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1) Can't they come up with any new ones?
2) Why do atheists who whine about Christians cutting and pasting remain silent when fellow atheists do the same?
3) Aren't they being as much sheep as they claim that Christians are if they blindly accept someone telling them that they are contradictions without researching them themselves?
4) Have they not heard of "search engines" and "the Internet" which make research easily available?
5) If they must repeat these lists ad nauseum, can't they at least show why they think attempts to reconcile the alleged contradictions are invalid?
6) Do they really think that many of us Christians haven't already seen such lists and don't greet the millionth or so reiteration with anything but boredom?
7) Are they really trying to search for the truth or are they merely trying to score cheap debating points?

2007-05-04 10:17:23 · 13 answers · asked by Deof Movestofca 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

"Do you feel better now?"

The only thing that would make me feel even better is if you answered the questions.

2007-05-04 13:51:48 · update #1

"Rabid atheists and Fundamentalist Christians are the two groups that cause the most turmoil on this board."

I don't mind turmoil, as long as its halfway INTELLIGENT turmoil.

2007-05-04 13:55:11 · update #2

"question is, how come u cant refute half of them?"
I have yet to see a single alleged contradiction that that I haven't refuted at one time or another and a refutation can't be found for by perhaps 5 minutes of research on the web.

"a REAL answer, not 'out of context'."
In that case, Darwin thought that "[t]o suppose that the eye... could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree." Or does context only matter when we're talking about Darwin, but not the bible, in which case you'd be guilty of special pleading? The fact of the matter is that you use context to determine what people really meant (unless you're obtuse to the extreme) probably every single day.

2007-05-04 14:18:30 · update #3

"The fallacy here is in assuming that the contradictions have been long refuted, it's begging the question."
It's no more a fallacy than to assume that they're contradictions just because skeptics claim they are.

"(even though psychologically a fragile explanation will be seen as strong by someone who agrees with it)"
Just like psychologically a fragile alleged contradiction will be seen as strong by someone who agrees with it. What does that prove other than I can play the psychological card just as well as you can?

"There are some things that just can't be adequately reconciled - certainly not without wearing blinders of faith."
More amateur psychology.

"Thing is, the contradictions in the bible have never been conclusively refuted."
Or... maybe skeptics simply refuse to see that they have.

2007-05-04 15:16:24 · update #4

"That's why there are countless books on the subject, a variety of different explanations for each contradiction, a number of other arguments, and so on."
All it takes is for one of the explanations to be correct for an alleged contradiction to be refuted. And though we can't always be certain which of several explanations is correct doesn't mean that none of them are.

2007-05-04 15:20:21 · update #5

13 answers

Rabid atheists and Fundamentalist Christians are the two groups that cause the most turmoil on this board. Sad but true.

2007-05-04 10:23:52 · answer #1 · answered by I'm Still Here 5 · 1 2

The fallacy here is in assuming that the contradictions have been long refuted, it's begging the question.

There are apologists and theologians trying to come to terms with some of the contradictions and they offer explanations that make sense to believers (even though psychologically a fragile explanation will be seen as strong by someone who agrees with it). However these explanations are often stretches, are logically depraved, or they fail entirely in the face of reality and history. There are some things that just can't be adequately reconciled - certainly not without wearing blinders of faith.

Thing is, the contradictions in the bible have never been conclusively refuted. That's why there are countless books on the subject, a variety of different explanations for each contradiction, a number of other arguments, and so on. They are still very much debated and argued, even by the most prestigious theologians.

2007-05-04 10:29:47 · answer #2 · answered by Mike K 5 · 2 1

Christianity has never been a debatable subject since it is based in facts rhat cannot be proven. The Christians sees the "word" of God as being 100% truth and since this religion requires blind faith to be followed then it is a no-brainer to the Christian. They are right, you are wrong.

As a non-Christian I reserve the right to be able to claim the same rights to my religion, but you see time after time Christians bashing Pagans and Wiccan. So my statement goes like this: Christians if you do not want people to condemn your religion and fight with you, then you have to stop discriminating against other religions or philosophical veiws.

Religion is not debatable! And everyone should have the same right to their religion. It is a case of equal rights, or no rights. Each religion has to make a choice.

2007-05-04 10:50:11 · answer #3 · answered by humanrayc 4 · 2 0

We would, but the bible stays the same, and the same contradictions are preached as non-contradictory. If you all change your bible so that each individual person that reads it doesn't come across the same contradictions, then people will stop posting the contradictions.

Just because someone says that 'THOU SHALL NOT KILL' and 'KILL THE UNBELIEVER' aren't contradictory does not make it so. Just because some people agree that the sky is red at noon each day does not make it so. In other words, denial is not a solution.

If you want people to stop posting your contradictions, CHANGE YOUR BOOK SO THAT THERE ARE NO CONTRADICTIONS. Trust me, your religion would be a lot better without them.

2007-05-04 10:26:00 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Are you operating on the assumption that skeptics and atheists are the same?

Please examine whether your point number 7 is applicable to your post.

2007-05-04 10:35:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

the difference is those skeptics who do it,do it to point out the contradictions that they think are there,whereas christians copy and paste even when someone asks a Q that doesn't REQUIRE quotes and then think that they've answered the Q when they haven't even remotely come close!

2007-05-04 10:25:50 · answer #6 · answered by Annie 1 · 2 1

Because people like you never address them. They just state their, unsuported, superiority and move on. Yo never address the contradictions exept to say that tye are wrong. Your saying that does not make it so, except if you are a christian and they you accept that all along.

2007-05-04 10:29:02 · answer #7 · answered by bocasbeachbum 6 · 1 1

They are trying to debate: They think they are smarter or have more logic.

They are still here, In this religion section, because they haven't won yet.

That would be my opinion.

They may say they are here for "fun"

I can smell right through that bull...

They think they might disprove god to everyone.

They are in the wrong profession. Stick too their day jobs.

2007-05-04 10:23:01 · answer #8 · answered by chersa 4 · 1 2

One side's as bad as the other. Why the hell people can't use links if they're going to post something wordy is beyond me.

2007-05-04 10:22:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

you will have to email each poster who posts these questions on a individual basis, and ask them these exact questions, if they do not have email, move on to the next one.

2007-05-04 10:22:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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