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thanks for answering my other Q.
Anyway,having read your answers,
#dosent that worry you christians,if maybe a verse you maybe reading,a false verse,maybe from the devil,or a lier that changed Gods words of truth?
I mean,a person that wants to follow the straight path,a believing person in God,must follow the truth
# Dont you ever ask yourselfs,that you may have been lead astray,and you want to find a holy book that has never been tampered with?

2007-05-04 10:25:21 · 19 answers · asked by Jo 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

so many versions, edits, deletions, additions its simply shocking people can with a straight face call Bible the uncorrupted word of God. very short list here of some common versions http://www.mtholyoke.edu/lits/library/guides/biblver.htm
new political correct version being written just now http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,2023998,00.html

2007-05-04 10:28:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 5

i like to use the analogy of Shakespeare. Over 500 years, not a word has changed, aficionados will lovingly remember each word by heart and lovingly copy his plays without a thought of maybe the end copy is full of errors. No one doubts that Hamlet is not the original preserved over 500 years. why not the bible, a book revered more deeply than any other. Copied over 100's of years by dedicated monks who adored Gods word, each word painstakingly copied.
ok so it changed language from Aramaic to Greek to Latin and finally to english and there was a worry about the accuracy of the scriptures. But Archeologists found the dead sea scrolls many dated to 300 years before christ and upon translating them bible scholars were amazed at how little the original text has changed in 2400 years. Proof of it truly being gods word and now translated into 100's of languages to ensure everyone can read his word. I agree in some instances such as with Jeromes Latin Vulgate certain translations were made in which the bible made to match catholic creeds, but after a retranslation from the original Aramaic scrolls and the Greek Septuagint many of these spurious texts were eliminated. Gods word is truly alive and exerts power

2007-05-04 17:42:30 · answer #2 · answered by Vengeance_is_mine 3 · 2 0

The original writing of the Bible is the genuinely inspired Word of God. Personally I believe that some things have been 'lost in translation' and it is easy to see there are several 'different' translations. Yet I follow the Bible with all my heart... Why?

Because they all say the same thing [And the 5000 ancient ancient copies agree]; Jesus Christ is Lord, he died for our sins and rose on the third day. The Bible is the true, inerrant word of God. Think of it this way:

If I tell you to, "Go now and shut the door, because it is freezing" would it not SAY the same thing to say, "Go now and close the door, because it is cold." Same exact message.

When there are several thousand more differences between one language and another [lets say greek and English] that both have culture deeply rooted in the language there are several ways to translate it all being correct.

Do a little research on textual criticism and you will see how little such 'tampering' matter and how there is nothing that changes the most basic doctrinal beliefs of Christians. Seriously, check it out.

2007-05-04 17:36:51 · answer #3 · answered by Missionary Kid 2 · 1 1

Even IF that were true, it wouldn't matter because as is stated in 1Tim.3 [15] if I am delayed, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and bulwark of the truth.

The Church, not the Bible, is the 'pillar and bulwark' of truth. Anyway, the changes you see probably have more to do with translation for better understanding as opposed to different meaning.

Cheers :-)

2007-05-04 17:39:57 · answer #4 · answered by chekeir 6 · 1 0

the bible is the infallible and inerrant word of god. the one guy who said the catholics burnt editions........the catholic church got rid of heretical versions of the bible so they wouldn't corrupt the faithful. you can find more about this and other protestant propaganda from www.catholiceducation.org it also gets rid of the false concept of the inquisitions amongst others. the catholic church was the first christian church that protected and safeguarded the bible from the beginning. i suggest trying to find the writings of the early church fathers,some can be found at www.scripturecatholic.com
i am not concerned or worried about corrupt versions,i believe in the truth of the holy roman catholic church, the church that gave us the bible and preserved it for future generations.

2007-05-04 17:40:13 · answer #5 · answered by fenian1916 5 · 1 0

First of all hon, the devil was a manufactured product during the Middle Ages to absolve personal responsibility. Yes, there is evil, but it is not the devil. Evil personified doesn't exist.

Most of what religions seem to be about is control and controlling others. Many seem to never have read the New Testament when compared to how they treat others. So, your question is unanswerable. If you believe in God, then God holds the truth. Jesus supposedly spoke for God and said to "Treat others as you wish to be treated." Not a difficult concept. Even if you only read what Jesus purportedly said, virtually all of that is consistent.

2007-05-04 17:32:20 · answer #6 · answered by CarbonDated 7 · 0 3

cant they back track it to the original version ?

if some part were changed then they should know what the change was and how the previous version was ? or is it so that this 98%is an estimate and that they are not sure what parts are changed ? and that 2 % of the bible is intact ?

2007-05-04 17:33:01 · answer #7 · answered by gjmb1960 7 · 0 1

They just don't think about it. They'd rather drink the baby's dirty bathwater than take the baby out of the tub.

All they have to do is research the history from a non-christian source. But they're afraid to do that. They don't realize they're part of the largest cult on the planet.

Jesus' true teachings are recoverable, but only if they actually seek the truth about their religion.

2007-05-04 17:32:45 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

No, I trust in God to preserve His word. He's fully able to do so.

If you're talking about the so-called "holy" Quran, Muhammad was NOT a prophet. He was a liar, schemer, robber, murderer, and child-raper. He was visited by a demon, or by Satan himself, masquerading as the angel Gabriel. The demon successfully deceived Muhammad and gave him what he called the Holy Quran. That demon, by using Muhammad and the Quran as his tools, is reaping a huge harvest of the souls of Muslims. God foresaw that Satan would deceive Muhammad, and He gave us a stern warning against the deceiver. As the apostle Paul wrote to the Christian church in Galatia, long BEFORE Muhammad,
"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!"--Holy Bible, Galatians 1:8 (NIV)

Muslims are deluded that violence, slaughter, oppression, and terror are to be used in serving God. How ironic and tragic it is that the word "Muslim" means "one who submits to God," when actually, Islam compels Muslims to fight against the true God!

The true God has no use for Islam and its evil ways, or for the false prophet Muhammad.

2007-05-04 17:35:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I think a lot of spirituality if following what you know in your heart is right. I strongly believe that the bible has been tampered with. I know it's an ugly thought but people do stupid things.

2007-05-04 17:29:35 · answer #10 · answered by hplssrmntc313 2 · 2 2

A book that needs to be changed to fit modern day is not the word of god to start with.

2007-05-04 17:46:40 · answer #11 · answered by Haji 3 · 1 1

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