what and how you perceive the teachings?
(I was not allowed to do that, and when I did, I was silenced by others).

What happens when you give your own opinion and your own interpretation of the Holy Bible, when it contradicts that which they are working at teaching you?

Do you just listening to what another person’s interpretation of the Bible is and take that person’s viewpoint and opinion as that is how is it?

Is there anything wrong with doing home study of the material that is supplied, and living our own lives with morals and vales outside of a Church and/or a Specific Sect?

2007-05-04 22:59:40 · answer #3 · answered by momof3 6 · 1 0

I go to the church I do because it is a wonderful bible teaching church. I have been attending it for ten years. There is nothing to be afraid of with regard to coming to God with your questions. If you went to a church and were "silenced" for asking questions, that wasn't a very good teaching church, was it?

The thing you need to move towards, however, is having God teach you His word....not you making your own interpretation of God's word. And that can be done by finding a church that teaches the bible.

No, our church doesn't have a different "interpretation" of the bible for each person sitting there. Why? Because that would be confusing, and God is not the author of confusion. That doesn't mean I merely take what it told me and never investigate it. Bible study is just that. Study! Investigating the claims of the bible, seeing if they prove themselves in action. And, yes, they have. That is why in all these years I went from a person who thought the bible was merely a book written by some men, to being the inspired word of God.

I pray that God lead you in your seeking and that you may find, as He promises you.

Edit after your last question:

I will be frank with you. You seem to have had a bad experience with a church. It is extremely important to get what the bible has to say "clearly", and there are churches that will teach you....not forcefeed you....the Word. Before you turn to your own ways...and I mean this in the friendliest way possible....and take the risk of not getting the message straight...do me a favor. Look in your phone book to see if there is a Calvary Chapel. They are the church I said was a great bible teaching church. There is more than just doing what "you think is right", or moral, etc. God's ways are perfect. Seek first His word, and seek to conform yourself to that.....not the other way around.

In friendship,

2007-05-04 22:55:28 · answer #4 · answered by Esther 7 · 4 1

Personally I go to a Southern Baptist church,. I'm a Gideon and have some exposure to other mainstream Protestant denominations as a result. You don't say what it is you found wrong with what was being teached. I'm also a Sunday School teacher, and while I really like having people talk during my class (I like to hear how God is working in other people's lives, and their take on certain scripture), I don't let any one person dominate the conversation. Also, if someone is trying to relay as truth what is obviously not scriptural, it's amazing to me how some people try to bend the Bible to justify their lives, as a teacher it's my responsibility to correct that.

I go to church every Sunday because the Bible says not to forsake the gathering of fellow believers. In my opinion this is because gathering together can help keep us on track. I love learning more about the Bible.

2007-05-04 23:55:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I go to Mass regularly. While I pray and do devotions privately at home, the Holy Eucharist is an event that is celebrated by a group of believers. I feel very uplifted by the art and music at church, and it is good to hear the Scriptures read aloud, but the focal point is Communion, and that's not something that one does alone. Personally, I'm unable to attend Sunday School because I work with the church music, and am often busy getting the music together at that time; however, I'll take religious seminars if I'm able, because it can help me grow in my understanding of God. If my own interpretation of the Bible comes into conflict with Church dogma, I often do further research to see if my understanding is correct, or talk with a priest (or several priests) to get a second opinion. No, there's nothing wrong with having spirituality outside a church, but for Catholics, church attendance is often stressed, primarily because of the Eucharist.

2007-05-04 22:59:56 · answer #6 · answered by solarius 7 · 3 1

My husband and I go twice on Sunday right in a row. One service is for us to watch, the other is for ministry- we are on 5 different minisrty teams.
Where I go you are allowed to have your own understanding, but if you say something that is clearly incorrect (like Job was a 5 year old girl) you will be pointed out the scripture to get you back on track. We meet and minister with others for strength and support. Sometimes life can get too hard. When problems are bigger then we are, we sometimes have to step back and give the problem to God, if pride, pain, resentment get in the way it helps to talk to others.

We don't go to bible study but we sometimes take classes on a specific subject. We do however go to Home Group. This is a place you can go to 2 times a month with other curch members less then a dozen and study differnt things and the Bible at the same time.

Only by expressing what you are learning and by practising it can you grow. No one should ever silence you for trying to understand, not in church, school or work.

You are entiteled to have your opnions, again, if you are confused about FACT, then some one should show where you can read and get the information, but an opnion is enitrely different (for example: "It is O.K. to kill and steal" "Well, no you might want to read Exodis and the 10 commandments" vs. "I got this out of the Sermon on the mount and I think Jesus was saying..."

