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What about on 9/11, some of the office workers, let's say they didn't believe in Jesus but in their lives they tried to be good people and be honest, one minute their in their offices, a plane hits and they die horribly, are you telling me they are going to hell for the horrible death suffered for others...they go to hell...for what now...not believing in Jesus? Very "fair" god isn't he. Very "understanding". All christians can do is hide behind the bible... it's clear most of them believe in an unfair monster god. Especially the ones who believe that my story is correct.

2007-05-04 14:44:27 · 46 answers · asked by la S 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

ahh here we go christians...side stepping the question at hand...typical

2007-05-04 14:50:09 · update #1

46 answers

God will Judge them
Not you, Not I

2007-05-04 15:15:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

9/11 was a sad event that took place in America's history. The answer to your question is not about them believing in Jesus. Its in - have they ever heard the gospel of Jesus, and turned away from it. If so, the rejection of Jesus is, taking your Eternal fate into You own hands.

One of the signs of the end is time is in the preaching of the gospel of Jesus. As Jesus himself said; And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness against them, and then shall the end be.

To some it is preached for Salvation and to some it is preached as a witness against.

You can bit your sweet bippy, that there wasnt one of those who die, in that tragic event, who had not heard the gospel.

That would have been unfair. And that is something that God would not do! Everyone will have a chance to believe or reject. That is your choice, as it was there.

The reason for this? Is that on Judgment day, there will not be one person, who will look at the Great Judge of the Surpreme Court of the Universe who will be able to say - Lord! I did not know!

Remember the words of the Brother James, in James 4:13-14; Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain:

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

2007-05-04 15:13:26 · answer #2 · answered by n_007pen 4 · 0 1

I see where you're coming from. But it's all too easy to forget the suffering God went through for us. It would cost him his very own son. And yes, it is important to live a good life and try to do it all right, but when you become a believer in Christ you no longer live by your own rightousness, but by God's alone. The true Christian enters into an eternal Sabbath where he/she gives up working for salvation and the good things are just a product of faith. And Christians don't "hide" behind the Bible. Without the Bible all we can know about God is what we think up in our head. We are left with the vain pholosophy that man has created.

2007-05-04 14:57:16 · answer #3 · answered by Eric G 2 · 0 0

I am a Christian and I promise you I will not side-step. The reason for this is that before I decided to become a Christian, such questions are the questions that I had to grapple with too.

First of all, we have to give God some credit. If indeed He came down to earth to die for mankind, I think we should at least have some respect and gratitude to Him.

But here is what I learned. God does not work on fair play within the time frame of man. I am being very honest here and this is what I believe. I am not saying God is not fair but He does not play to be fair for everyone in his lifetime. He will ultimately be fair when all come before the judgement throne of Christ.

But to be more specific about your question about 9/11. Now what is so unfair about it? Did God say that they will live beyond 9/11 and broke his word? No, everyone has a timespan on earth and that was times up for them. The rules of the game is that we do not know when we will die. We know that but we think that if we die early, God is unfair. No, rather, we are unfair to have such thoughts.

When God repeatedly try to send someone to tell us about Jesus Christ, and when we snub at the message, who is unfair? The Great God of the Universe who showed his ultimate love for manknd by dying for His enemies (us) is being rejected! Is it fair?

When I decided to become a Christian many years back, I realised that many of such questions hindered me just because my eyes were on myself and not on God. When I realised that God has done so much for me, I realised that my rejecting Him was the biggest unfairness in the world.

2007-05-04 15:58:02 · answer #4 · answered by curious 2 · 0 1

I can understand why you would ask this question. As a Christian, let me first state that I am not saying that anyone is going anywhere. Judgment is for God and God alone. That being said, let me try to explain. While I can't speak for all Christians everywhere, I at least see it this way. God is perfect, free from sin and error. He lives in a place similarly free from sin. In order to live with him, we must be free from sin. Now are we free from sin, honestly. Can anyone not think of a single wrong, selfish, or dishonorable thing they have done in their life? Justice would dictate that being tainted by sin, we are in no condition to live in a perfect place with a perfect God. It wouldn't be fair. So we are stuck. But, fortunately, God is also a merciful God. He sent a perfect being to Earth. I believe that Jesus, in a way that I cannot comprehend, paid the ultimate price of Justice. By paying the price for the sins of mankind, Jesus provided a way that we could be cleansed of our sins. We could become perfect through him and once more be qualified to live in a perfect place with a perfect God. You call God unfair. A perfectly fair God would ban us all from heaven, it is the price of sin. I am grateful that God is merciful and provided a way back.

