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Really, I hear all the time about how EVERYONE has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, that God loves EVERYONE. Yet Christians seem more, to put it mildly, concerned with what gay people are doing.

2007-05-04 11:14:44 · 39 answers · asked by thesaintofelsewhere 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

What do I mean by target?

Are you kidding me?

I mean the floods of pamphlets, books, sermons, and talk radio, as well as programs and re-education centers. There's none of that for "liars" or "cheaters".

2007-05-04 11:46:41 · update #1

39 answers

Nobody is targeting gays. Gays have an agenda that is attempting to destroy not only the family unit, but this entire Country.
Put God totally aside, and just look at mother nature. I assume you believe in nature, don't you? The trees, the flowers,
the animals, the pretty sunsets?
Gays have taken the circle of life and rearranged it into a straight line. A line that ends. Why would you think that nature would condone the extinction of the human race?
This gay agenda is moving forward so rapidly, and so seriously denying the rights of every other human being EXCEPT GAYS that I am quite confident that this world could not possibly continue too much longer without the direct, divine intervention of God himself.
Christians wouldn't care or even know what gays were doing, except THAT ITS GAYS WHO PARADE DOWN THE CENTER OF PUBLIC HIGHWAYS; TWO HAIRY MEN IN PINK BABYDOLL NIGHTIES KISSING AND FONDLING EACH OTHER WHEN EVER THEY NOTICE A CAMERA ON THEM; THERE THEY GO ON A PARADE FLOAT - and you people yell that the Bible may be a bit too sexual for children? Ha-

Sodom and Gomorrah look like sunday school class compared to what you have been doing in our Cities of today. Yes, all have fallen short of the glory of God, and that is why Christ died on that cross - an awful price to pay, and you mock the very blood of Christ when you take your sin and instead of repenting of it, push it right into Gods face in His very own Houses of Worship. How dare you. You have no self-control, no self-disipline; you are ruled by any tickle in your panties, and cannot control yourselves. You are incompetent to choose a mate, and incompetent to make a rational decision.
Whats next, now that you people are getting your way by the recent law that just passed saying gay men can now wear dresses, high heels and makeup to work? Yep, just passed yesterday. Its law, now. Are you happy? Well the gays aren't. NO WAY.
No, its not good enough that its now law in the United States of America, that if you
work at a job where you would shower and change - gay men are now allowed to shower with the women. Where are the womens rights?
Gays want to pass bill HR1592 which states that they have elevated status in society; its already passed on the state level in my state of Pennsylvania. Two 75 year old women face 47 yrs. in prison for doing what they've done outside their church in PHilaelphia for 30 years; they hand out little Bible pamphlets and say "Have a God filled day", or "God Bless You". What harm is there in that? Well, they were handcuffed and thrown into County Prison in general population for a "hate crime"; the same crime as if those two ladies beat up and hospitalized a person. Same exact crime. Where are the rights of the elderly? The rights of freedom of religion? The right of freedom of speech?
Oh, those rights are still there - IF YOU'RE GAY.
So some members of Congress suggested that if this "hate crimes" bill HR1592 is to be passed, we would have to write into it that the same elevated protection against hate crimes will be for the disabled/handicapped, and the elderly who are constantly attacked. The lobbyists for the gay folks said "NO WAY" They would not include any other people, not even military or police personnel on the bill; only homosexuals should be elevated status and their lives should be worth more than anyone else's. If that bill passes, it means that Pastors and priests will be arrested;
it means no more freedom of religion or speech; you must allow any employees to dress as a female; you are forced to print gay materials if you own a printing company, or you will be arrested and charged with a hate crime. The schools must teach the wonderful lifestyle of the man who enjoys putting another mans penis in his mouth, to your FIRST GRADERS.
Parents who do not teach their children that they can be gay if they want, and even encourage the gay lifestyle, can have their children taken from them, and arrested for a hate crime. Oh yeah, you gays are wonderful people, thats obvious. Targeted? Any targeting you bring on yourselves by actively denying all others rights. You aren't special; you are a bunch of sickos. Do you think I actually give a damn what nasty thing you do in your own bedroom? I wouldn't even know except you gays won't shut up about "your LOVE".

God help any of you who attempt to approach my little boy; God help the teacher who teaches gay crap to my little boy. HE'S A BOY, AND I'M RAISING HIM AS A BOY, NOT A DAMN HE/SHE,

I am so damned tired of your gay agenda;
you wanna be gay? Go the hell out and be gay. But thats not good enough for you is it? NO, you have to hurt everyone else so that you can have that penis in your mouth.
Sounds so vulgar, huh? Well lets call a spade a spade. Thats what you want everyone to condone.
When Christ returns, he's bringing a big iron rod, and you will learn disipline for a change.

2007-05-04 11:42:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I don't think that is true.

I think the subject comes up too much by those opposing Christianity and sodomites who themselves push their agenda forward publicly, and force society to accept them, like wanting to get married to each other, adopting kids, having a wedding at Disney World, or having the gay pride parades in Washington, DC and San Francisco. They know it is an unnatural lifestyle by society standards but want to legitimize it.

Sodomites have been around a long time and you didn't hear a whole lot of Christians bashing them until what I mentioned above. I personally don't bash anyone, I just tell the truth, if asked. Liberals lie, and don't really care about people.

It could be any group of people, much like the Mustang Saloon in Nevada for the prostitutes to legalize prostitution. Or if the peeping Toms or pedophiles in your neighborhood wanted to say that God made them that way and wanted to have a parade to celebrate their choice.