Are far as doing your homework, YEAH you should always be able to take time out and study on your own and cross referance with other material.

Living out side of Morals of one church may not be living out side of morals of the Bible.

It sounds to me like you may not be happy with what your church is teaching you. I gave advise to one person to write down what you belive is right in your haert, and what you think the church is teaching you that is wrong. Study different church beliefes and see if you can find one that you are happy with.

2007-05-04 23:19:39 · answer #7 · answered by Gwynn T 3 · 1 0

I used to go to church to hear the same boring songs, sermons, people and those extra long sermons, and about a 100 songs of "Just as I am". Then when I got home, I was very hungry and bored so I could really appreciate that fried chicken and potato salad, and those football or baseball games??

Now I don't go, because I would rather go to the dentist. At least he/she will give an anesthesia shot.

My wife and I still read the Bible to each other and pray to God through Jesus. Amen

2007-05-04 23:14:27 · answer #8 · answered by MrsOcultyThomas 6 · 1 0

Why do I go to church every weekend - To worship God. Honestly. And if we do or don't follow a particular liturgy or not, that shouldn't matter. That time is set aside to praise and worship God and this is what I tell my child.

What do I get out of it - I try not to think of me. Worship services weren't made for me; they were made for God. IMO, inside of a really good service will be one that challenges you to really think about why you do what you do......is it for you or is it for God? That's why I'm pretty supportive of including both Law and Gospel in a sermon/study.

Currently I teach Sunday school. Why? It was pretty evident last year that is what He wanted me to do. Prior to that I attended adult Bible classes (which I miss). I like how you can go over a set of verses and gain a deeper understanding. For example, I had no idea that there were thirteen some words in Hebrew for love (as opposed to the one we have in English). That gave me a deeper understanding.

Am I allowed to voice my opinion? Haha, yes. I have a big mouth. But during studies I'm usually very quiet, digesting the information at hand. Sometimes I don't like it. (And I never like it when people start using words like "us" and "them".)

What happens with contradiction? I try to remind myself that the other person is human, prone to be imperfect just like me. I believe God's word as the ultimate truth and trust in Him that what I need to understand will be presented (even if the other person struggles with getting it across). None of us will have all the answers, even though I've seen plenty parade around like they do.

Is there anything wrong - No and yes. No to the part where developing your relationship with God is something you need to do directly. No one can do it for you. Study by yourself, do it intensely. Sometimes classes take a different approach or direction than what you are expecting. Yes to the part where you might miss out on a good interpretation of something. Yes to the part where being Christian is EXTREMELY difficult once you comprehend the sheer amount of chaos we are all involved in. Being saved isn't like a destination, it is like a journey. Submitting ourself to constant and repeated exposure helps us to discipline and keep focus (in a good way! I really mean that.)

It is tough right now......so many denominations. I often question is any one denomination correct? If Jesus arrived now, what would he think of the churches that had been created? Are we becoming Pharisees in the modern day? But then I remember not to worry, because as long as we try to love our God with all our heart, mind and sould then we are on the correct path.

2007-05-04 23:18:51 · answer #9 · answered by Molly 6 · 1 0

yes,i go every sunday because sunday is for the lord!i know that our pastors went to bible school for years of course they have more knowledge than everybody else and they dont stop attending conferences,they learned the proper interpretation ,yes you can read the bible at home,you can watch also oras ng katotohanan,it is a very organized church,all the people serving in that church give their lives without a profit,they dont have salary,they preaching night and day,in the bus,markets,other public places,i salute them,why they do this?because of the missions,who will pay the t.v programs,radio stations ,the medical missions like dalaw kalinga but what do other people do, they scold them its just a rocket!!God forgive them.i myself a 4thwatcher here in japan knows our church pentecostal missionary church of christ in the 4thwatch is a well organized and true church of christ God bless you!

2007-05-04 23:26:34 · answer #10 · answered by myr 1 · 0 0

I believe in God. I have been to many churches. I feel we should go to church. I think we are intended to go to church. I like to go. I worship, learn and feel like a part of a community I want to belong to. I have many questions and I ask them all. Some churches scorned or ignored my questions. I no longer go there. My present church answers them. They hear me out and if they think I am wrong on something, they explain why. I do believe that people who have studied the Bible and the languages it was written in, have a better understanding of the meaning than I do. I still have questions and doubts. That's the way God made me and I remind him of that. I keep trying to learn and understand and grow in faith. Don't let one or two churches turn you off. Shop around and you may find one that suits you.

2007-05-04 23:02:20 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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