2007-05-04 15:07:15 · answer #5 · answered by Alighieri 2 · 0 1

You know if someone in their life always tried to do the right thing, and be honest then I don't see why they would go to hell. The law of God is written in out hearts, and it is our choice wether to follow it or not. But by being honest, and good, they weeere kind of following god, blindly.
I'm a christian and that's the answer I could give you. I'm actually still trying to find out more about my religion, so that I won't say, I'm a christian, but in reality I don't know what the heck it is to be a christian. so yeah.

2007-05-04 14:58:12 · answer #6 · answered by Little-one 2 · 1 0

Well, even Satan "believes" in Jesus.....and being good does not get you in Heaven, we are saved by grace thru faith, not of our works. Yes, you will go to Hell if you reject Jesus. God is not a monster, I think you need to get your heart right with Him before its too late, your story is not correct, you see things from a human point of view. We don't "hide" behind the Bible, we tell it how it is and God is always right. I don't think you really want an answer, you just want a chance to smack God.

2007-05-04 14:51:22 · answer #7 · answered by the pink baker 6 · 1 1

1. The Bible teaches that Christ is the source of salvation. It also teaches that those who reject Christ (i.e. those who do not receive his salvific work) are condemned. That means one is left to one's own devices for surviving eternity. And that, buster, is hell. You present the "nice guy" theory. These were good citizens, paid their taxes, joined the Rotary. Come on. In the face of an eternal, almighty God, moral nincompoopery like yours is laughable. You have never had a pique of selfishness, jealousy, never lied, cheated, hated? And when you do, you're in a moral minefield with your own feeble noncapabilities there to lead you out. You'll blow up. You see, God in His infinite mercy sacrificed Himself for your sake. He offers you a way out freely, no strings attached. And you have the gall to call him a monster god. The only thing monstrous here is your theological terpitude. Wake up. He's giving you a break.

2. Read Paul's Letter to the Romans. It's in the New Testament. That's in the Christian Bible.

2007-05-04 15:01:52 · answer #8 · answered by Caesar 3 · 0 1

Now first I have to point out this, are you completely perfect? Is anyone? No one can earn they're way into heaven. So we don't have a "right" to go to heaven. But the cross has freed us and given us the choice to choose Him or reject Him. We have free will, the way God wants it. So you can choose to love Him or not. Now if God has made a place that is perfect because it is a place where you can be with Him, than is it unreasonable to think that he wouldn't let a person in that continued to sin all their, never sought Jesus' mercy, and never changed their ways? God is Loving but he is Just as well. Hey, everyone has until the day they die to constantly be posed the question, "Will you choose to love me as I love you, so much that I would die for you?" And for some, each day they reject Him. It isn't God allowing us to go to heaven because we are good people, it is God loves us and wants us to love Him as well but you have to use your free will to choose Him.

2007-05-04 14:56:49 · answer #9 · answered by Elisha 3 · 0 1

Let me say...
1st that I'm a Christian.
2nd that I pastored for 10 years.

Having said that. This one thing I know...
God is a lot more about grace than He is about judgement.

Anybody who would give you a clear cut answer that those people are in Hell may understand the law, but not the heart of the Father.

King David's soldiers were starving, so he took them into the temple and they "sinned" by eating the Priest's bread.

When Jesus was talking about it He said... "God loves life more than He loves law."

2007-05-04 15:06:42 · answer #10 · answered by chriscareersearch 2 · 0 1

Well in hell, there is free flow of booze (oh yes, including the wine Jesus loves), sexy chics, casinos, cigarettes & cigars, flashy cars, great internet websites, big bucks to be made, sports like boxing, wrestling and football...wow! all the things you are enjoying now and more!. I choose hell anytime.
A lot of christians too, secretly yearn to be in hell and many were successful. (I was reincarnated, I should know).
They are all hypocrites by declaring that Jesus is the only way to heaven.

2007-05-04 15:00:54 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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