How do we as a society determine what will and will not be acceptable behavior? We basically get our Principles from the Scriptures. If you throw out the Scriptures as a guide, anything goes. Is this a better world for your children? Is this what you call being enlightened?

The world picks and chooses too.

2007-05-04 11:34:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Yes you are, God is just in that He treats all sin the same. There is no "good" sin. I find that an easy concept to get and follow, knowing that because of the shed blood of Christ that I a lowly sinner has been made righteous with God. Every sin harms someone in some way whether you want to believe that or not.

2016-05-20 22:15:36 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

God hates sin, but does love the sinner....enough to tell all sinners that they need to repent (turn away) from their sins and put their trust in Jesus.
Homosexuality in God's eyes is an abomination, you can find that in the Bible. Christian's don't hate Gay's, we just don't want to see them, or any sinners, end up in hell. God will judge and punish all sin, where ever it is found on judgment day. He is a Holy and Just God and clearly tells all of humanity that we must live by his standard, which is the 10 Commandments, because no liar, thief, rapist, murderer, fornicator, adulterer, homosexual, blasphemer will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
God gave all humanity the free will to choose their destiny, Heaven or Hell, and He clearly wants us all to choose life and Heaven.
Christians are simply the messengers for his Word and we are to preach this message to the world. It is not because we are self righteous, but because once being sinners ourselves we want those still lost to see the light of God's love and to let you know that if you don't repent of your sins and follow Jesus you are most definately going to end up in Hell, and we don't want you or anyone to go there.
Regardless of being gay, gay people lie, steal, cheat, and transgress the rest of the commandments, as much as anyone else, so they are already condemned.
To better and more fully understand the serioiusness of transgressing the 10 commandments go to 'The Way of the Master.com' website and take the good person test; see if you are as good as you think you are and see what God's Law is really about.

2007-05-04 11:37:20 · answer #4 · answered by Kelly W 2 · 2 1

Well, homosexuality is simply more distasteful in the eyes of many straight people...Christian or not. You can "know" that all sinners are equal yet find different levels of distaste in each individual sin. Because we are human.

God hates a lie, for example. Does that mean that I equate a killer with a liar by my own system of tolerance? Of course not. I'd rather someone lie to my mother than kill her. God, however, is not burdened by emotional dependance on individuals like we are.

And yes, God loves everyone. But He does not forgive where forgiveness has not been asked.

2007-05-04 11:19:34 · answer #5 · answered by zombiehive 4 · 3 0

Christians do not "target" gays, but they do target "sin". If you understand the Bible. It is all repentant sinners are equal in the eyes of God. The unrepentant sinner is under the wrath of God. Repentant which means one does not practice this sin any more. Christians speak of what the Bible declare as sin so people may repent from them and no longer be under the wrath of God. This is a simple explanation not an exegesis.

2007-05-04 11:24:29 · answer #6 · answered by vi 2 · 3 0

What do you mean by "target". If you mean attack verbally, or physically that is not inherent to Christians anybody who is full of hate or ignorance will do that. To claim this means you are an imbecile who can't argue a point to solve your live. If you that they speak out and call homosexuality a sin...well get over it! First of all it's their right in this country to believe anything they want. Second it's what the Bible/Torah says which means it's G-D's law. Nobody should compromise their beliefs because the masses have shifted in their opinion. And if bleeding heart liberals are so for "free speech" and being "anything" you want to be..leave the Christians alone and let them be what they want to be.

2007-05-04 11:23:27 · answer #7 · answered by Steven I 2 · 1 1

Hmmmm. Perhaps it is because society at large has deemed it to be just an alternative lifestyle, that some Christians want the truth to be told in such a bold unabashed manner, that many who are ultra-sensitive take offense at it. I am a Christian, and I am all for people making their own choices, but at the end of the day, I agree that it is a sin, but also sex before you get married is also sinful. So, we all have crosses to bear.

2007-05-04 11:21:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I've seen some people on here say the gays advocate for their sin. Well, I have seen hermaphrodites, gays and transgendered people really try to "make it" in a "righteous" society and it is very difficult for them... not to say that some people don't CHOOSE a gay lifestyle, because sadly... many people think this is a choice. Anyway, I've many of these type of people really try to change and/or heal. I thank G-d for my "intersexed" friend ("she" was born with both male and female organs) but because "she" felt so misunderstood by so many, "she" felt she had to move away to where there's a large gay community. Most children (at least now days) are "switched" although sometimes imperfectly when someone like her is born, because she for one, still had something male (a testicle) that the doctors missed. It decended when reaching puberty. I have alot of admiration for these types of people. They TRY to change... and BE more of one sex than the other... you think that's confusing? Imagine how THEY feel. some just get fed up and give up... some keep trying. G-d help us not to make it harder for them, especially those who proclaim Christ-likeness.

2007-05-04 11:56:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

So...let's see, you are targetting gays and Christians...where does that leave you?

Personally, as a Christian, I believe we are meant to live peacefully with others, and NOT to judge them. That goes for everyone. I cannot judge what is anyone else's sin, since I know that as a human, I am not free from sin. Jesus told the people.. "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37
John 8:4 and said to Jesus, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery.
5 In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?"
6 They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger.
7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."
8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there.
10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?"
11 "No one, sir," she said. "Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."
12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

2007-05-04 11:47:45 · answer #10 · answered by guppy137 4 · 0 0

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