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Why is it the message of salvation so complicated in the Holy Scripture?

According to the Church of Rome, Christ did not accomplish a full, finished and completed salvation in his work of atonement.

"When Jesus had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he gave up the ghost." - John 19:30

"It is finished." Do those blessed words signify that Christ so satisfied the requirement of God’s holiness that holiness no longer has any real and pressing claims upon us?

If you value your soul, search the Scriptures to see for yourself; take no man’s word for it.

2007-05-04 11:10:10 · 17 answers · asked by House Speaker 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Pastor Bill,

You asking me, "How many churches in your opinion did Jesus create?"

Jesus said, "I will build my church" (Mtt 16:18). "Not Churches" It just a single church.

Look here,

Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and the Oriental Orthodox Church are all described as episcopal churches. Jesus built his church not of wood and stone, but of people. Oops, Peter was one of them.

2007-05-04 11:36:15 · update #1

17 answers

The RCC teaches that you must fulfill the sacraments, do enough good works, accept God's grace and have faith to go to heaven. Then, they turn around after someone's death and tell the family they have to pay to get that person's soul out of purgatory... interesting!

The RCC completely ignores the true, literal meaning of Romans chapter 3 and 4; Galatians 2:16,21; Titus 3:5; and several others.

2007-05-08 03:36:21 · answer #1 · answered by ? 3 · 1 0

*Is Catholic*

There is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church. This is a dogmatic teaching of the Catholic Church and Catholics are bound to believe this. The modern Catholic Church does teach this. It is very frustrating when Catholics say that is not true.

Here are some modern documents to read on this matter.
Vatican II Lumen Gentium 14-16
Dominus Iesus

You can read the historical pronouncements in THE CHRISTIAN FAITH: In the Doctrinal Documents of the Catholic Church by Dupuis.

The Catholic Church teaches that
1. The Catholic Church is the Ark outside of which no one at all is saved.
2. One enters into the Catholic Church by baptism, which may be by water blood or desire.
3. Religious Truth exists outside of the Church, but these exist as preparation for the Gospel and entrance into the Catholic Church.
4. No organization besides the Catholic Church brings about salvation. They may have elements that help in salvation, but those organizations are not by themselves salvific.
5. Much of the time, other religions have exchanged the truth of God for a lie and have followed demons (read Lumen Gentium 16)
6. An individual is not punished for not entering the Catholic Church or knowing Christ if they did not have the capability for knowing these things or did not have the reasonable expectation for finding out the truth. All people are obliged however to find and seek the truth.
7. An individual who dies before entering the Church MAY be saved if the individual was inculpable for not knowing Christ or the Church, tried to do Gods will to the best of their knowledge, and they had an implicit desire to enter the Church and know Christ and this implicit desire must be informed by God's grace.

It is also quite the lie that you would say that the Catholic Church doesn't teach that Christ fully accomplished the work of salvation on the Cross.

One must however come to Christ and that place where we come is the Catholic Church. Read your scriptures, may God open them to you.

Remember God who created thee without thee will not save thee without thee.

Read Ratzingers Called to Communion and Principles of Catholic THeology:Building Stones for a Fundamental Theology

2007-05-05 14:32:29 · answer #2 · answered by Liet Kynes 5 · 0 2

The way I see it, the Catholic Church sees herself as the vehicle which brings the salvation of Christ the Head through His Body, the Church. This does NOT mean that only Catholics are saved.

We believe that all people baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are united to the Church, whether they realize it or acknowledge it themselves.

Pope Benedict XVI, as then-Cardinal Ratzinger, stated that "As Christians we share a common baptism, and the Catholic Church believes that this brings us all into a real, if imperfect communion. This was made clear by the documents of the Second Vatican Council where it said that other Christians 'with good reason are accepted as our brothers and sisters.'"

So don't let anyone tell you that the Catholic Church teaches that the only way to heaven is to be Catholic. Ironically enough, many of those that we consider to be our brothers and sisters in Christ don't even recognize us as Christians.

I pray for these people every day....


2007-05-04 20:43:24 · answer #3 · answered by Chiquita 1 · 1 1

>>According to the Church of Rome, Christ did not accomplish a full, finished and completed salvation in his work of atonement.<<

Stop bearing false witness against the Catholic Church!!!

