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Peace and Love

2007-05-04 11:19:09 · 8 answers · asked by digilook 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

8 answers

Attachments vs Love.

Here's an example of Love (and not Attachment): On the day we were to travel to the temple to get married, I suddenly told my fiance, "I can't do it! I'm sorry, but I can't marry you." He calmly and kindly looked at me and said, "Well, whatever you choose, just know that I'll always love you."

Ahhh. What a man. (He's my husband now.)

I guess when one is truly full of love, one doesn't need anything else.... hence, being independent of attachments.

Faith is another thing that aids in this: Vinslave (and some other insightful people) gave me an answer to one of my questions (regarding preparedness)... basically just to trust that everything will be ok (of course I haven't worded it so eloquently)... With trust that everything will be ok, we no longer have an emotional need for all those posessions (even if we still keep them).

2007-05-04 12:07:30 · answer #1 · answered by MumOf5 6 · 0 0

the first thing we must realize is the impermanence of everything.nothing remains the same.therefore if nothing remains the same,nothing will last either.this brings about that death and other sorts of losses are inevitable.

if so,attachment will only result in pain and sorrow.this does NOT mean hating people or not caring.all this means is while being kind and compassionate to living creatures and acting with awareness and discipline regarding all matters,don't be too "attached",because there's no point.


2007-05-04 11:28:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

There are already some great answers. All I can add is that non attachment is simply not being emotionally attached to outcome.

Live, love, enjoy, appreciate, value everything as a sacred expression of divinity flowing through your life, but honor it by allowing it to flow in whichever direction it must.


2007-05-04 16:14:41 · answer #3 · answered by philmeta11 3 · 1 0

I have never understood this Digilook. I read what is said about it. I have thought about it over the years, It is still unclear to me.

Everything which binds me, is part of me; my love for my child, my love of life, the satisfaction that painting brings. To let go of these things would be like cutting away a part of me. I do not understand how to, or even why it would be proper to do so.

2007-05-05 01:19:51 · answer #4 · answered by Herodotus 7 · 0 0

Non-attachment is about not clinging hard to things you believe bring you happiness, when they're really impermanent and at some point they will disappoint you somehow, or cause you some "suffering". It doesn't mean not having things, or denying one's self, it just means not being over-clingy.

edit/addition: and I, sincerely, thank you for reminding me of this in a dark moment.


2007-05-04 11:24:15 · answer #5 · answered by vinslave 7 · 3 0

To become a truly 'big' (developed) person.

Liberated in mind, in the right way.

Strong in character.



2007-05-05 10:59:58 · answer #6 · answered by goodfella 5 · 0 0

it is the notion of forgetting the self to actualize. the things that surround you are often made to define you by the assertion of the ego. attachments keep you grounded in falsehoods.

2007-05-04 11:23:21 · answer #7 · answered by bluebear 3 · 3 0

Freedom! ~ : )

2007-05-04 13:31:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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