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...was told by God to sacrifice his son he was going to do this, because this showed how much he loved and trusted God (and we admire this)?
Now what if you read in the newspaper tomorrow that your local priest although a devoted father and religous believer, was told by the voice of God to sacrifice his son and then did this? Well everyone would say what a crackpot, absolute nutter and he would be sent off to the local padded room. Then the local comunity would wonder why this happened instead of marveling at the the priests utter devotion. Some zealots might even proclaim it a victory for religion and follow his example, some might even get extremely angry with the police for locking up such great man and call them poofie names such as atheists or non beleivers but such are our times.I just wish that I could talk to people in my head oneday and then have a book written about sacrificing my family taratino style or not. Very strange times indeed

2007-05-04 13:05:10 · 14 answers · asked by forbes69 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

Has it occured to you that it is strange how you find
many wise and thoughtful, careful and diligent people of great personal integrity who have been greatly used of God down these many long years and have examined this account and who have not found anything worthy of fault,
to be wrong.


that you, being perhaps the first to notice something wrong or strange in this account that it be worthy of criticism. have failed to to get the name of the this most important person right! ! ! ?

By the way, it was Abraham not Moses as you say.

2007-05-04 14:47:18 · answer #1 · answered by Ernest S 7 · 2 0

Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice on the instructions of God, not Moses offering his son.
Isaac was the son promised to Abraham: God promised Abraham that his seed (posterity) would be through Isaac, not Ishmael (Gen. 17:15-22).Genesis 22 details the full story; God told Abraham to take his only [legitimate] son Isaac, and offer him to God as a burnt offering (Gen. 22:1-2). They left the next day, with Isaac carrying the wood for the sacrifice (Gen. 22:6), not realising he was the intended victim. But rest assured Isaac was not some little boy, he was at least 12, and the historian Josephus, writing in the 1st Century AD, wrote that he was about 25 when this event took place.That Isaac, at that age, allowed himself to be bound by a man 125+ years old shows a trust in God sadly lacking from many Christians today. Doubtless Isaac was aware of the promises made to Abraham regarding his (Isaac's) future, and so knew that regardless of what happened he would somehow be enabled to fulfil that prophecy from God Himself. This is pointed out in Hebrews 11:17-19; Abraham believed God would raise Isaac from the dead. Figuratively speaking, He did.
If any man, be he a total stranger, a well-known preacher or a very close friend told me God had told them to sacrifice their child to Him, I would immediately explain that God only once ever told someone to do that, and He stopped it at the last second. If he wouldn't listen, then I would immediately call the police; if he were to try and perform the sacrifice then I would take whatever action was necessary to prevent it, (praying throughout it) and would even take the parent's life if there were no other way to protect the child.
You anti-Judaists and anti-Christians out there should really try reading for yourselves what the Bible says rather than relying on the second-, third- and fourth-hand opinions of others. As for Christians and Jews standing up for such a man, you really don't know your history, do you? It was because the OT forbids human sacrifice that Christian missionaries were at the forefront of stopping it in Africa, India, South America and wherever else they encountered it. Many Christians, despite it being the law of the land, oppose abortion except where the mother's very life is threatened, because they KNOW God has invested that baby in the womb with both soul and spirit from the moment of conception. Unfortumately the average British church is more likely to be upset about Sunday shopping or animal rights than the legalised murder of scores of thousands of healthy babies in the womb every single year in the UK. The fruits of atheism have indeed led us into not just strange, but absolutely evil times.
I hope you, and anyone who doesn't know Jesus as God, Lord and Saviour will open your eyes to what God requires of you , so you may escape the inevitable Judgement.

2007-05-05 00:28:45 · answer #2 · answered by Already Saved 4 · 0 0

God didn't let 'moses' (abraham) sacrifice his son.
moses didnt sacrifice his son.

2ndly think bout wht ur asking... a PRIEST nowadays sacrificing his SON. Correct me if im wrong, but surely a priest wouldn't have a son? whole part of a priests life is that they are devoted to the service of god. priests dont get married and certainly should not have a son. Abraham wasn't a priest.

As times have changed back then, they have now too. God wouldn't be asking someone to sacrifice their child now. No1 sacrifices anything now.

Pre christ people would often sacrifice animals etc for god and this was accepted.