What the Church teaches can be found in the Catechism. The emphasis is mine. I left in the footnote numbers. Number 463 is none other than John 19:30!

624 "By the grace of God" Jesus tasted death "for every one".459 In his plan of salvation, God ordained that his Son should not only "die for our sins"460 but should also "taste death", experience the condition of death, the separation of his soul from his body, between the time he expired on the cross and the time he was raised from the dead. The state of the dead Christ is the mystery of the tomb and the descent into hell. It is the mystery of Holy Saturday, when Christ, lying in the tomb,461 reveals God's great sabbath rest462 after THE FULFILLMENT463 OF MAN'S SALVATION, which brings peace to the whole universe.464

2007-05-04 18:24:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Catholic Church teaches that non-Catholic Christians are also saved:

Furthermore, many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside the visible confines of the Catholic Church: the written Word of God; the life of grace; faith, hope, and charity, with the other interior gifts of the Holy Spirit, as well as visible elements.

Christ's Spirit uses these Churches and ecclesial communities as means of salvation, whose power derives from the fullness of grace and truth that Christ has entrusted to the Catholic Church.

All these blessings come from Christ and lead to him.
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What is the source for your claim that "According to the Church of Rome, Christ did not accomplish a full, finished and completed salvation in his work of atonement."? I do not believe this is official Church teaching. Thanks.

With love in Christ.

2007-05-05 00:02:06 · answer #5 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 0 2

The Catholic Church recognizes those not in perfect communion with the apostolic sucession. Check it out:

838 "The Church knows that she is joined in many ways to the baptized who are honored by the name of Christian, but do not profess the Catholic faith in its entirety or have not preserved unity or communion under the successor of Peter." Those "who believe in Christ and have been properly baptized are put in a certain, although imperfect, communion with the Catholic Church." With the Orthodox Churches, this communion is so profound "that it lacks little to attain the fullness that would permit a common celebration of the Lord's Eucharist."

2007-05-04 18:22:16 · answer #6 · answered by Giggly Giraffe 7 · 1 1

Not necessarily. The Catholic Church though is the Church founded by Christ and does have His teaching authority. If there is something about scripture that you don't understand the Church can help you. Probably a better place to start than YA.

Cheers :-)

2007-05-04 18:17:10 · answer #7 · answered by chekeir 6 · 4 1

Absolutely not. The Roman Catholic Church is NOT the church that Christ established. The church that Christ established is named after Him, it is His church and he is the head of it.

"Salute one another with an holy kiss. The churches of Christ salute you." Romans 16:16 The Church of Christ is still in existence today and meets every Sunday.

The Catholic Church was founded almost 600 years later and came out of the pagan Roman Empire.

Read the source for more info.

2007-05-04 21:47:25 · answer #8 · answered by TG 4 · 0 2

Pastor Billy says: you're on a tare this week HS. Listen padre oops you don't like the father word do you HS, okay listen brother How many churches in your opinion did Jesus create?

The mission of God's Church is to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people we are called to what Baptist's like to explain as the "great commission". It is not incorrect to say the Church co-operates in God's plan and therefore one can be saved through the intervention of the Church. This of course only affirms the glory of God as it is ultimately God's graces that makes all happen. The Church (however you've chosen to define it) is a precursor of the kingdom that is why we are called to be one, that is also why there is but one remnant. I know of no Protestant denomination (Baptists included) who believe the remnant will be differing denominations. Therefore in reflecting upon antiquity and focusing on endtimes one naturally acknowledges one Church in which we will all belong, in which Christians are guided to the fullness of truth and in which we will be saved because once we arrive in the kingdom we are... saved

2007-05-04 18:22:01 · answer #9 · answered by Pastor Billy 5 · 1 2

There is a fascinating mentality at work here.

House Speaker appears to have justification for debunking the validity of the Catholic Church, among other Christian denominations.

However, he wraps up his pontification with, "If you value your soul, search the Scriptures to see for yourself; take no man’s word for it."

House Speaker, are we supposed to heed your council and take your advice, or "take no man's word for it"? House Speaker, you are contradicting yourself, almost like a real House Speaker!

That's why I like Catholicism. Properly instructed Catholics don't contradict themselves like this.

Don't try so hard next time, House Speaker.

2007-05-07 13:43:33 · answer #10 · answered by Daver 7 · 0 0

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