Think about what u ask b4 u ask it

2007-05-04 13:15:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yeah, that's a tough one, and I've never thought about it before, but I'm sure it's thrown some people off. The trouble is, today, whenever I (personally) hear of cases of parents killing their children, they usually don't say God told them to do it, and it isn't because their child is the one most important thing to them other than God. God despises child sacrifice (He says so three times in Jeremiah).

However, I must point out one BIG difference between the two circumstances-- I'm pretty sure all the cases I (personally) have heard of have ended up in the death of at least one child. God stopped Abraham before he actually killed his son. He was testing Abraham' faithfulness, not telling him to throw away his child's life.

"Some zealots might even proclaim it a victory for religion and follow his example, some might even get extremely angry with the police for locking up such great man and call them poofie names such as atheists or non beleivers but such are our times."

In response to this, I don't exactly think that would happen (not where I'm at, anyway). The only thing along these lines that I could think of are people who say the parent shouldn't get the blame because he/she's mentally ill and blaming him/her is wrong, but I'm not saying it couldn't happen.

Hope this answers your question...

Edit: read some of the answers and decided to add some:

Evilbunnyhahaha, God does love everyone and wishes that all should come to know Him, but He is perfect and tries the best He possibly can to prevent us from coming to harm. NOWHERE in the Bible does it say God hates gays, He just outlines homosexuality as a sin. I personally believe that God just tries to prevent us from coming to physical and emotional harm for the way He created us, because gay isn't natural for the body. Anyway, I'm not trying to start anything, just trying to give answers the best I know. Some of that is opinion, k?

Yes, the whole thing's hard to understand. I don't come near to having all the answers, but the point is not to question the way things are (you don't hear of physicists complaining about the laws of gravity and inertia or such), but to realize the way things are and align to them. If you know about a court date, do you ignore it? The same applies to judgement day-- if you know about it, don't ignore it.

All you others correcting this person on the minor details-- that's not answering the question. I don't expect everyone to be a Pharisee and have the entire Old Testament memorized...

Sure, I sound like a lunatic, but I for one know God is true. He's proved it to me over and over and over again, and affirms His presence everyday for me. The more I hear and know and learn, the less I have room for doubt. To me, it only makes it unmistakably clear that there is a God and the Bible is the way to knowing Him.

2007-05-04 13:23:05 · answer #4 · answered by faith.angel07 1 · 1 0

first off, i can tell that you actually read the bible- considering it was actually abraham who was told by God to do this.
Second- God tested Abraham, when God told Abraham to do this, God had no plan for Abraham to actually kill his son. God is bigger and stronger than that. So i think that if a priest told the world that God told him he should kill his son, he obviously doesn't listen to my God. This was a test for abraham because Isaac, his son, was blessed by God, Isaac, was Abraham's i guess you could say "favorite" son, therefore it was extremely hard for Abraham to do this. Abraham had trust that God knew what he was doing, and no matter what He would be in control. There were punishments for murder back then too.

2007-05-04 13:16:47 · answer #5 · answered by catchingfreak51 3 · 0 0

That was Abraham, not Moses. And God didn't allow him to go through with it. It foreshadowed when God's own son would be a sacrifice to cover the sins of humanity.

2007-05-04 13:10:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

that weren't moses that was abraham werent it? bibles FULL of crap (sorry, cnt find a better word) like that. "God loves everyone" and in the next page "god hates gays!!" ooooooooooook....n if god loved us all, why would 'judgement day' happen? why would only a select few be sent to heven n the rest of us buggers burn in hell? dnt sound like love to me....

and YOU sound a bit potty...u wana "talk to people in my head" and then write abt 'sacraificing my family taratino style" well...all i can say is im bloody glad i aint in ur family!!

2007-05-04 13:15:06 · answer #7 · answered by evilbunnyhahaha 4 · 1 0

The local priest will never do that because of our sinful and doubtful nature we are hardly receptive to the small voice

2007-05-04 13:32:28 · answer #8 · answered by Esther smily 1 · 0 0

Actually in the original version Abram makes a rash promise to sacrifice his only son. God gets him out of it by offering him a ram in his place. A similar theme is (accurately) reflected in the Qu'ran.

2007-05-04 13:26:15 · answer #9 · answered by troothskr 4 · 0 2

Honey, you need to go back and reread your bible, it was Abraham that God told to kill his son, not Moses. And I'm not even Christian.

2007-05-04 13:10:59 · answer #10 · answered by meg3f 5 · 3 0

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